Friday, April 22, 2022

 Online headline: "Atlanta could get a new VA hospital, but it could take decades " -- Well, don't hold your breath! A new such clinic was completed last December here in Columbus, GA, was scheduled to open February, and now it's almost May and it's still not open... to boot, Resident Biden wants to pull and send Veteran Clinic doctors to the Southern Border to treat illegal aliens.

Online headline: "Georgia public universities eliminate per-semester special institutional fee " -- Great news! Now they need to end the "mandatory fee" that makes individuals using either loans or parents' funds pay for scholarships for other students!

From the "and I thought liberals wanted to separate the church and state" department - Online story: "Efforts to restrict voting rights in Georgia are gaining momentum after officials in Spalding County voted last week to eliminate early voting on Sundays. The decision “severely restricts an important voting option for all voters in Spalding County, but especially Black voters who have a historic community tradition called ‘Souls to the Polls’ to mobilize and vote on Sundays,” Aklima Khondoker of the voter advocate group New Georgia Project told CNN, adding that Black voters have long suffered from unequal ballot access in the county." -- Good grief! There are already mail-in options, and 17 days.. including 2 Saturdays.. of early voting, as well as the actually voting day.. there is no good reason to allow behind-church-door canvassing, nor any reason for County Voting Officials to have to work on Sundays!

Based on 2020's issues, having the sole Muscogee County ballot drop box located at the City Service Center is a good start to avoid "stuffing"... but will it be monitored and/or under video surveillance?

Online headline: "Georgia House District 132: Primary to decide race between two democratic candidates " -- Hmmm... one candidate is campaigning on the basis that Jefferson County doesn't have adequate broadband coverage in 90% of the county... whatta typical Democrat "promise"... a program already is in place to end that, and candidate Jerry Coulson won't have 1 thing to do with it...
Online headline/story: "Steep drop in Georgia voter registration numbers raises concerns * A change in a government website that used to make voter registration automatic in Georgia may have resulted in a sharp drop in people registering as they obtained driver’s licenses. * A review of data by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution found that the share of Georgians who registered through the state Department of Driver Services fell from 79% in 2020 to 39% last year. * Pictures of the department’s website show that before January 2021, drivers had to check a box to decline to register or update their voting information. But the website changed last year so that voters had to click “Yes” or “No” when asked if they wanted to register." -- Good grief! 7,000,000 mail-in ballot requests were sent out to all registered Georgians (wrongly, I should add) prior to the 2020 GA elections, and 5,000,000 ballots were cast for President. Mind you, in 2020, GA had 9.7 Million citizens This shows that over 70% of Georgians were registered and the 30% would include ineligible by age or lack of US citizenship people, so having a drop off in registrations IS NATURAL!

Online headline: "Opponents blast Rivian electric car plant at Georgia meeting" -- hey, Rivian... come on over to Columbus! Hey, Columbus Chamber of Commerce... get busy doing something GOOD for Columbus' future!

Limited voters have given the Mayor/City Manager their $400,000,000.00 SPLOST, but now a Columbus-only-taxpayer-funded-entity, the Chamber of Commerce, is actively campaigning to renew the 10 year T-SPLOST in the May election. First, why is the Chamber of Commerce allowed to campaign on a tax issue... especially one that only brings in 85 cents for every 1 dollar Columbus taxpayers pay in to it. Equally insulting is that when the SPLOST was discussed prior to the special election, one of the talking points from the City officials was that the new tax would be a wash if we voted against the T-SPLOST in May. Now, for all intents and purposes, the City is behind a taxpayer funded entity sending out select info in favor of the T-SPLOST.. We're already experiencing the 12.5% INFLATIONARY sales tax increase, but voting down the T-SPLOST issue will bring it back down.. If you have a candidate for a Council or Mayoral race who's against it, vote for that candidate. One other issue to really consider is that the 15-cents on the dollar Columbus taxpayers do not get goes to making surrounding counties more attractive to draw Columbusites out to live in these neighboring counties...

Online headline: "Congressman Sanford Bishop drops off generous check to Columbus’ Urban League* -- You know, when ever Bishop shows up with a taxpayer funded check, he acts like he's personally paid it out of his own pocket.... and it's usually during campaign season.

WTVM-TV9 headline: "Columbus Mayor Skip Henderson to host meet and greet Saturday" --
hmmm.... when did WTVM start giving free political ads for upcoming events? It's one thing to report on an event that's already happened... that's news.. but to spread the word on an upcoming event is an "ad".

From the "what happened to the "Do Not Feed The Bears" policy: Online headline: "Austin City Council postpones vote on $1.18M guaranteed income plan after council members raise questions * The plan would give $1,000 a month of taxpayer funds to 85 Austin households for one year" * If approved, Austin would partner with the non-profit UpTogether to dole out $1.18 million in taxpayer funds to 85 Austin households in $1,000 monthly increments with no strings attached. * The Austin City Council decided to postpone a vote on a $1.18 million guaranteed income plan after several members raised questions about the program and requested the delay." -- Good grief! And at the end of 12 months, the 85 "households" are shut off, and hungry again.. watch out for hungry bears that expect someone to feed them.

