Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving! Be thankful for all of God's blessings and challenges.
When the MSNBC/NBC/CNN media was invited to the White House to witness Presidential Pardons for a pair of turkeys, most were surprised that one of the turkeys wasn't Eric Holder.
J.Lo has done a Fiat commercial in her home town neighborhood in "the Bronx". Bet Fiat wasn't worried that the car would end up on cement blocks before the commercial could be finished; Fiat probably was more worried some gang might put the car on their shoulders and just carry it off.
Online headline:"Russia Issues Stern Warning to US" -- Can you imagine this headline if a Conservative (for that matter, any US president that the Russians respected) was in the Oval Office?
I'll bet MasterCard wanted to run an ad featuring potUS O'Blather in the "priceless" position, but figured people would dump their MasterCards because everyone knows potUS O'Blather has a price... a $35,800.00 donation for dinner with him.
Thanks to a knowledgeable fellow BCer, got new data concerning tank maintenance. As training base, the tanks at Ft Benning will be in constant use with little down time to basic maintenance so such a facility as is being built is quitre necessary for quick turn around to get the tanks back into excellent condition for our blessed soldiers. Keep'em in your prayers, today and every day.
L-E story: "Army (Corps of Engineers) officials plan to cut the flow of water from Lake Lanier from 750 cubic feet per second to 650 cubic feet per second, Army Corps spokesman Pat Robbins said." -- You know, if you make a 15% reduction in water flow, the impact is that the water we get downstream is 15% more impacted with Atlanta sewage.
Have you seen the list of participants invited to the potUS O'Blather basketball fund raiser? It doesn't appear to reflect America nor any diversity guidelines.
The "Occupy" movement is getting down to a battle between the 'working class' and the 'lurking (for government handouts) class'.
Since some retail stores are open 24/7, how do they open up 'early' on Black Friday?

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