Wednesday, August 15, 2018

From the "when your opponent is damaging herself, don't stand in her way" department - Online story: "When asked whether her label as the “new star” of the Democratic Party makes her a liability, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) stated that President Trump is “trying to frighten, you know, whites” about her. * “Listen, he’s trying to frighten, uh, you know, whites about Maxine Waters,” she said. “‘Here’s this black woman, and she’s controversial, and she said things about me, and she does not move away from her position on impeachment, etc.’ He’s trying to frighten them. It’s not going to work.” -- Good grief.. You know, when a Congressional representative cannot vote for herself because she doesn't live in the district she represents, maybe she should be careful about calling more attention to herself.. What I don't understand is if the Court System in so rightfully concerned about the fairness of Congressional district lines, then why aren't the Courts concerned about the district representatives actually living within the districts they represent?
Can you believe that a judge has allowed the "adults" from that compound in New Mexico that ran a radical Islamic terror camp have been released on $20,000.00 'signature' bails. You know, when 5 adults run a camp/compound with 11 children and do not provide the food or water for nourishment, those adults do not qualify for 'signature' bail.
Unless there has been a change made since late yesterday that I'm unaware of, maybe we need to contact the DFCS to have a representative at the entrance of the library's "Drag Queen Story Hour" to take names of parents who bring their children to such an event.
How can the MCSB make a policy against board member behavior yet allow the library to permit a deviant entertainment event to be held that;s AIMED at children?
How can the MCSB even propose a policy like this when it won't take steps to stop a deviant event from being held in a facility the MCSD/MCSB is responsible for? If the MCSB allows this, and even if the MCSB posts notices that it is not promoting or endorsing it, and the event goes on, the the perception is that the MCSD/MCSB believes this is good for children. Power perceived is power achieved.
Oh, one thing the MCSB does not want to deal with is that the Drag Queen event, by incorporating a reading of a children's book, is AIMED at the children.. Maybe if the event was refocused and called "Drag Queen Advanced Calculus Study Hour" it at least would be aimed at children over the age of consent.
From the "veiled threat?" department - HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "Omarosa: 'There's one way to shut Donald Trump down' * “There’s one way to shut Donald Trump down and that is to just don’t give him the oxygen,” Manigault Newman, who served as an aide to the president until her dismissal in December, said on The Daily Show Tuesday night. “And the oxygen comes from the clicks, the likes, the shock, the discussions.” -- Hmmm... Don't give him attention.. oxygen... Good grief, Newman created this attention factor, and when she was thrown out of the White House, a fresh burst of oxygen was created.
From the "Hey, MSM-13,, why not compare the Republican voters rejecting what you claim is the standard of Republicans versus Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Socialist position being overwhelmingly accepted by DIMocrat voters?" department - HuffPOOPOO headline: "White nationalist Paul Nehlen loses GOP primary for Paul Ryan's House seat" -- Hmm.. I guess the "department" title sent this message without me expanding on it...
Online headline: "Christine Hallquist becomes first transgender nominee for governor after winning Vermont primary" -- Does anyone know whether he-she is for or against women issues? You know, without actually gender-replacement surgery, I also wonder how the current environment separates what we knew as "transvestites" from "transgenders".
From the "I guess he will use the "it's for the kids" defense" department - Online story: "Kenilworth (NJ) school superintendent Thomas Tramaglini, who stands accused of pooping near the Holmdel High School athletic field in Holmdel Twp., N.J., will collect more than $100,000 until his September resignation, according to * Tramaglini, 42, who was appointed superintendent in 2015, denies the claim despite purported video evidence showing him “doody-bound.” * From his suspension in early May to Sept. 30, the district will fork over $109,868 to Tramaglini in salary, unused vacation time and severance pay." -- Let's pray for JUSTICE... and that the Kenilworth School Board will pay him off in toilet paper.
Here's another list... of the best and worst states for "business".. GA is ranked the 21st Best... hmmm... wonder how much upward "bump" GA would have gotten if it didn't have to include Columbus's input over the past 7+ years?
21. Georgia
> 1-yr. real GDP change: 2.6% (13th highest)
> Avg. salary: $50,519 (18th highest)
> Adults w/ bachelor’s degree: 29.9% (23rd highest)
