Friday, March 9, 2012

Online story: "In the state (Arizona) that signed into law the country's most controversial and stringent immigration measure, SB-1070 in 2010, a new smartphone app is under way to help undocumented immigrants notify friends and family of their exact location, should they be pulled over and arrested." -- Question one...who is supplying illegal aliens with 'smartphones', especially ones that work in the USA?
Online headline: "FBI investigating Auburn point guard Varez Ward" -- Suspension or expulsion is not good enough for any athlete involved in 'point shaving'. It is as traitorous as Benedict Arnold, but worse!
Online story: "WASHINGTON -- For years, the IRS has done little or nothing to check the rise of overtly political groups that claim a special tax-exempt status in order to funnel secret money into election-related advertising. * But in a sign that the agency may be waking from its slumber, the IRS has sent detailed questionnaires to several Tea Party organizations -- and possibly other political groups -- to determine if they truly qualify for the 501(c)(4) designation intended for groups whose exclusive purpose is to promote social welfare." -- IRS is 'investigating' Tea Party organizations? Why isn't the IRS stopping "" which has a 501(c)(3) classification which lets donors support political biased advertising and get a tax donation at the same time!!
L-E headline: "Diplomacy stressed over Iran standoff " -- What's 'stressing' to Iran? Iran is happy to continue being 'diplomatic' as it gives them more time to complete its nuclear plans.
L-E story: "RICHMOND, Va. — Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson says marijuana should be legalized and treated like alcohol because the government’s war on drugs has failed. " -- If there is any failure, it is in Pat Robertson! Robertson has acquiesced to convenience rather than maintain the good fight.
In a L-E story on the Mayor's Forum: " a Hardaway International Baccalaureate student, voiced a concern often expressed by Columbus teens: There’s nothing to do. She said she and her friends don’t see themselves staying in Columbus for college or after college because of a lack of entertainment options. * “Not that we don’t have enough to do, but not enough that our parents would want us to do,” (the student) said, drawing a laugh from the crowd. “We want something that’s safe, supervised and, of course, low cost, because we’re students.” -- What student doesn't want 'state of the art' entertainment that someone else pays for? What's wrong with getting a teen job and EARNING her entertainment money. No business can provide such without being profitable. When was the last time you saw a teen walking house to house with a lawn mower asking to cut your lawn or setting up a baby-sitting group?
Can anyone tell me where Jeremy Hobbs lives? Last time he 'ran' he was living with his aunt who's now dead, and complaining about property taxes that he didn't pay.
L-E headline: "‘Thousand Words’ is a waste of Eddie Murphy’s talent" -- After his recent movies, maybe this is the actual level of talent Murphy has morphed to.
Why is potUS O'Blather so against oil? Oil is natural, organic, and he doesn't have any alternative to fueling Air Force 1 so he can take vacations.
Secretary of Energy, Steven Chu, talks up the Chevy Volt, but doesn't own one. In fact, he doesn't own a car, and probably uses the limo service available to him.
Online story: "Shantelle Hicks, a 15-year-old from Gallup, N.M. claims she was first forced to leave the Wingate Elementary School and then publicly outed as being pregnant in front of all students and employees, KOB-TV reports. * Wingate Elementary is a public boarding school for Native American children from kindergarten through 8th grade. * Now, with the help of the American Civil Liberties Union, Hicks has filed suit against the school, claiming they violated her constitutional rights. " -- What about the rights of other students, and the parents of those students, to keep their innocence a few more years! Another case of the 99% of lawyers ruining the reputations of the other 1%.
Online headline/story: "How Spending At Black-Owned Businesses Can Help Reduce Black Unemployment * According to James Clingman Jr. in a 2010 article titled "Buying Black - the Ebony Experiment," there is $850 billion moving through Black consumers' hands each year, with 90 percent of that amount going to businesses owned and controlled by non-black businesses. " -- That's about what it should be based on percentages, of course you can throw those percentages to the wind when it comes to blacks serving time for criminal activities, and wouldn't we be much better off if that were the situation. With an attitude like Clingman's, he almost implies that whites should do same, and that would really sink non-white owned businesses.
On the median in the 1000 block of Broadway is an art piece (courtesy of the Thompson-Pound project) labeled "Peace Pylon" and is covered with various peace symbols and words from the diversity of creeds. religions, and races in Columbus. You would think it would have been constructed out of more durable materials, or at least paid attention to more often because it is rapidly deteriorating. Art mimics life. * Close by the art piece is another monument (or at least a 'pile') to life. A huge amount of horse dung, once neatly amassed, has been deteriorating as well.
From a newsletter passsed on by a fellow BCer: "What a shock! It was all a BIG PRODUCTION! * The Democrat's token abused college coed is actually a 30 year-old * hardcore women's rights activist." -- How ironic....Susan Fluke is a FLUKE!

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