Wednesday, December 20, 2023

 Online “headLIE”: “House GOP takes aim at White House for omitting Hunter Biden on Marine One list amid missing visitor logs” – “omitted”… more like INTENTIONAL DECEPTION! Even the White House “handlers” don’t believe Resident Biden wasn’t “the Big Guy” in Hunter’s Chinese ventures..

Online headline: “Minnesota commission chooses new state flag design to replace old one deemed problematic” -- Hmmm.... looks like it was influenced by flag designs of Socialist, Communist, and Islamic countries.

Online “headLIE”: “ NBC panel of Democratic voters admit to be 'reluctantly' voting for Biden again” -- “reluctantly” Good grief! All three of these voters will vote for whomever is a Democrat in any race! The most confused one is a tranny and "she" doesn't realized the more power given the Socialist-Democrats, the more dangerous "her" future will be.

Online headline: “Colorado Supreme Court kicks Trump off the state's 2024 primary ballot for violating the U.S. Constitution” -- Good grief! The 14th Amendment has no standing in this witch hunt, especially within the GOP Primary effect, the Colorado has wrongfully overridden the 1st Amendment's right to free speech by an organization. The US Supreme Court should impeach the Colorado Supreme Court

Online headline: “Trump Colorado Disqualification Ruling Slammed by Ramaswamy, House Speaker Mike Johnson” -- The Republican Party better start standing up FOR Trump as well as all the candidates so voters will know the Republican Party will stand up for them!

Online headline: “Lawyers Dump Trevian Kutti, Lone Black Woman Indicted With Trump In Georgia RICO Case * by Zack Linly” -- I'm just curious why News Break would carry anything by Zack Linly.. This is how the "Huffington Post (a.k.a. HuffPOOPOO) describes" him: "Zack Linly is a news writer, freelance columnist and poet. He specializes in writing about social justice, activism and Black culture and influence." Mind you, even the HuffPOOPOO or Muck Rack keeps him "on staff", no , they pay him only if Linly trashes Trump and Black conservatives louder than they normally do.

Online headline: “Georgia Power to raise rates again” – This is beginning to sound like a sequel to (50 First Dates….. and remember, just a few weeks ago, the GA Power Co was "panhandling" us to "donate to it to pay for helping others pay for their electricity. GA Power is not so much a good neighbor as it wants us to believe.

Online headline/story: “Manchin: ‘We all should be concerned about the support that Donald Trump has’ * “I think we all should be concerned about the support that Donald Trump has,” Enator Manchin said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “And basically, he’s told us who he is. And when a person tells you who they are, you ought to believe them.” -- Let’s see.. Manchin has told us he’s an opportunistic manipulator.. I believe him…Biden has told us he’s a liar.. I believe him… and Trump has told us he believes in “America First”.. and I believe him!
Online headline: “ Baseball, major development possible for Columbus, GA’s Golden Park, South Commons” -- Wow.. in 1990, someone (😎 ) suggested that a new baseball/music stadium be built in North Columbus (area now occupied by AutoNation) and put in a bid to host some of the Atlanta 1996 Olympic baseball games. Golden Park was outdated and exposed to River smells and problem insects. Council decided not to do so, but in 1993 jumped at an opportunity to host Olympic softball games Atlanta didn't care for. Golden Park was ruined as a baseball facility, and moving the minor league team to Columbus State's field destroyed Pro-baseball in Columbus, GA. Now, 30 + years later, Golden Park, with its about 80 year old superstructure, is in no shape to be reconstructed at a reasonable cost... Maybe the same advisors who condemned the barely 50 year old Government Center should be called in to evaluate.

Online “headLIE” : “Cheney says Trump would appoint lawyers to ‘blow through many of the guardrails of our Constitution’ if reelected” -- Liz Cheney's predictions are as valid as Algore's opinions about our planet being destroyed from climate change by 2000.

Excuse me, but how does a member of the Columbus GA Council get a Homestead Exemption on a house that eliminated all of her City and School property taxes?

