Thursday, December 28, 2023


Online headline: “Ramaswamy vows to withdraw from Colorado primary ballot unless Trump is on it, calls on GOP opponents to join” -- Ramaswamy is spot on! Republican voters need to KNOW Republican candidates will support the nominee AND the voters!

So much for the rumor that there's long term concern for our city by the Columbus GA City Manager! The "Big Blue" trash truck picked up all our neighborhood’s debris and trash cans yesterday, and I watched her mix all "the stuff" into her truck ..

Online headline: “Book Sales Cease as Court Clerk Faces Plagiarism Accusations Amidst Murdaugh Murder Trial” -- Hmmm... a court clerk gets roasted for plagiarism, yet a woman got named president of Harvard in spite of her plagiarism. Hmm... hardly equal treatment...

Online headline/story: “Glynn County election workers support call to end runoff elections” -- Our state deserves better than officials elected by a plurality of voters rather than a majority of voters!

Online headline: "Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Refuses to Testify Under Oath About Secretary of State’s Dominion Voting Machines" – WE know by Raffensperger’s own comments that the machines in question “are hackable”, so if this is true, as asserted by The Georgia Pundit, …..then Impeach Raffensperger!

Online headline: “New shuttle service offers free rides in downtown Columbus, GA” -- "FREE"?.. FREE RIDES? What BS! Columbus GA Councilors should be sending out messengers throughout the area alerting Columbusites that "The Taxes are coming! The Taxes are coming!" Grant moneys are TAXES; maintenance moneys are taxes; and Employee salaries are taxes!

Online “headLIE”: “ M (as ion Mississippi) -Braves Could Move to Georgia After 2024 Season as Columbus, GA Council Votes to Renovate Stadium” -- Of course it’s a “headLIE”…."COULD" used by politicians and City Officials means to "expect disappointment" and/or "expect the 'bait & switch' announcement" for a lesser result.. Besides. Even if a team associated with the Atlanta Braves moves here, it won’t keep the “Braves” as it’s name.. Fans already own Braves hats & Jerseys so there’s no reason for fans to buy any concessions at the local stadium.

Hmmm… Blinken and Winking (Mayorkas) have gone to Mexico to talk with Mexico’s President Obrador about Mexico doing more to stop the illegal alien invasion across our border.. Yeah… right.. Obrador really wants to step up… NOT! Now, what might help is for Blinken and Mayorkas to be named as “terrorists” and be put on the US “No Fly “ and “No re-admittance “ lists, and have to make their way back by crossing the border as “get-aways” so they understand how drastic the border situation really is..

Over 9 Million illegal aliens we know about have crossed into our country since Biden was elected and eliminated Trump’s policies.. Over 9 MILLION! That’s more people than 40 of our states have!

From the “UGH!” department – Online headline/story: “'Abrosexual': UK journalist explains little-known sexual identity * 'Abrosexuality' describes when 'someone’s sexual identity fluctuates and changes'” – Good grief! Now people who can’t make up their mind have their own “ID” name! Hmm… guess it would come in handy at a football stadium if the bathroom line was too long at the one you normally would use…

Online headline: “Mayor Adams slaps restrictions on migrant buses coming to NYC from Texas as numbers rise” -- Hmmm… Remember when NYC Mayor Adams was standing in the spotlight proclaiming NYC a Sanctuary City? He has no complaints if illegals aliens tell Gov Abbott they wanna go to New York!

Biden is BOASTING he bought back 3 million barrels of oil at $70+ dollars a barrel to replace the oil he sold from the Strategic Oil Reserves last year for $90 + a barrel so taxpayers got a good deal... Hmmm... He sold over 200 Million barrels and has only bought back 13 million barrels.. Considering the situation in the Mid-East, I'd like to see the "oil in the 200 Million barrels” back in our possession rather than Biden talking with deadbeat college grads.

Online headline: “Belarus claims to have received tactical nuclear weapons from ally Russia” – Hmmm… The world shakes with Biden in the White House.....NOT!

Hmmm.. Chris Matthews (Hmmm… how’d he get back on TV after his sexcapades”?)... a MSNBC ranter, says Trump supporters are TERRORISTS! You know... a Socialist-Democrat Liberal probably feels that way because to them, individual freedom IS TERRORISM as defined in their political agenda book.

Go Israel! Whip HamASS!

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