Thursday, December 14, 2023


In Columbus, GA, Tuesday is our neighborhood’s scheduled day for yard debris pick-ups, so I put out our GREEN can Monday evening before we retired for the night. Tuesday went… but our debris didn’t.. my bride called 311 early Wednesday AM to report our neighborhood debris wasn’t picked up. Wednesday went… and our GREEN cans of debris are still standing like Hallmark nutcrackers aligned at the curb.. if we’d known, we would have added some Christmas ornaments/lights to the GREEN cans so at least they looked like they could be part of our Christmas decorations…

Online headline: “White House says Biden 'proud' of Hunter despite mounting legal issues, subpoena defiance” – Hmmm… Did I just awake from a coma and didn’t realize yesterday was April Fool’s Day?

The House just authorized an "impeachment inquiry" into Resident Biden's activities... and it was brought on by Hunter Biden's refusal to comply with a House subpoena yesterday. It was a party-line vote, but I don't know why 3 particular Democrats didn't vote FOR the inquiry based on the real evidence at hand.. I'm talking about PeLOUSY and Schi** of California, and Jerry Waddler of New York... these three were so eager to impeach Trump... twice... when no evidence was available.. nor existed... so I thought they would seize this opportunity to get rid of Biden for 2024 and... AND at least show they were trying to do the right thing ... in their minds.. when charging Trump... TWICE.

Online headline: “Trump Got a Big Sign the Supreme Court Doesn’t Have His Back” -- The Supreme Court knows it will eventually get to them, so it's simply "cutting to the chase". Besides, cases involving the 3 Constitution created branches. SHOULD be settled amongst the THREE!

Online headline: “Judge in Trump election case says she lacks jurisdiction while Supreme Court weighs immunity” -- Hmmm...sounds like this judge is relieved at getting out of this case... reminds me of the judge in "Miracle on 34th Street" when the defense brings the Post Office mail to Santa in Court and the judge can rule that if the federal Post Office recognizes Kris Kringle as "THE Santa Claus", then he must, too.

Online headline: “Janet Yellen says the Trump administration’s China policies left the US more vulnerable” -- hmmm...any good policies that didn't get started can be blamed on the Democrat Congress not funding them.. the most obvious being 'the WALL' on our Southern order to get it off the ground, Trump had to utilize his powers as Commander in Chief to use the military budget based on protecting our country's borders .. of course, Biden even stopped that on his "Day 1" rampage .

Online headline: “Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Says Election Workers on Guard Ahead of 2024” -- “election workers on guard”? does he "mean” by that? I imagine the Democrat election workers were "on guard" in 2020 to make sure no Republican workers were let back into the Fulton County vote counting room after they were run off at 10:30 that night..

Online headline: “University of Georgia Professor Explains the Appearance of New Bug Species in Georgia and South Carolina” -- Hmmmm...I wonder if the professor considered the bugs being transported by illegal aliens?

Online headline: “Facebook diversity manager admits to stealing more than $4 million to fund her lavish lifestyle - including more than $18,000 to a preschool for tuition” -- Hmmm...I bet she uses her job description as her defense .. she was just diversifying the ownership of some of 6uckerbergs money.

Online headline: “Former Speaker Ryan: ‘Trump’s not a conservative, he’s an authoritarian narcissist” -- Hmmm... well, as long as Ryan is assigning names to others, I have one for Paul Ryan... LOSER!

Online headline: “ Nearly half of the Israeli munitions dropped on Gaza are imprecise ‘dumb bombs,’ US intelligence assessment finds” -- Hmmm...the way I see... and understand... the high number "civilians" killed in Gaza is because: 1 - HamASS terrorist DRESS like "civilians", 2 - use "civilians" as protection , and 3 - won't let "civilians" leave the priority target areas.

Online headline: “Auburn's Bruce Pearl says embattled university presidents falsely believe Palestinians are oppressed” -- Hmmmm…you know, how come the Palestinian protesters in the US aren't blaming HamASS for the oppression... when our government is led by conservatives, liberals always blame our government for oppressing the people.

Online headlie: “Thirty-One Percent of Republicans Would Not Vote for Trump If He Gets Felony Conviction: Poll” -- Hmmm…Guess the poll counted Liz Cheney , Adam Kinzinger, and RATT Romney votes as 10% each, and the other 1% was Biden.

Online headline: “Hamas survivor refutes progressives downplaying terrorists' sexual violence

This should be MANDATORY reading for the Boards of Harvard, MIT, and UPenn and any other university who’s president hasn’t condemned the HamASS treatment of Jews!

From the “Can you imagine this being done by a Republican Mayor ANYWHERE!” department – Online headline/story: “Boston mayor sends holiday party invite meant only for 'electeds of color,' dividing city councilors * Michelle Wu, the city's first Asian American mayor, recently had her aide, Denise DosSantos, send out an email for the event. * "Honorable members: On behalf of Mayor Michelle Wu, I cordially invite you and a guest to the Electeds of Color Holiday Party," the email said, according to the Boston Herald.” – Well, according to the parameters recently set for statues of racists in the past, there can never be a statue of Michelle Wu ever raised!

Online headline: “Biden tells White House reporters to 'hush up,' laughs as he ignores their questions” – Hmmm… sounds like Biden is plagiarizing an old Souther Fish Fry tale.. when some batter was tossed in a frier, then tassed to the dogs so shut them up.. yiou know, “Hush, puppies!”…

Online headline: “NCAA won’t protect female athletes from a trans takeover of their sports” -- How misogynistic !.... not to mention BIGOTED!

Online headline: ‘TikTokers have recently discovered Southwest Airlines' inclusion policy to provide one or two additional seats to 'passengers of size' at no extra cost. “ -- Wait a minute! , what about us 6' 6" and taller people! Even in the olden days, none of the airlines offered enough legroom OR headroom for us!


Online headline: “The Satanic Temple to host ‘After School Satan Club’ at Memphis elementary school” – Wow! And what do you want to bet that parents are allowed .. to attend.. or keep their minor children from attending

Online headline: “Javier Milei, newly elected Argentinian president, begins 'shock therapy' by devaluing peso against dollar” – Good grief! How come the US Media isn’t as upset at how Resident JoKKKe Biden has devalued “the dollar” but also life in the US since opening the borders again!

Online headline/story: “Seattle student failed quiz for answering 'only women can get pregnant;' school responds * A history teacher at a Seattle high school allegedly gave a student a failing quiz grade after he answered that only women can get pregnant and only men can have penises. * A 10th-grade Ethnic Studies World History teacher at Chief Sealth International High School administered the quiz. The test focused on "understanding gender vs. sex" and asked students to answer a series of multiple-choice and true or false questions.” – Wait a minute… a history professor’s test? Next, I guess the MSM will advocate “we should follow” the history” rather than ”the science”…

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