Saturday, November 19, 2011

No one is surprised at the DIM&DUMBERats position on the Congressional Super Committee. No one really thought a compromise of value could be attained when the option on the table was for there to be major cuts in defense triggered if the Super Committee couldn't agree on other entitlement cuts. It reminded me of an old Uncle Remus tale, when Br'er Rabbit pleaded with Br'er Fox and Br'er Bear vehemently not to throw him into the briar patch. DIM&DUMBERats never have chosen to cut entitlement over defense.
Online headline: "Joe Paterno's Son Reveals Former Coach Has Lung Cancer" -- Sorry, the cancer card isn't going to work; obviously Joe PA has some 'brain cancer', too.
Online headline: "'Colored Only,' Racist Signs Found On SUNY New Paltz Campus" -- One of the signs was one above a water fountain that read, "Colored Only". That's racist for sure; it discriminates against 'whites". Let it not go unnoticed that this is happening in that liberal DIM&DUMBERat world of New York.
From the 'only in California' departmenbt - Online story: "STOCKTON, Calif. -- A high school teacher is under investigation after school officials said she was maintaining a pornographic website from her school-issued laptop computer." -- What'll bet that she will be exonerated by the California Teachers Association because she was only tweaking next semester's sex ed curriculum?
WRBL3 headline: "One percent sales tax increase for transportation projects up for vote" -- Have politicians have no shame? For the state, that would raise the consumer use taxes by 20%!. Now, I might be interested if the State House would offer that 1% Transportation SPLOST in exchange for offsetting expenditures in state entitlement programs, state property taxes, and state income taxes. Please don't let the state to dangle that 1% TSPLOST under Mayor Obamalinson's nose as she hasn't mentioned a tax increase that she doesn't like!
On a WTVM9 video of SOA Demonstrators in Lumpkin, GA, one protester is holding a sign that reads, "Immigrants are not for sale - Shut down Stewart Detention Center". My first question is whether or not she can actuallt read what the sign says that she is holding, but my main question is, "Huh?".
Looking at a L-E overhead picture of the SOA Watch demonstrators in Lumpkin, it'd be safe to say that there were as many police vehicles following as there were demonstrators marching. Is that a necessary expense?
My daily e-mail from '' was an opportunity to sign a birthday card, and send a message to VPOTUS Biden-Biden, so I did: Happy Birthday, Joe! "We Can't Wait" for November 2012. How about a birthday gift to the nation of early retirement.

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