Thursday, December 7, 2017

Start your day in remembrance of Pearl Harbor,, 'twas definitely a day of infamy back in 1941
HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "Trump hits highest approval rating since September in new poll * Politico/Morning Consult poll results published on Wednesday show that 45 percent of respondents give the leader approving marks, while 51 percent expressed disapproval. * The poll was conducted from December 1 to December 3, a period that saw the Senate’s passage of the Republican tax bill." -- Hmmm.. only 51% of the liberal-biased poll didn't like the thought of paying less in taxes.. the Kool-Aid must be wearing off...
Democrats are turning on Al Franken...but not for what he's charged with, but because Minnesota has its other Senator up for re-election in 2018, and the Dems are afraid Franken's image will tarnish Amy Klobachar's image as well.. Look for all 23 Democrat candidates running for re-election in 2018 to get similar vetting by the DNC.
When it comes to making America Great Again, Democrats say "we can't", establishment Republicans hem-haw "we'll try", and Trump says, "We WILL". Go Trump!
From the " chickens always come home too roost" department - California is burning ... again, and has found it necessary to invoke a curfew to curb looting in evacuated areas. Well, if California had upheld our immigration laws and eliminated their "sanctuary " protection laws, then California would probably not need to invoke curfews to stop looters.
Democrat spinmeisters are out claiming Trump needs to concede to their demands to ease off DACA policies because "the children" are here at no fault of their own in order to get Democrat support on not shutting down government. Can't we arrest all the Democrats for "obstruction of justice", "treason", and "lying to their constituents about supporting our Constitution.. the one they SWORE to uphold"?
Marc Thiessen, WaPo Democrat spinmeister columnist, is blasting the Republican tax cut bill because it raises taxes for some. His mantra is no one should ever have to say, "Republicans raised my taxes". What sanctimonious BS! WaPO supports the Democrats incestuously, and Democrats head for the shadows at the mere suggestion of cutting taxes so they have less other people's money to spend on their "personal pork projects".
Democrat Jones says electing Moore to the Senate may discourage more automakers from bringing more jobs to Alabama. Hmmmm..of course, electing Democrat Jones will guarantee that automakers will not feel confident that America, much less Alabama, is where they want to invest their money.
I'm a shade skeptical about those ads telling me I should stock up food with a 25 year life in case of some catastrophic .. or apocalyptic event... How do I know the food will be edible 25 years from now?
You know Trump is a man of his word when he keeps his promise to recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel... and you know he's doing it because it's the right thing to do ... because the Jewish vote will still support the Democrats.
From the "collusion?.. in Special Prosecutor Mueller's staff.." department - Online headline/story: "Mueller deputy praised DOJ official after she defied Trump travel ban order: 'I am so proud' * A top prosecutor who is now a deputy for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe praised outgoing acting Attorney General Sally Yates after she was fired in January by President Trump for refusing to defend his controversial travel ban. * The email, obtained by Judicial Watch through a federal lawsuit, shows that on the night of Jan. 30, Andrew Weissmann wrote to Yates under the subject line, “I am so proud.” * He continued, “And in awe. Thank you so much. All my deepest respects.” -- Hmmm... Strzok... now Yates and Weissmann...,, oh, and didn't the US Supreme Court just shoot down Yates' position? That says mountains about Mueller's "judgment".
From the "and it gets deeper" department - Online headline/story: "'They Should All Step Aside': Ingraham Says Mueller Deputy Represented Clinton Foundation * Laura Ingraham reported that one of Robert Mueller's deputies in his special investigation into President Trump was the personal attorney of a top Obama official and also represented the Clinton Foundation. * Ingraham said Jeannie Rhee was hired by Mueller this past summer to work on the probe." -- And this is on top of Strzok, Yates, and Weissmann exposes .. You know, what's amazing is that all these Obama-ites are actually making Trump look matter how hard they try to discredit him.
Online headline: "Pope Francis: Keep 'status quo' in Jerusalem to avoid conflict" -- "avoid conflict"? Here hoes POOP Francis.. earning his moniker again,, but add a failing grade in "History".. .. there have been over 1,000 years of continual "conflict", and it won't subside or increase based on Trump not doing the right thing.. Besides, POOP Francis, all this is easy to say when you live behind a protected wall like you do.
From the "absolute folly" department - L-E headline: "Claflin school deed restrictions lifted, project moves forward with plans for apartments" -- Has anyone even looked at the fact that the property backs up to the Historic Linwood Cemetery? Or thought about the rumors that will surely follow.. I guess the builders have figured out how to use the "tax credits" to make money upfront, and aren't concerned about the long term aspects. I just hope a future Council doesn't have to buy the complex like it did with the failed downtown Liberty Apartments..
From the "this should be.. but it's not nor ever will be.. the creed of the Democratic Party" department - Quote of the day: " “Letting go helps us to to live in a more peaceful state of mind and helps restore our balance. It allows others to be responsible for themselves and for us to take our hands off situations that do not belong to us. This frees us from unnecessary stress.” ― Melody Beattie - American author" -- It's a shame that politicians can win offices by promising government aid, but it's even sadder that voters believe they will be better off if government takes care of them.
Let's not forget that America NEEDS a forensic audit of all Congresspersons' office budgets as more info comes to light of sexual charges and payoffs made with tax dollars.
From the "oxymoronic headline of the year" department - L-E headline: "6 women pursue class-action suit against Weinstein" -- I object! No way should "Weinstein" and "class" be in the same sentence/phrase!
Why is it that Democrats and mainscream media insist that the tax cut bill reducing corporate taxes benefits only the rich? Whether new found profits are used to add jobs, simply secure jobs with raises, or buy back stock to make existing shares more valuable to the share-owners., all Americans benefit.. most of the money will go into the savings and retirement finds of the working middle class, and towards reducing costs so that manufactures can offer their goods at lower prices to its customers. It's not that Dems don't know this, it's that Dems don't want middle class America to know this and leave the Democratic Party voting base.

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