Wednesday, March 11, 2020

It's really sad that none of the news services have "gotten" what is going on in the Democratic Party primaries.. It's not about "electing" Obiden, it's about "rejecting" Bernie. If Creepy Joe makes it to the November election still leading the Democratic Party ticket is not even a certainty (remember McGovern's 1st running mate, Thomas Eagleton?) ... not when he continues to call out.. and cuss out... individual voters earlier Obiden called a woman a "lying, dog-faced pony soldier" and this week he told a Michigan voter he was "full of bull sh*t" and a "horse's ass". Obviously Creepy Joe has failed Political Charm School.
Seems most polls show that Democrat voters feel it's important for a Democrat to win the presidency.. maybe it's time for Democrat voters to start sending better qualified people to Washington.. I cannot remember any Democrat since Kennedy that I would even consider vetting?
You know what's really suspect... even with all the candidates but Obiden, Bernie and Tulsi Gabbard out of the running, Obama still has not endorsed Obiden. Like I said.. Obiden is not a certainty to head the Democratic Party ticket in November..
Interesting... You know what... Obiden actually got a lower percent of Mississippi voters than Hellary got in 2016.
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer headline/story: "Columbus Council decides to ‘back away’ for now on buying historic Liberty Theatre * District 3 Councilor Bruce Huff requested the delay, and said that since a February 25 council meeting where the council had discussed obtaining the theater, he had received calls from “new players” who were interested in obtaining, revitalizing and running the Liberty." -- Whew! Not only is it nice.. good to know that the private sector is interested in being involved, but it also recognizes that asking the City to maintain .. and take care .. of a public asset is folly.
HuffPOOPOO "poop" - Online headline: "House Democrats can see secret Mueller grand jury testimony, appeals court rules" -- "secret Mueller Grand Jury testimony"? Just House Democrats? Something stinky has turned even more rancid..
From the "wait a minute! This changes everything!" department - HuffPOOPOO "poop" - Headline/story: "Bloomberg aides say campaign not following through on employment promises * Staffers for Mike Bloomberg’s failed presidential campaign say they were laid off despite promises that they would be employed through the November election" -- Michael Bloomberg IS a DEMOCRAT! He just broke his promise! Now he's protected from Obiden's claim otherwise, so he can get back into the game!
Online headline: "Lawsuit seeks to require LA to provide beds for homeless" -- Obviously these folks are reading the Democratic Party's wishful Constitution, not the one our forefathers gave us.
Hmm... wow.. think about this.. as hard as it is to get tickets for the NCAA's March Madness Finals, think about how much money the "Scalpers" who have already bought out the seats will lose if the tournament games are played without fans in the arenas...
I am so glad Shepard Smith us no longer on Fox! Reporting on the Covid-19 by MSM-13 has been so slanted against President Trump and Smith would be even worse.
I think it's time to have a Constitutional Convention...Two subjects need to be voted on "by the people".. The first involves term more than 3 terms as a Representative nor more than 2 terms as a Senator, and no one gets a pension for elected public service. The second item needs to further address qualifications to run... citizenship, presenting a birth certificate before signing up for a primary, and all candidates must pass a comprehensive test on our Constitution with an "A+" score..and judges must do so before being nominated for a federal court job.
From the "what Folly!" department - Online headline: "Georgia Senate unanimously approves measure to ban lying" -- Good grief... "unanimous" means that about 21 of those votes were cast by Democrats who believe that if you believe.. a lie long enough it's the truth...

Our Columbus L-E is the pits! There were co-winners of the SEC men's basketball player of the year.. The L-E chose to run a picture of the one from Arkansas who was born in Texas when it could have run the picture of the Mississippi State player who is from Thomasville, GA.. Are the L-E Staff living off Ambien?

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