Have you ever wondered how liberals can so easily flip=flop on issues without skipping a beat.. All doing the Covid-19 pandemic, liberals have said over and over, "follow the science".. yet I can't remember one liberal ever saying "follow the science" in determining when a fetus becomes a living person and should be protected by man's and God's laws...

You know... when Democrats hand out "issue" signs to people, it conveys a message that may not be exactly what the Democrats meant to say:

Online headline of the day: "CNN+ streaming service to shut down after just one month * Parent company Warner Bros Discovery pulls plug on CNN's much-hyped new venture" -- Guess AT&T does want each division to be profitable.. and expecting people to voluntarily PAY for something that the "numbers" already show that CNN cannot pull an audience even giving away it's service was a joke.. CNN already gets more ad revenue from companies just "covering their bases" to appear concerned to avid, running amok, issue oriented factions...

Online headline: "Elon Musk confirmed on Thursday that the first thing he is going to do after winning the bid is eliminating the spam bots from Twitter." -- Hmm.. eliminating the "spam bots" will definitely make using Twitter a better option for real people to use the service.

Hey, Columbus, GA Council, Mayor.. City Manager... a few of other questions concerning the "new" waste cans: What happens when someone moves or just sells their home... Do the cans stay or move with them.. I know I would not want to have to use someone else's old trash cans if I buy someone else's house... And what's the replacement plan to keep cans up to community (HOA) standards. I know our HOA has such policy, and if a homeowner is responsible for replacing them, how will the cans be tagged with the proper GPS marker?
Y'all may as well be upfront with all the details

Looks like $1 Billion dollars is a magic number for Resident Biden... When he was VP, Biden held a $1 Billion dollar loan guarantee over Ukraine's head unless they fired the Prosecutor who was investigating his son Hunter, and now he's boasting about approaching giving Ukraine $1 Billion dollars in military aid to "fire" at Putin.

From the "picture being worth a million words" department:

Hey, after you read this, will some one send this URL to "PolitiFact"... pronto!" department - Online headline: "PolitiFact runs cover for Biden, declares viral clip of him 'shaking hands' with air is 'false' * The liberal 'fact-checker' was roasted by critics on social media" -- Wait for the Greensboro, NC segment at the end of the video...

From the "Hey America.. grab your ankles and wait for the paddle" department - Online headline/story: "U.S. Supreme Court declines to extend federal benefits to Puerto Rico * Congress can prevent people in the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico from participating in a federal program that provides benefits to low-income elderly, blind and disabled people, the Supreme Court ruled on Thursday. * The justices ruled 8-1 in favor of President Joe Biden's administration, saying that the decision by Congress decades ago to exclude Puerto Rico from the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program did not violate a U.S. Constitution mandate that laws apply equally to everyone. * The decision means that an estimated 300,000 people on the Caribbean island cannot receive the benefit. The federal government said an expansion to Puerto Rico would have cost $2 billion a year." --Do not be misled .. this is part of the Democratic Party agenda to get Puerto Rico to vote for statehood which will give the Democrats another eternal Representative and 2 Senators! In the past, Puerto Rico has defeated such referendums. Now, tell me why did the liberals on the US Supreme Court vote WITH the Conservatives to shut down "free money" to Puerto Rico?

Online headline: "Sanders' team says he has 'not ruled out' a 2024 bid if Biden doesn't run" -- "Sander's team"? Good grief.. Vermont has a population of only 622,882.. which is not even enough to fully qualify to have a Representative in the House.. yet it gets one because it's a state...Vermont also gets 2 Senator seats as well... and Bernie isn't even a DEMOCRAT!

From the "even more blood on Resident Biden's hands" department - Online story: 'A new analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation has found that nearly a quarter-million COVID-19 deaths in the United States could have been prevented through vaccination. * “We find that approximately 234,000 deaths since June 2021 could have been prevented with primary series vaccination,” reads the report, published Thursday." -- 234,000 preventable deaths just since June of 2021? Wow..but remember, it was JoKKKe Biden who promised it was him that had the Covid-19 solution plan!

Hmmm.. Resident Biden just issued a ban of any Russian boats from docking at US ports... hmmm... yet he can't stop Russian invaders from crossing our Southern Border on foot..

Once again, Resident Biden's student loan cancellation policy means the federal government should not be able to be involved in future student loans... at all.. The very nature of any loan dictates it's a redirection of one person's money for the benefit of another person who is required to pay the lender/guarantor back...

Online headline: "Alec Baldwin claims ‘Rust’ investigation ‘exonerates’ him" -- Good grief! Nothing exonerates a person who fires even a "blank loaded" pistol at another person fro 2-feet or less.. and no person is exonerated who forgoes the practice of checking personally to see if a gun is loaded when they pick it up or is handed to them.. @lec B2ldwin is just trying to rewrite his own script!

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