Praise to TX Gov Abbott for authorizing state police officers to arrest illegal aliens... It might not hold up in the US Supreme Court, because it's a federal obligation to manage our borders.. but... and a VERY BIG BUT, it will force the Supreme Court to rule on Resident Biden being derelict in his Constitutional duties and obligations.

Online headline: “Black voters in Georgia 'disappointed' by Biden: 'It makes me wonder why I vote'” –Hmmm ..."makes me wonder why I vote"?.. He needs to finish his statement, he should wonder WHY he ever felt COMPELLED to vote Democrat in every previous elections!

Online headline: “Young ex-Biden supporters 'bailing' on president, agonizing over 2024: 'Could not live with myself'” -- The "young" voters aren't as understanding as permanent Democrat voters are about broken promises. Biden bought the younger voters with promises to forgive to their student loans ... and that's not gonna happen!
Online headline/story: “James Biden given loan, didn't provide services to Americorp despite promises to use last name, trustee says * President Biden was given a check for $200,000 from his brother, James Biden, who was also paid the same amount, from his personal account * the loan was provided to Biden with no documentation in return for the promise of funding from the Middle East that never came. She filed a lawsuit against Biden, saying he made "representations that his last name, ‘Biden,’ could ‘open doors’ and that he could obtain a large investment from the Middle East based on his political connections. ” – Hmmm… and the total of the “Payment” to Jim Biden was $600,000…and Americorp was flim-flammed.

Online headline: ‘Over 500 elected officials have endorsed DeSantis as presidential battle heats up ahead of Iowa caucuses” – While DeSantis is a good man, and a good leader, his time as President begins in 2028. The Republican Party is about to screw up again like they did in 2018, 2020, & 2022. The inside war against Trump and their inflexible position on abortions will cause Independents and moderate women to vote for either Biden or a 3rd Party candidate. Even if the Republicans can gain a slim majority in the Senate and keep a slim majority in the House, having any Democrat in the White House will keep our country in the current state its in.

Online headline: “Sen. Cardin breaks silence after staffer allegedly fired over sex tape filmed in hearing room” -- Senator Cardin (D-MD) says he was "angry" & "disappointed" ... but he didn't say with whom. He should be angry and disappointed with himself... and his Chief of Staff for hiring him without a proper vetting.

Online headline: “New poll reveals America's least favorite leader in Congress with shocking single-digit approval” -- McConnell, Schumer, and PeLOUSY are great selling points for TERM LIMITS for Congressional members.

I'm almost tired of bringing this up, but I will not back down.. Those crossing our border illegally are not "immigrants".. they are aliens.... ILLEGAL ALIENS! Hey… I said “I’m almost tired”, but I won’t quit!

Online headline: “Bidens privately upset by poor poll numbers, president delivered 'stern' message to top aides” -- "Demanding answers from his aides"? This is PROOF POSITIVE Resident Biden is nothing more than a puppet effigy in the Oval Office!

From the “figures don’t lie, but LIARS figure a lot” department - Online headline/story: “Biden holds the record for most votes ever received: How many he won in the 2020 election * Biden received more than 81 million votes in the 2020 presidential election , according to the Federal Election Commission. That's just over 51% of the popular vote . Biden holds the record for most votes ever won by a U.S. presidential candidate * Winning the popular vote does not necessarily guarantee the presidency, thanks to the Electoral College. There have been five presidents who lost the popular vote but won the presidency . In 2016, for example, Trump won 304 electoral votes to Hillary Clinton’s 227 but lost the popular vote by almost 2.9 million votes . “ – These are “half-truths… and we know “half-truths are the blackest of all lies… There were 81-Million votes counted for Biden, but Trump also received 74-Million votes, (the difference was less than 7-Million)… which was also a record for incumbent Presidents, but when you parse state totals, some states aren’t requiring citizenship to vote.. California, alone had over 5-Million more votes for Biden, and New York had over 3-Million more votes for Biden.. so… overall, the OTHER 48 STATES cast more votes for Trump than Biden..Oh! And in 2016, overall, Hellary got 2.9-Million more votes than Trump did, but…she got 4.3-Million more of those votes in California alone , which means Trump got more popular votes in the other 49 states.

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