> Patents issued: 2,465 (16th highest)
> Working-age population chg. 2010-2020: +12.0% (8th highest)
You know, with Columbus, GA scored well in every category but had a noticeable "wobble" in the "Bachelor's degree" category, and average salary "wavered" a bit from the pother categories... and both of these categories are "sore points" in the Columbus area...
M/C L-E headline/story: "Audit uncovers missing contracts, minutes and other records in clerk of council office * Washington, 58, has been a city employee for more than 38 years and clerk of council since Jan. 1, 1996, human resources records show. Appointed by the 10-member council, Washington was responsible for managing the agenda for council meetings, recording ordinances and resolutions adopted by the council and keeping accurate minutes. She also updated the code of ordinances when changes were made and kept information on 40 boards, committees and commissions among other duties. * After the meeting, Mayor pro-tem Evelyn Turner Pugh said council would be looking into the findings of the audit report. “Whatever the audit findings are, we are going to look at each one of them and we aren’t going to skip over them,” she said. “We are going to try and straighten them out. The citizens can have that as my word.” -- You know.. I really thought that nothing.. in fact, I prayed nothing.. would be amiss in the Clerk Forensic Audit.. Most audits are "financial in nature, but .. well, not finding all the records on the 40 various boards really raises a flag, as voters do not have input into manning the various boards or knowledge of how the boards handle the tax dollars that Council allots. This also raises another flag.. following this discovery, and reading about all the scandals discovered happening during former Atlanta Mayor Reed's terms of office, that a Forensic Audit be immediately started on our Mayor's history.. and the City Manager's Office. One falling domino generally starts all the rest to fall.
You know, Council should immediately propose and pass and ordinance that Forensic Audits be a part of day-to-day practices. Even making such to be based on an open "pull" of names of departments for a random Audit should keep things in line, and a mandatory department forensic audit when a department head or Mayor retires or resigns... and we do have a Charter Review coming up in a couple of years.
From the "warped sense of fact" department - M/C L-E headline/story: "Restoration work begins to turn historic Claflin School into unique apartments * There are 44 affordable apartment units planned on the property, which will include 18 new units in the former schoolyard area. Apartment sizes will range from 650 square feet for one-bedroom units to about 1,250 square feet for the three bedrooms, with two bedrooms somewhere in the middle. * Though no lease prices have been set yet, a similar project that Oracle participated in and was completed about a year ago in Macon, Ga., called A.L. Miller Village, has its rates listed on They show one-bedroom units going for $396 per month, two bedrooms for $589 and three bedrooms for $669. * “It’s not subsidized housing, but the taxpayer program that funds it offers tax credits to developers in exchange for keeping the rents artificially low,” Gooding said. " -- First, tis hardly complying with the covenant of the federal owned building being turned over to the Columbus Public School system, but what Thompson Gooding, vice president of development services with Oracle Consulting Services said is a joke.. What does he mean when he says, "It’s not subsidized housing, but the taxpayer program that funds it offers tax credits to developers in exchange for keeping the rents artificially low,"? He means that taxpayers are getting the shaft and his company knows it.
M/C L-E headline: 'Talk of I-14 through Columbus grows – but it’s still just talk" -- Excuse me.. has anyone involved with trying to SELL this project actually looked at the existing Interstate routes than connect the South with Texas.. We already have I-10 and I-20.. and if the I-16 from Savannah to Macon project is just completed to link to Columbus and Montgomery to Meridian. MS's I-20 route. we will have what we need.. plus it will be quicker and cheaper to do. All I can say for the proponents of another I-system is that "they" have figured out how "they" will benefit better from it.
In fact, the next time this is presented to the area, the L-E should demand that the map being used also show PROMINENTLY I-10 and I-20 on it.

Online headline: "Chris Cuomo Defends Antifa By Saying Their Attacks on Police, Journalists Are ‘Not Equal’ To Bigots" -- Excuse me, but bigotry is generally about unwarranted hatred and ignorance just because someone thinks or looks differently from you, and you are now willing .. maybe not even able.. to sit down and discuss it civilly. Under no condition is personal attack.. physically or verbally -- under the guise of masks and mob mentality anything but hatred and criminal.

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