Tuesday, November 8, 2011

L-E headline: "Riverwalk collapse won't cause long delay for whitewater project * Collapse said to have ‘a couple of day’s impact’; whitewater project may absorb cost of repairs" -- "whitewater project MAY absorb cost"? Does that matter..."we" will be paying for it as it's primarily tax dollars and grants (more tax dollars) that are paying for it.
The collapsed section of the UnderRiverWalk may be the proverbial tip of the iceberg. Up on Bay Avenue, just outside the River Club, the CWW meter box has sunk completely below the sidewalk level, and the wall there has settled, both because of apparent deterioration of the ground beneath.
Of the list of Charter Review Commission proposals, this has got to be the dumbest: "
Allow city government employees who live elsewhere to run for office in their home counties. Currently they are barred from such political activity as long as they work for the city" -- If there needs to be any proposal regarding residents of out of county/state locations, how about one that bars any employee of the city, or school district for that matter, from living outside the confines of Muscogee County. Why should any public employee be impervious to the effects they have on local property taxes?
Online story: "WASHINGTON -- The Supreme Court on Monday morning declined to hear a controversial death penalty case out of Texas * The death penalty case, Buck v. Thaler, attracted considerable attention in September when the justices stayed the execution of Duane Buck to consider whether they should hear his case. * Buck, who is black, argued that his right to a fair trial was violated when an expert witness testified that African Americans pose a greater risk of "future dangerousness." * But the expert "was a defense witness, and it was [Buck's] attorney, not the prosecutor, who first elicited Dr. Quijano's view regarding the correlation between race and future dangerousness." Accordingly, Buck's death sentence could not be thrown out based on evidence that his own lawyer put forward." -- Why was this even considered since it was Buck's attorney's witness? Thank God that this wasn't in Georgia! The Georgia Supreme Court would have ruled that this was "ineffective defense" and ordered another trial!
What a life ending legacy for Joe Paterno... nothing else will matter.
With all the mill fires lately, and without the real ability put one out once it's fully engaged, are the mill conversions into condos/apartments something to consider or reconsider?
L-E's "Thought for Today" - "Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling." - Margaret Lee Runbeck, American author (1905 - 1956)" -- Will someone please carve this in the forehead of every DIM&DUMBERat politician so the truth will be apparent regardless of what their lips promise to voters.
It's just easier to use "circumstance" as an excuse than it is to use "circumstance" as an opportunity. It starts at the top and must penetrate the classroom. The MCSD board must demand this from the Superintendent, and the Superintendent must convey this to the teachers. Not accepting excuses is the best (if not only) way to make the changes that the students and community need.
The Daily Beast has hit on one nerve that politicians dread...Pride goeth befor the fall.
L-E headline: "Court reviews assisted suicide law" -- With some of the recent rulings that the GA Supreme Court gas made (like "ineffective counsel" as an excuse for retrials), perhaps some of the judges might consider this an opportunity to re-exam themselves.
By accident, I turned on the Kentucky-Morehouse basketball fiasco for a few minutes last night. It was 57-6 Kentucky with time left in the first half, and 3 3-point shots later, it was 66-6. While I'm sure Morehouse was devastated, it is Kentucky that was embarrassing to SEC basketball. With such a lead, Kentucky's coach should have called off the 'first person across the half court line shoot' offense, and taken this time to work on set plays/passing skills. I am not saying he should have stopped trying to score (that would have been even more embarrassing to Morehouse), but slowing the feeding frenzy would have been a way to develop character in his team.
The California Court system must be trying to kill Lindsay Lohan... it keeps putting her back on the streets under her own control.
So much for the HOPE, the L-E's Foreclosure Section has CHANGED, it's 12 pages this week, a 20% increase from most weeks.
My Tuesday Morning Armchair QB analysis has determined that Alabama lost the game on the sideline, not the field.
Online headline: "Clinton Comes To Perry's Defense From His Republican Rivals" -- Talk about a death blow to Perry...
Online headline: "Report: Wall St. Firms Have Already Earned More Under Obama Than During Entire Bush Presidency" -- Of course...the Wall Street crowd couldn't pony up the campaign contributions for potUS O'Blather's re-election bid.
Online headline: "Thousands in DC Protest Pipeline" -- Oooops, my bad. Thought the Tea Party was calling for curtailment of the entitlement programs.
Looks like we may be hit with a sequel to Tom Green's "Freddie" movie. Working title is rumored to be "You're Getting Fingered by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae"; alternate title choice is "Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae give the public the Middle-Finger".

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