Thursday, November 3, 2011

Online headline: Biblical Blunder At White House After Obama Said God Wants Jobs Bill" -- Maybe he was thinking about either the Book of Allah from the Quran, or A Marx quote from the Communist Manifesto?
From above story: "I believe the phrase from the Bible is, `The Lord helps those who help themselves,'" (Jay) Carney said * A White House transcript of (Jay) Carney's briefing issued later in the day included the disclaimer: "This common phrase does not appear in the Bible." -- I'll bet potUS O'Blather reports that his jobs bill created the job Carney has.... you guessed it.. the only "shovel ready" job that was actually shovel where you step.
There was an UFO sighting at the Saints-Colts game... well, with a score like 62-7, it definitely was an Ugly Football Option for TV.
Online headline: "French Newspaper Office Set Ablaze After Publishing Prophet Muhammad Cartoon" -- I guess Catholic University better start guarding all the crosses on campus, and put a stop to the "Priest/Rabbi/Imam went into...." jokes.
Online headline: "Brown Eyes Turn Blue? Doctor Claims He Can Change the Color Of Your Iris" -- Shades of Nazism! That was one of Hitler's dreams.
Like I said yesterday, the Daily Beast probably wanted to come to Columbus to check facts, but couldn't book a hotel through Expedia, so the "Beast" assumed Columbus was poor or hotel-less. Wonder how many other prospective companies looking to build here have been turned off by not being able to book a hotel through Expedia?
Getting jurors who don't read the newspaper seems implausible. Do we want jurors that are simply uninformed of the issues at all, or jurors that may have read the L-E and may have been misinformed?
It's probably not so much the fault of the school system in itself, but when administration primes students for failure by generating excuses rather than raising expectations, the kids and teachers lose. If you keep telling a child that he/she can't do something for themselves because they are poor/disadvantaged, then it doesn't take long for the child to believe that. If the administration and teachers were focused on showing how a child could elevate him/herself by attaining a good education, the cycle would stop.
From a like story in the L-E about Spencer High, there is a picture. Below is the actual caption. I pity the school with which the L-E is a "PIE" sponsor or schools that use the L-E for reading/news. Read the caption...the L-E cannot even get the noun/verb matched.

A L-E article says NY doesn't bury its power cables because it's so expensive. Well, how expensive is it compared to rewiring/repairing the above ground cables every time it snows? How expensive is it for the customers to recover from several outage days? This is a union concession to keep more men working.
Noticed yesterday that some Christmas decorations are already up on the light poles around the Government Center. Since there is a budget crunch, why does the Government have enough employees with enough time to be installing Christmas ornaments already?
L-E headline: "Columbus dealer big winner in "Taliban Toyota" lawsuit" -- Well up until today, anyway. Now, no one who drives by, or pulls in, will not be able to not think about "Taliban Toyota". What's worse is that someone is going to come up with a worse nickname for his Nissan operation.. maybe "N*z* Nissan". Oh, there may be 12 or so who did not read about it in the L-E; they're serving on a jury downtown.

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