Monday, March 26, 2012

Online story: "FRANKSVILLE, Wis. — An agitated Rick Santorum on Sunday called Mitt Romney "the worst Republican in the country to put up against Barack Obama" even as it appears the former Massachusetts governor is on pace to clinch the party's nomination in June. * Santorum later lashed out at reporters, using a profane word as he accused them of "distorting" his speech." -- I made a comment last week that Santorum was sounding like the DIM&DUMBERat Howard Dean; this makes me wonder if Santorum took my comment to heart.
Online story on Trayvon Martin: "Gingrich took exception with Obama's comments during a radio interview later on Friday, saying they were "disgraceful." * "It's not a question of who that young man looked like," he said. "Any young American of any ethnic background should be safe, period. We should all be horrified, no matter what the ethnic background. Is the president suggesting that, if it had been a white who'd been shot, that would be OK, because it wouldn't look like him? That's just nonsense." * President Barack Obama's Senior Adviser David Plouffe called former House Speaker Newt Gingrich's comments on the shooting of Trayvon Martin "reprehensible" on Sunday, saying they came from a man who was "clearly in the last throes of his political career." * Santorum said on Friday that the president should "not use these types of horrible and tragic individual cases to try to drive a wedge in America." * Plouffe called both Gingrich and Santorum's remarks "irresponsible," adding, "I think those comments were really hard to stomach, really, and I guess trying to appeal to people's worst instincts." -- It was potUS O'Blather's main point to make this a racial incident, which, like the "beer summit" involving the white Cambridge policeman and the black Harvard professor was irresponsible & disgraceful. No president should be involved in editorializing his biases/opinion before all the evidence has been calmly evaluated and presented in a responsible manner. potUS O'Blather has just fanned the flames to make sure the hatred embers do not die out in his voter base.
Passed on by a fellow BCer: The food stamp program, part of the Department of Agriculture, is pleased to be distributing the greatest amount of food-stamps ever. * Meanwhile, the Park Service, asks us "please do not feed the animals" because the animals will grow dependent and not learn to take care of themselves.
Looks like the Whitewater group finally learned a lesson by delivering a better 'poof', but the damage was done as few returned to see the third "blast" after being disappointed by the first two 'wolf cries' .
WRBL-3 story: "An off-duty officer working security downtown discovered the 19-year-old victim just after one o’clock Sunday morning, lying on the sidewalk at 12th street and Broadway suffering from a gunshot wound to the head. * Friends of the victim say Coleman, who has a one-year-old son, worked part-time at a KFC in Phenix City where he lived, but liked to go out and may have been at a nightclub with a group of people before he was shot." -- When will the GA Legislature mandate that bars and nightclubs use a driver's license testing machine to ferret out fake ID's? You know that our licenses are checked for validity at the voting precincts, why not at any place that serves/sells alcohol?
Why are the media and the omnipresent 'black leaders' trying so hard to make the Trayvon Martin shooting entirely a racial issue? Every mention of George Zimmerman describes that his father was white and his mother was Latina, as though Zimmerman's crime was caused by one of races his parents are. Does a potUS O'Blather description ever include his father was black and his mother was white, or is Tiger Woods defined as being the son of a black man and an Asian mother?
If the blasting crew at the Eagle & Phenix dam site are so interested in 'safety', why don't they wear flotation vests when walking out on the dam to inspect it or plant explosives into it?
L-E headline: "Public, private factions cooperate to compete for federal grant for neighborhood revitalization * Columbus is one of 30 cities up for grant, which would provide up to $150K for revitalization " -- Why is it that 'government' thinks sinking money it extrapolates from taxpayer pockets into decaying neighborhoods is a good use of tax dollars? We see these attempts time after time (even MidTown Mayor Obamalinson forced us to pay for a referendum to reject her attempt to use tax dollars for personal resident renovations (TADs)), yet the only successful projects are made when the private sector recognizes when an area has reached 'the bottom' and it has a chance to be a profitable rehab project. Pouring money, especially tax dollars, into a decaying area does nothing but temporarily slow down the inevitable.

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