Wednesday, September 6, 2023

 I just learned that former Mayor of Shicago, Lori Lightfoot, has been hired to teach a course at Harvard. Hearing this, I looked up her biography and found out she actually has a "JD" degree from the University of Shicago, and she'll be teaching a course in "Health Policy and Leadership". Good grief .. first, what does she KNOW about "public health"? It certainly wasn't healthy for families to walk on the streets of Shicago... with or without a "mask" ... or, for that matter, walk on the streets without body armor.

The UAW is threatening a major strike because the corporations make so much money.... Hmmmm... and where do the UAW members thing the corporations get the money to pay the huge hourly wages and pension pans they workers get? What's even more mysterious, is why the UAW would basically be "walking out on itself" if it walks out on GM?

From the “Inquiring minds want to know” department - Since no Unions have any members actually earning ”the Federal Minimum Wage”, you probably wonder WHY Unions support such minimum wages increases…Truth be known, but when the federal minimum wage is raised, every union contract has a provision that it’s base hourly wage is GUARANTEED to be at least 15% ABOVE that. . And since seniority Union wages are determined by percentage levels above the base union minimum, every union member gets a similar raise.. EVEN WHEN a contract for wages already exists..

See for yourself:

With the announcement that 3 "Round-a-bouts" would be built on Steam Mill Road here in Columbus, GA at $7.5 MILLION EACH, I've heard nothing from our Council, Mayor, or GA DOT "Representative" as to why EACH of those round-a-bouts cost nearly $3 MILLION more than the River Road/Bradley Park Drive Round-a-bout? At least 7 District Councilors should be wondering why the Councilor of a specified district would be getting so much more than the District where the River Road one is located.

Karl Rove says Trump and Biden are "the least popular people in polling history" .. hmmm .. in my book even Biden is more popular as a president than Karl Rove as a pollster... the real issue is that NEITHER Biden nor Trump would hire Rove to work on their campaigns.

Online headline: “ Dem Sen Raphael Warnock faces ethics complaint alleging he potentially filed false financial disclosure” -- Ho-hum....A Democrat Senate Committee is not going to find another Democrat Senator guilty of any "ethics" violation... there are no ethics IN a Democrat Senate Committee!

Online headline: “Biden facing revolt from blue state Democrats over immigration crisis” -- You know, I really resent hearing any Democrat House or Senate representative complaining about the Southern Border Crisis .. they had it in their power to support Trump's plan to "build the WALL", but chose to support Queen PeLOUSY, and won't current with Republicans to override Resident Biden's current border policies.

Online headline: “ Black History Month Observance Breakfast Committee donates $40,000 to local organizations” -- Question: Who furnished the $40,000.00? I'm pretty sure Congressman Bishop didn't squash any implications that he was personally responsible... that's how votes are bought. Of course those were "pork tax dollars"! Oh! Congressman Bishop..please correct me if I’m wrong….

Heard an interesting point made on Fox Business yesterday… Alan Dershowitz.. a renown Democrat enigma (he’s pro-Trump policies but anti-Trump as a person or President) made a real pointed “suggestion”.. If Resident Biden is so confident in Hunter Biden’s and his own innocence of business connections with China and Burisma (Ukraine) et al, then Resident Biden should call for the DOJ to name a “Special Prosecutor” of indisputable integrity and non-partisan politics to conduct a thorough investigation of all the allegations.

Dershowitz did disappoint me as well, yesterday.. he pointedly stated he would not vote for Trump if he ran against Biden… please note that Dershowitz DID NOT SAY he would VOTE for Biden, but would only that he WOULD NOT VOTE for TRUMP. I’m a believer that before any one votes, they should examine the candidates and find something about one of them that justifies voting FOR one of them.. not just voting for one because he/she ISN’T the OTHER ONE. If Dershowitz cannot vote “FOR” a candidate, he should just not vote in that race.

Online headline: “Columbus GA NAACP to hold press conference for 61st Annual Heritage Bowl incident” -- I do hope.... pray.... the local NAACP has words of hope and solutions.... for a change..

It didn’t necessarily start at Wuhan…. Covid-19 that is… Online story: “A Fox News review of court records, health reports and interviews with people who did business with Universal Meditech Inc. (UMI), a California medical supply firm, raises serious questions about its legitimacy and Chinese ties – as well as an apparently illicit biolab. * The underground biolab in the central California town of Reedley – population 25,000 – was discovered late last year and immediately set off alarm bells with local officials who said they were unaware of what was taking place inside the previously vacant warehouse. * As multiple local, state and federal governmental agencies continue to look into the biolab, a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identified 20 different infectious agents inside the building, which was once used to package food. That report found cultures of tuberculosis, dengue, HIV, COVID-19 and malaria interspersed with old lab equipment and slipshod storage, along with dead and dying mice in an overall unsanitary environment.” – WOW! This “underground biolab” was “discovered” last year, but it’s not stated as to WHEN the “biolab” was begun! You know, what better way to spread a virus that having undocumented workers there, then busing them off to other parts of the country after they’ve been exposed.. Hey.. QUEEN PELOUSY, this was own your WATCH!

Online headline: “Growing Black Voter Demographic in Georgia Triggers Legal Scrutiny of Congressional Maps” -- What and why would/should the racial or voter political preference percentages of people have any control on determining the drawing up of Congressional Districts? Each District should have similar numbers of people living in them, and each District should be in some reasonable "shape" that doesn't indicate any special configurations. Once drawn, anybody of any race or political leaning can become a member of any district he/she wants to be by moving into it.

I’m real curious as to why schools in South Pennsylvania are closing because of an escaped prisoner.. Think about it,,, aren’t schools today actually more secure than most individual homes? Aren’t schools today more likely to have security cameras and patrols closer at hand than most neighborhoods?

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