Tuesday, November 15, 2011

L-E headline: "Chamber head Mike Gaymon resigns as chairman of Columbus Crime Prevention board * Resignation effective immediately, he says" -- Say it ain't so, Mike!
Online headline: "Jerry Sandusky Says He's Innocent, Admits To Showering With Kids" -- Next he'll be using the Clinton defense... he has a 'sex addiction'.
Online headline: "Penn State Board of Trustees says it's "Outraged"" -- Sorry, but 'outraged' is not enough.
Chelsea Clinton has just been hired by NBC. Guess NBC has to decided to end any doubt of its political biases.
potUS O'Blather says "America has been lazy for the past couple of decades". "Lazy"? Try "exhausted" from having to do then "Teaberry Shuffle" to get through all the imposed government regulations in order to do any business at all.
I'm also sick and tired of potUS O'Blather's "We Can't Wait" projects. The only "We Can't Wait" projects that gives us HOPE is the CHANGE 'we can't wait' to im[pose on the 2012 election.
From L-E story: "School superintendent Susan Andrews said current Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax collections are approximately $400,000 per month less than projected, though collections are up." -- Since the SPLOST projected expectations of $44,600,000.00 annually, does she mean that during the recession that the SPLOST has collected $39,800,000.00 annually? That would be truly amazing. Before the recession erupted, the most any SPLOST/LOST had ever collected in one year was about $36,000,000.00, and the norm has been between $31 - $32 Million. Let's hear what Council says it has received on its higher indexed LOST over the last 3 years.
I do not want to hear new math formulas that hide the actual dollars received from the MCSD SPLOST; I want to see the actual number of dollars that have been put in the bank!
L-E story: "The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Georgia Power, both of which control dams north of downtown Columbus, have been working with the whitewater project group to limit downstream flow so large river rocks that will create one of the rapids can be moved into place, said Richard Bishop, president of Uptown Columbus Inc" -- I thought the whole impetus was to restore the natural river bed to its original status... how come channels have to be put in place, and large rocks have to be moved/planted to create the rapids?
Another UnderRiverWalk question: "Who is going to be responsible for future damages/lawsuits if the repair of the collapsed section collapse again with people watching whitewater events?
If there is any laziness in trying to recruit new businesses to America, it's because lousy leadership from the White House. Success, or lack of it, reflects leadership.
It's really inexcusable for a President who thinks businesses don't pay enough taxes to call businesses lazy for not attracting more foreign competitive industries to America.
potUS O'Blather is now scolding businesses for being lazy at attracting new foreign businesses to locate here. Excuse me? I do believe that O'Blather's executive orders, HELL-thScare, and the unions have more to do with foreign businesses wanting to locate here.
If potUS O'Blather wants to create jobs, forget Canada, and open up the oil reserves of the northern midwest states and Alaska, and build our own pipelines.
The Canadian Prime Minister said the Keystone Pipeline was a "win-win no brainer". Unfortunately, he wasn't aware he was dealing with a the DIM&DUMBERat No-Brainer Administration.
If Monica Lewinski had lived in the apartment complex of Karl Rove or Newt Gingrich, the media would have raised cain about politics. The fact that Bialek lived in the same apartment complex as David Axelrod just draws a mainstream media yawn.
I think Nancy Pelosi was confused when she bought Visa. She'd have a pretty good argument that she was only preparing for a quick exit from the US following the 2012 elections.
As hard as it is, you have to have some sympathy for Princess Pelosi. At the 2008 First Lady's Luncheon sponsored by the Congressional Club, as Congressional wives were escorted down a runway on the arms of strapping young Marines, Pelosi's spouse became the only male and was escorted by a female Marine. Have pictures I took to prove it.
When you think about it, potUS O'Blather cannot force AG Eric Holder to resign without losing his control on Holder.
It's nice the CWW says it won't ask us to pay more for our water next year, but it would be nicer if the CWW says it will give us cleaner water, too. The iron residue in the toilets is worse than ever, and I wonder if I have some sort of lawsuit to the damage that iron is causing to my water heater, dishwasher, ice maker, washing machine, and steam dryer.
When Council starts examining lost tax revenues from downtown properties, Council will stop fawning over the growth of the River Campus. Every purchase removes taxable property from the City's revenue stream.
Hey, Chuck - Sounds like one cold beer on a Sunday afternoon won't satisfy you like 6 will. I would rather you drive after consuming a single cold beer than after you went through a 6-pack. BTW, you could make a Gomer-styled "citizen's arrest' when people distribute Alabama beer from the trunk of their cars.
The L-E's leading economic indicator, the Foreclosure Section, is still at its annual high of 12 pages.
Look for a new DIM&DUMBERat Campaign Contribution web site to be up and running soon - Rumor has it that the working URL is : www.cashforclunkers2.CON

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