Wednesday, December 27, 2017

From the "you've got to be kidding me" department - Online headline/story: "Report: Foreign leaders and former US diplomats see America's global influence waning * According to the Los Angeles Times, many have suggested that President Trump “has reduced U.S. influence or altered it in ways that are less constructive. On a range of policy issues, Trump has taken positions that disqualified the United States from the debate or rendered it irrelevant.” * Particularly impactful decisions include the withdrawal of the U.S. from the Paris Climate agreement, a failure to fully address non-ISIS related conflicts in Syria and Iraq, and the recent declaration that the U.S. will acknowledge Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. * The void being left where U.S. influence once was, according to some critics, leaves ample space for a number of nations, and especially China, to rise to positions of greater world standing. " -- The LA Times feels that the world will turn to China for an ally in defense and climate change leadership? And based on one named source.. a sycophant US Diplomat first appointed by Clinton and kept on bu Bush 43? I think liberal "journalists" drink to much of Queen Pelosi's Kool Aid, and have actually stopped reading what they sign their names to!
Soapbox Moment - The reveal of the FBI staff that supported Hellary and other DIMocrats with donations highlights a longtime contention of mine.. Why are government officials/employees allowed to vote on people who decide what their paychecks will be.... or on LOST/SPLOST tax referendums as well?
Good grief..California is requiring school history book publishers to state ..or even speculate .. historical figures sexual preferences, and it doesn't seem to matter whether there's "proof" to back up such claims or not as long as LGBTQs are highlighted. My question is whether or not it MATTERED at the time history was being formed?
Where do DIMocrats get the idea that the Republican Party basically only the 1%? Trump won 30 of the 50 states which pretty much destroys the DIMocrats contentions about the 1%.
Columbus wants... no .. DESERVES.. to know the names of the 2 killers who shot up the Pawn Shop on Ft Benning Rd and killed the store clerk there last week!
Follow up from yesterday post - Online story: "Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee said she was an "easy target" and alleged racism may be behind accusations she received preferential treatment on a United Airlines flight last week." -- You know.. I believe she's right this time.. the airline agent who bumped the original seat holder was black and she saw to it the Representative Lee, who's also black. got a 1st Class seat assignment.. all at the expense of a white passenger.. it really does sound like racism
You know.. have you noticed that whenever Sheila Jackson Lee feels she is the product racism.. she's "black".. and when she's the producer of racism, she's African-American?
L-E story: "TOP BUSINESS STORIES OF 2017 * Expansion of Pratt & Whitney leads the list" -- What a pathetic year! Not one of the Top 10 Stories was about Columbus attracting a new major business.. shoot.. Columbus wasn't even in the running for the new Amazon Center that Macon.. of all places.. Macon landed!
L-E headline: "DNA Textile Group closing Denim North America; 125 layoffs expected" -- Here's another Top 10 Columbus Business Stories... that didn't MAKE the L-E list..
Wow! Have you seen/heard the numbers that are being reported on the Christmas retail sales! I mentioned last Friday that Mayor Tom-LYING-son and the MCSD may be bailed out of their financial woes as vehicle/shoppers traffic was more active than I've seen in the last 10 years o so.. All because of Trump... the Tax Cut bill was passed and signed, and consumer confidence is soaring...
Stupor_LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Well, the tax bill passed. Now the deficit can continue to grow. Next, Congress will target Social Security and health care. After all, somebody has to pay for the corporate windfall." -- Obviously.. a person on the government teat.. otherwise, he/she would know that when his/her paycheck shows the amount of withholding held out for Social Security, his/her employer has MATCHED that amount as well.
The L-E posted a column of "lists" of best things.. it include Movies, Dangerous US Cities. Chain Restaurants, Handsome NFL Players. Best Cara, Best Candy Bars, Most Expensive Cities, Best Coupon Websites, but two.. "Best Selling Cosmetic Brands" ad Most "Most Needed Survival Supplies" made me realize that the polling pool must have been mad up of liberal feminists... Estee Lauder.. the queen.. did not make the cosmetics list, and guns did not make the most needed survival supplies list.

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