Thursday, August 9, 2018

From the "dump de Bl@sio" department - Online story headline/story: "New York City votes to cap Uber, Lyft vehicle licenses * "This action will stop the influx of cars contributing to the congestion grinding our streets to a halt," he said in a statement." -- This is about "congestion"? NOT! In fact, NO WAY! The old "medallion system" has been a boon to DIMocrats in NYC... the Taxi Union Owners paid a premium to keep the transportation competition limited by the "medallion system. "Medallions" were sold.. even auctioned to individuals and companies that had to be attached to a taxi cab in order to operate.. Taxi owners had NYC by the "short ones" politically.. a short "strike" could bring NYC to a screaming halt..and owners knew the medallions were .. in some cases.. their "retirement plan" as medallions reached a street value of over $1.3 Million each.. Now, with the influx of of Uber and Lyft drivers, the available "rides" has jumped from less that 14,000 "medallioned" cabs to over 80,000 "available" tides, taxi "medallions" have fallen to as low as $160,000.00. "Congestion"? No.. the taxi Union is revolting and DIMocrats are scared of what a cab strike near election time will do to their chances at the polls.'
Online headline/story: "NFL great Jim Brown, known for his activism, says he would never kneel for anthem * “I am not going to denigrate my flag and I’m going to stand for the national anthem. I’m fighting with all of my strength to make it a better country, but I don’t think that’s the issue. Because what is the top side? Are you not going to stand up? This is our country, man." -- This is the stuff heroes... and legend.. are made of.. Jim Brown, who's NFL Career Earnings totaled... TOTALED .. $400,000.00.. an amount all "franchise players" today earn in about 2 quarters of one game.. knew what opportunity was and respected it.. To hell with the current NFL!
You know, I heard that DIMocrats were ballyhooing this weeks elections as their trampoline for taking back the House in November,,, wait minute... every Congressional Republican Trump endorsed or "stumped" for WON. Just another "living the lie" DIMocrat moment.
It gets me.. DIMocrats pick out special elections, and pour in MILLIONs of of out-of-state donations and out-of-state staff to try and buy a victory.. then lose, and act proud that it was close.. the thing is that even if the DIMs picked up a win, they cannot afford to support all elections this way in November..
How embarrassing.. well it should have been but the MSM-13/DIMocrat coalition doesn't even realize WHEN they have embarrassed themselves... a MSNBC anchor read "farting" on her "cue cards" instead of "fighting" on air when she was talking about the efforts of the California firefighters heroic actions.. it points out two flaws in the system of liberal's education.. one.. libs have dumbed down reading skills, and secondly accuracy is not a consideration when reporting..
What is that advocates who condemn.. label .. people as "white supremacist" or "while nationalist" don't understand about what is says about them.. "They" are telling the world they are even more racist.. more intolerant.. than the people they accuse of being so. Acting/feeling superior IS the racial issue.
Online headline: "10 Summer Activities You Must Do Before School Starts" -- Ooooops, to late...
Online headline: "Japanese medical school changed exam scores to exclude women: probe" -- Heh, heh, heh.. well, the Left can't blame Trump on this .. but I expect them to try.. of course, the Leftist course should have them burning their Prius and Outback vehicles... but they won't.. they only sacrifice with other people's money.
Saw another "Abrams for Governor" sign on 13th St yesterday.. I'll bet Red McDaniel is rolling over in his grave at the sight.
You know, the one thing that proponents of "Black History" and/or "White History" cannot deny is that in American there is hardly any American history that black and white history is intertwined to the point that they can't be separated. In fact.. the history of the races is what has made America GREATER .. both have become stronger as adjustment have been made, and our future depends on further development of oneness.. not re-segregating.
While we are certainly glad..grateful even, that MCSB member Mark Cantrell suffered no personal injuries from the lightning strike at his home, but you have to wonder if the lightning may have been "a shot fired across his bow"... heh heh heh...
M/C headline/story: "Tour of new Spencer High School shows what $56 million project has produced * “The technology is some of the best in the state,” Freeman said. “They spared no expenses.”" -- You know, when a construction company manager says " they spared no expense", you just know we taxpayers have been soaked. Having dealt in the past with the technology accessing process of the GA DOE, restrictions on purchase almost assure the taxpayers are paying TOP Dollar for already obsolete equipment..
Online headline: "Women's group plans protest before Jeff Sessions' Macon visit" -- Hmmm... and the same Women's group would welcome Slick Willie Clinton in a heartbeat... go figure
From the "only in the minutia minds of the MSM-13" department - Online headline/story: "Kemp, Abrams' debt touches governor campaigns * Both candidates have debt claims against them. Abrams admits hers and says she is paying it back. Kemp is fighting a claim by a businessman that Kemp stiffed him on a loan." -- Only in a warped thinking process can one compare an IRS crime debt to a civil case where there are contested facts.. Abrams' debts.. for that matter DEBTs, including student loans.. are staggering considering she was graduated with a Yale Juris Doctorate Degree and is still in such debt after 19 years in the legal workplace.
