Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Comparing Cypert to Sandusky has some merit, but comparing Susan Bryant to Joe Paterno is more than a stretch. I remember when this event went on at CHS as I had a daughter there at the time. The young woman was already 18 when the situation was revealed. When MS Bryant approached her directly, the 18 year old denied the allegation (as did Cypert). If you're not familiar with privacy laws, you'll be amazed at how quickly you can be denied any access to the world of a child who has turned 18. If you've tried to talk with a college about your child's performance or situation, unless you have written on-hand permission from your child, the college will literally hang-up on you. Of course, the college will take your check for the services it provides for the person the college will not talk to you about.
From the "only in California" department - Online story: "A federal judge has ruled that officials at Live Oak in Morgan Hill had a legal right to send home students wearing shirts with the American flag on Cinco de Mayo because of a "reasonable fear" the images could spark violence," -- God help us! How can a judge penalize an American for standing up for his patriotism for his country? I see no problem with acknowledging another country's independence day, but not at the expense of our country's history.
Jerry Sandusky said he was not "a pedofile", and that he is not sexually attracted to young boys. Oh, next he'll be claiming that it's a curse that he is attractive to young boys!
From the recent demands from certain Councilors, one doesn't have to do much speculation that Mike Gaymon was driven out of the Chairmanship of the Crime Prevention board. Whether or not we agreed with the creation of the department by Mayor Wetherington, there was solace, a certain comfort, in the selection of Seth Brown as ED and Mike Gaymon as the Chairman. To have the issue of those two taking proper care of the money the department issued berated by Councilors undermines all public Council.

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