Thursday, December 28, 2017

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Trump is learning how to legislate... I see it a bit looks to me that Congress is adjusting to effective, America-First leadership.
I'm getting tired of DIMocrats...RINOs, too, who are calling for impeaching Trump ..claiming Trump isn't fit to be President, when the real issue involves Congresspersons who haven't known how a real president operates.
DIMocrat spinmeisters are saying 2018 DIMocrats should not run on impeaching Trump, but on issues like creating jobs, and a growing economy...Huh? That's exactly why Trump won...America had 8 years of seeing how DIMocrats had no clue of how to create new jobs or jump start the economy...or regain world leadership.
From the "This shoots the air out of the DIMocrats and mainscream media's claims that the Tax Cut bill panders to the wealthy" department - Online headline/story: "'It's been insane here': People are lining up in droves to prepay property taxes before the GOP tax bill kicks in * Municipalities around the country this week have seen a surge in homeowners prepaying their property taxes as they brace for a major change in deductions from the Republican tax law that will go into effect on January 1. * But many high-end homeowners could be paying more in property taxes next year because of a new rule that caps the amount of state and local tax deductions at $10,000. Since there is currently no limit on this deduction, people are rushing to prepay their property taxes now, before the cap kicks in at the turn of the new year. * "It’s been insane here," James McAuliffe, the town treasurer in Milton, Massachusetts, told The Wall Street Journal. "Thank you, Mr. Trump, for solving my cash-flow issues. It’s become a very expensive town." * McAuliffe estimated that roughly half of Milton's residents would be affected by the new $10,000 cap." -- So about 50% of the Milton, MA homeowners have a minimum of $10.000.00 in property taxes... Doesn't sound like Milton, MA has a lot of middle-class homeowners there.. Local governments in NJ, NY, IL and California are benefiting, too, as the wealthy scramble to take advantage of the current tax deductions that goes away in 2018.. Hmmm.. seems like Trump has flushed out the "welfare for wealthy" theses primarily DIMocrat run states have pawned off on the middle class in other states...
FTR - none of these states... NJ, NY, Il, CA or MA..... voted for Trump..
In an interview with Prince Harry, Obama was asked did he prefer "Chris Rock" or 'Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson".. Obama was stumped, telling Harry, “That’s an interesting question. I like them both.” -- You know, how does a former President "like" anyone who has advocated "death" for sitting President George W. Bush and his family? For me, I prefer Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson overwhelmingly!
You know, Mueller has been looking into e-mails of the Trump transition team for 7 months...and has found nothing supporting the charges Mueller is suppose to be looking into. How about a Special Prosecutor not beholding to Comey or Obama or the Clintons or Lynch looking into all the Clinton, FBI, and DOJ e-mails we already KNOW are evidence of collusion.
From the "is there anyone who sympathizes with Abigail Disney?" department - HuffPOOPOO story: "Abigail Disney, the granddaughter of Walt Disney Company co-founder Roy O. Disney, wants you to be infuriated about the Republican tax bill. * the legislation means a “very fat tax cut” for her on income she “did not do anything to earn.” * “This bill will give me this tax cut while also killing health insurance for over 13 million people,” Disney said. “It will let me pass over $20 million to my children, tax-free. " -- Good grief.. Hey Abigail Disney.. you must be from "the Pelosi School of not reading bills".. You will be taxed on your estate over $11,000,000.00 if that makes you feel any better (once you realize how dumb you sound) To boot, there isn't one thing stopping you from donating your money to children's healthcare... except... except your own personal greed not to do so..
Online headline" : "Five arrested after up to 1,000 teens take over New Jersey mall" -- Hmmm... guess they were there for some last minute Christmas Shop-lifting...
Mainscream media is an will not let go of the Roy Moore story, but has forgotten all about Hellary.
Seems like the L-E is through excoriating Roy Moore now that the election is over.. guess now it can refind that story of Jehmu Greene describing how State Representative Calvin Smyre, and tear her story apart... that is what the L-E plans to do, isn't it?
From the "how misogynistic can liberals get" department - HuffPOOPOO headline: "Vanity Fair gets called out for suggesting Hillary Clinton take up knitting" -- Good grief.. if Fox had said this, women would come out of the woodwork in outrage.. besides, prisons don't allow inmates to have sharp pointy things in their cells.
From the "build THE WALL.... NOW!" department - Online headline: "Border Patrol agent wounded from bullet shot from Mexican side, agency says" -- It's time... way passed time to give ourselves a border that controls illegal access to our country.. Thank heavens it is a priority of the first president this in years that keeps his campaign promises.
The FBS Committee got the best 4 teams but needs to tweak its ratings criteria... according to ESPN online, the FBS's # 3 and 4 teams are favored over their # 1 and 2 teams.
2018 is near upon us... looking forward, we need to get behind getting Josh McKoon elected during the Republican primary. You'd think this would be.easy locally but our local legislative group hasn't grasped the concept of how positive it would be to have a Columbus icon elected to a state-wide office. It's especially disheartening that our RINO reps, John Pezold and Richard Smith have not shown McKoon any support.
Seriously, why do DIMocrats feel winning the Senate election in Alabama is a prediction of 2018 results? Have not DIMocrats actually looked at the voting results to see 6 of the 7 Alabama Congressional Districts voted for Moore, and less than half of the Alabama Republican voters in the 2016 elections came out to the Special Election?
Why are politicians.. including our own Mayor Tom-LYING-son, so into high speed rails.. forget the accidents from lack of maintenance oversight as those are a separate issue, but just the "welfare"involved in funding their very existence with tax revues should be enough to discourage new, or future expansions.
L-E headline.stories: THE YEAR IN CRIME * Murder investigations top 2017 crime news"
Story 1 -
As of Dec. 20, when 68-year-old Joseph Howard Johnson III was killed in a shootout during an attempted armed robbery around noon at the Columbus Pawn Shop, 2241 Fort Benning Road, the total for the year stood at 35, according to police. * In Georgia Bureau of Investigation statistics dating back to 1980, that’s a new high for homicides being investigated as murders, the previous record having been 32 in 1993. The only other year coming close was 2008, when Columbus had 30." -- Why does the CPD number not jive with the Coroner's Office number for homicides?

Story 2 - "Ranking No. 4 this year was gang violence, which was highlighted in the April trial of three Crips convicted in a vengeance killing last year at Columbus’ Peachtree Mall. Prosecutors said they gunned down Anthony Meredith to avenge the death of Christopher Twitty, reportedly a senior Crip. * Responding to followup reports, authorities in September said 400 of 1,066 inmates in the Muscogee County Jail – about 37 percent – were gang members, around 300 of them Gangster Disciples. * Prosecutors also alleged a man killed last year at Columbus’ Double Churches Road Park was dealing cocaine for the Bloods street gang." -- Gang violence will continue to rise as long as we have "jury fails" like the one regarding the gang killing at the Double Churches Middle School basketball court.. in spite of the obvious gang members collusion, a jury found all three "not guilty" of "Felony Gang Activity".. we can only surmise that this jury just considered the intentional gang-related death was a "normal gang activity".
Speaking of violent Columbus crimes.. what are the names of the killers in the recent Pawn Shop murder? Columbus deserves to know this .. and any gang affiliations.
L-E headline: "2017 winners, losers: Amazon, Boeing soared; GE plunged" -- Hmmm.. looks like I wasn't the only one who started boycotting GA Lightbulbs when past GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt brown-nosed Obama into banning 75 and 100 watt incandescent light bulbs.

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