Thursday, December 14, 2017

Online headline: "Schumer reports fake sexual harassment charge to Capitol Polices" -- C'mon, UpChuck Schmoozer, you're the VICTIM of "fake news"? Well, if anyone should recognize "fake news", it would be you .. you've issued enough of it on the Tax Cut bill enough to be considered an expert..
Just looking at the Alabama results, 93% of the Democrat voters in the 2016 election showed back up, while only 50% of Republican voters returned to the Special Election. Basically, Jones didn't win, more than enough Republicans either were discouraged from or decided not to vote for Moore. Fortunately, Alabama Republicans WILL show up in 2020 and Jones will be but a blip in Senatorial history.
Tim Allen really nailed the Alabama Special Election... Allen said, "Glad I Don't Live In 'Bama BOTH CANDIDATES SUCKED!"
I'm glad the Alabama Special Election is over and Moore didn't win.. now the Columbus L-E can concentrate on verifying OR destroying former DNC Chairperson candidate and Fox contributor Jehmu Greene's allegations that Calvin Smyre sexually assaulted her.
Did Alabama Democrats see how quickly UpChuck Schmoozer jumped out to tell them how Doug Jones would be voting against Alabama families.... black, Latino, Asian and white... from getting tax cuts?
You know, about the only people in America who won't benefit from Trump"s Tax Cut bill..
are Democratic Party politicians. Voters will be reminded of the Democrat boycott of the tax cut in 2018 and 2020 elections.
Yesterday, Deputy AG Rosenstein says investigations only take place if evidence indicates one is needed, then tells another Congressperson that no preliminary surveillance takes place unless evidence exists. DOH! In other words.. nothing happens unless the sitting Attorney General decides he/she wants to obliterate someone... or not.
Deputy AG Rosenstein said during the Congressional Committee Session that it was not customary for the FBI to use video/audio recordings during interviews, nor create (verbatim) transcripts of such.. this was Comey's contention as well. Now, on what basis can the FBI produce evidence that Mike Flynn lied to the FBI? I'm always believed "he said" testimony was less than credible in determining guilt when juries are given the decision determining "doubt/reasonable doubt" . Flynn is a honored military figure.. and Mueller.. an FBI crony of Comey, Strzok, and Ohr.
Yesterday, I wrote a letter to the MCSB members asking why the secrecy of the options of building the wrestling outbuilding on the campus of Columbus High since the MCSD already owns the property. Shortly thereafter, I received an e-mail from the MCSD architect with an AIA (the American Institute of Architects) website and one=time use password. I went to the site, and was unsure where I was suppose to find this info I requested, so I wrote the MCSD architect back asking which options I should "click" on and what file name I should search for... Hours later, I got this response:
I am not in office, but I must have mistakenly sent you something relating to our access to AIA documents. Please disregard.

I have to assume that someone with "power" passed on my request to the architect as he was not on the list of recipients in order for him to send it, and I pretty much must assume, that someone.. or someone "higher" rescinded the initial "OK" to send me the info.
L-E headline/story: "Columbus may get another chance to host US Olympic softball team *
USA Softball of Georgia wants Columbus to host the U.S. Olympic women’s softball team in 2020, but the city would have to invest in significant upgrades to R.G. Jones Field and other sports facilities to make it happen. * That was the message that two visiting sports experts presented to Columbus Council on Tuesday at a regular business meeting. * Don Schumacher, founder of the National Association of Sports Commissions, expressed concern over the condition of Golden Park." -- Good grief..the only reason Columbus had the 1996 Olympic Softball competition is that ATLANTA DIDN'T WANT TO FOOL WITH IT! Columbus Council wasted over $7 MILLION dollars on ruining the Columbus' Golden Park good Minor League baseball, and the stadium has increasingly deteriorated as it's set virtually unused over the past 15-plus years. Council should take a strong stand that if the US Olympic Committee wants to use our facilities, then the US Olympic Committee should spend its money in fixing Golden Park up and returning it to Columbus in baseball ready condition.
L-E headline: "9 attorneys apply for vacant Superior Court judgeship" -- Hmmm.. a lot of good candidates.. maybe one "qualifier question" should be asked to eliminate any decision making weaknesses of the candidates.. The question I would ask is: Do you strongly agree or disagree (at any level) with Tim Allen's statement about the Alabama Special Election.. Allen said, "Glad I Don't Live In 'Bama BOTH CANDIDATES SUCKED!"
One last Breakfast Club mention of the Together 2017 ads that run DAILY patting its members on the back: You know, I think the L-E should publish how much the costs of their in-kind donation of these Together 2017 ads is so we can see how much money did not make it into projects that actually could help Columbus.
L-E story: "Breaking with years of courting the U.S., Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called Wednesday for the United Nations to replace Washington as a Mideast mediator and suggested he might not cooperate with the Trump administration’s much-anticipated effort to hammer out an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal." -- Hmmm.. and I hope Trump issues an ultimatum to the UN that it will have to assume all its costs in NYC unless it bars participation from Palestine. In addition, all parking tickets by UN participants must be paid .. existing old ones and new ones in the future.
Can you imagine what Auburn football players are feeling having not only to return to the arena where UGA handed them their butts in the SEC Championship, but Auburn is basically a practice run for the REAL game to be played there the following week which could easily pit UGA against Alabama - teams Auburn beat in regular season play while each was ranked #1 during the regular season.
Tommy Nobis.. he very FIRST Falcon has died at age 74.. I'll bet you one thing, Nobis would NEVER have taken a knee disrespecting our flag, our military or law enforcement officers.
Now it's become reality.. "CB&T.. the bank of here" has become "Synovus... the bank of WHERE?"

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