Online headline: "More charges in Atlanta city hall bribery scandal" -- One more reason that a Forensic Audit should.. no, MUST.. be performed before Mayor Tom-LYING-son leaves office.. and it should be a requirement whenever a Columbus mayor leaves office in the future.
Online story: "Georgia Power now says the cost to complete construction at the twin Vogtle nuclear units will go up by $1.1 billion, heightening concerns about the economics of the project. * “As work continued at the site uninterrupted during the transition from Westinghouse to Southern Nuclear, project leadership made a series of decisions, such as providing craft labor incentives to both attract and retain adequate staffing levels and increased field supervision and engineering oversight, in an effort to lower project risk and maintain project momentum,” a company statement said of the changes." -- You know.. what really means is GA Power CO is "licking its chops" over being able to raise rates to cover y-unplanned cost overruns.. What should happen is for Southern Nuclear to have to deal with/ even sue, Westinghouse if there were undisclosed issues.. otherwise, Southern Nuclear should have to eat any self-imposed expenses.
M/C L-E headline: "Columbus Man Shot Multiple Times At Columbus Apartment Complex Monday Night" -- Isn't Wilson a "drug, gun, gang, and smoke free zone"? Will the victim become Number 26/27?
Online story: "Ohio Gov. John Kasich said Ohio voters who cast so many votes for Democrat Danny O'Connor in a solidly Republican district were "sending a message to the Republicans to knock it off." -- WRONG! The Republican candidate overtook a 28-point deficit in polling numbers once Trump endorsed him...
Online headline: "Man arrested at 'extremist Muslim' New Mexico compound was training kids to commit school shootings: documents" -- Don't you just love the teachings of the "religion of peace".....NOT!
Any updated news about the man pulled out of the Chattahoochee over the weekend? Surely a preliminary autopsy has shown whether the back-of-the-head injury happened before or after he was in the river.
Even though it's not our Columbus team, GA's Peachtree City Little League is heading to Williamsport, PA for the Little League World Series. What's special is that this year will be the first that all the players will be non-teenagers.
You know, when Little League started the World Series Event, it was an end of summer vacation before kids stated back to school.. now, sadly, some kids can miss the first two weeks of the school year.
With a life-long sentence probability facing Paul Manafort, don't you think that if he had any info that would give him a "better hand to play" with Mueller, that Manafort would negotiate?
From the "ooops, McClatchy Newspapers jumped the gun at a story" department - Yesterday, it was reported that a GA precinct had 276 registered voters but that 670 votes were actually cast.. Now, it seems that there are actually 3,704 REGISTERED voters in that precinct.. What ever happened to newspapers having an editor who's responsibility is to make sure reporters have their facts right.. It appears that McClatchy was just trying to create a situation to blame on Secretary of State Brian Kemp as he faces Socialist-DIMocrat Stacey Abrams for the governorship of GA in November.
From the "the 9th District Court of Appeals should be next" department - Online headline/story: "West Virginia House committee votes to impeach entire state Supreme Court * The charges against the sitting justices include "unnecessary and lavish" spending of taxpayer dollars, maladministration, corruption and neglect of duty, according to the newspaper. * For the most part, the justices face allegations that they used state resources and money to line their pockets and fund their lifestyles" -- Well.. it's a good start ..
From the "video that should run on the Jumbotron at every NFL stadium" department - Online headline/story: " Boy in wheelchair pulls himself to feet for national anthem at Tennessee fair * A 10-year-old boy who often uses a wheelchair and requires braces on his legs managed to stand for the national anthem at a Tennessee fair on Sunday night.
* Avery Price has hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) syndrome, a condition similar to cerebral palsy, which makes it difficult for him to use his legs, Fox 17 reports. Despite the disability, however, Avery said he wanted to show his patriotism at the Putnam County Fair in Cookeville." -- a child can lead them to the waters... but can't make them think..
What is it that Mueller feels he will reveal having Gates being paid to testify against Manafort...that a jury will believe a proven liar will suddenly tell the truth because he's been bribed..and what does Mueller feel Manafort would know about Trump? Manafort only worked for Trump about 3 months, and none of that time was when Mueller feels Trump was colluding with Russia..
M/C L-E headline: "Friends of Historic Claflin going online" -- Did you now, that the period claimed as the starting of the first black school in Columbus' public school system is in error? Claflin was opened by the Freedman's Bureau *.. and actually was closed.. and the Columbus Public Schools System didn't buy the building until 1877.. years after the FIRST black public school was opened on the 1200 block of 1st Avenue? If we are going to preserve history, let's preserve the facts as well.
* - facts taken from "A History of Public Education in Muscogee County and the City of Columbus Georgia 1828-1976" by Katherine Hines Mahan, Ph.D. and William Clyde Woodall.

M/C L-E headline: "Scientists trying to develop plastic that can self-destruct" -- Dang.. I thought the Mission Impossible folks discovered this over 50 years ago.. every episode showed the tape recorder "self-destruct in 5 seconds"

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