Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Online headline: "Obama Campaign Blasts Romney's First TV Ad As 'Deceitful' -- Looks like another "please don't throw me in the briar patch" moment for potUS O'Blather. Wonder which campaign worker will get fired for not thinking of it first?
DIM&DUMBERats all the way to the White House say taxing the rich is the way to prosperity, yet are back pedaling on their desire to cut Medicare payments to doctors/hospitals. Did someone in the DIM&DUMBERat Party finally realize that their campaign supporters in the medical/hospital/insurance fields are among the ones that they consider needing to be soaked with 'too rich' taxes?
Online headline: "Super Committee Deal Not Reached, Leaders Say " -- For one thing, there were no "leaders' present...sacrificial (because they have no re-election fears) maybe, but no 'leaders; secondly, this headline was written before the committee members were announced.
One of the Occupy Wall Street leaders is 'occupying' a $700.00 a day sy=uite at the "W Hotel". Guess we know who has the access to the $500,000.00 donations.
It's strange, maybe even ominous, that in the President Cup Matches, the American members were photographed with an American flag as a backdrop, but the International members forfeited their individual countries' flags for a New World Order type flag.
Guess we'll see a record number of turkeys having their criminal records expunged and sentences commuted in Washington, DC this week. potUS O'Blather will pardon the 6 DIM&DUMBERat members of the Super Committee.
Letter sent in yesterday - In all sincerity, I cannot support any MCSD expenditures for property for an unfunded future SPLOST project.
With the current SPLOST revenues being highly short of projected figures, and without confidence that the community will support a new SPLOST to complete unfinished projects, spending $3.6 million on a burned out building site seems to be less than responsible. Just a recent example of the value of a burned out building is the Baker High School property which came nowhere close to the figure the MCSD wants to spend on the Bibb Mill property, and if the property is attained, but funding for it in another SPLOST is rejected, too much capital will be lost in a bad investment.
Update today: Of course, the MCSD board split on the decision not to buy it based on the Macon Road line.
Do you still vividly remember where you were 48 years ago today?
With seemingly all the retail world unanimously promoting "Black Friday", I have to wonder if some mall Santa Clauses will be dressed in black suits....
It's almost eerie that Mayor Obamalinson and I have a similar disdain for the proposed 1% T(ransportation)-SPLOST the state wants to get passed. Of course there is a main difference: She's only against it because she won't get her hands on enough of the revenue, I am opposed to it because it's economy zapping new tax. Columbusites would be facing an 8% level of taxing before they can even think about budgeting in their state and federal income taxes.
I really do not get the NASCAR affiliation importance, but I guess an advertising agent could truthfully say that by the time a car has driven 300 times around a track for a 50,000 person audience, each car logo has had 15,000,000 'exposures'.
Oh, has any one heard if Council is looking into the policy of the Civic Center to receive and personally redistribute 'free' tickets for events?
I was "shocked" to hear yesterday, from a well informed person, that golfers at Bull Creek and Oxbow Meadows are not monitored about bring outside beer for on course consumption. Besides being a detriment to in house sales and consumption control at those courses, is it not against the law for any individual to 'brown bag' beer under state and local laws?
L-E headline: " Attorney arrested for allegedly striking wife with plate * S_____ T_____ charged with one count of aggravated assault" -- Rumor has it his attorney will plead him "Not Guilty" because ST and his wife were actually engaged in a friendly game of Ultimate Frisbee.
Why is the MCSD allowing its high schools to be split up into 4 different classifications? Why does not the MCSD board and school administration get a closer range of students per high school? I was 'shocked' to learn that the MCSD is spending between $40M & $50M on the new Carver High School and Carver has only 740 students. That's better than $65,000.00 per student slot.
potUS O'Blather is so too faced! He blasts the super-rich, especially if they are Republican in thought, yet he promotes 'green loopholes' for liberal entities. Billions in loan guarantees have been recently defaulted by green energy companies, and he has authorized "tax credits" for consumers who can afford and actually bought into the hype and have installed the high priced geo-thermal water heating systems and solar energy panels.

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