Wednesday, August 22, 2018

It's bad enough that the Mueller inquisition has cost so much not to get any better results it did than for a jury to reject more charges than it agreed with, but what's even worse is the fact that none of the jury's convictions were connected to Manafort's time with Trump.. Oh, and that the MSM-13 showed the the reality of this by pretty much ignoring the discovery of Mollie Tibbetts' body .. and illegal alien killer.
Learned something else "new" yesterday about the MCSD practice wrestling buildings being built.. Now it seems concrete block will be the choice for the exterior walls rather than "metal" as was the premise. Imagine a 60' x 40' building with 20' high walls concrete block walls... those are going to look more light prison guard towers than school buildings.
Oh, forgot to mention that on his past Monday (Aug 20th), it's now been 13 weeks since Zeph Baker has not kept his promise to turn in his REQUIRED campaign disclosure forms. Hey, Zeph Baker... "It's TIME!"
From the "bias? what bias?" department - Online headline/story: "Mollie Tibbetts case: Undocumented immigrant charged with murder of missing Iowa student * Mollie Tibbetts, a University of Iowa student who was last seen during an evening jog a month ago, was believed to have been found dead and an undocumented immigrant has been charged with her murder, authorities said on Tuesday. -- "undocumented immigrant"? Will someone tell NBC.. and the rest of MSM-13... that the Obama administration has left the White House, and now we .. and they should.. reference persons form other countries who are not "documented" are considered... and called... ILLEGAL aliens? Oh, and someone please tell MSM-13, that the "illegal alien" TOOK authorities to her dead body and CONFESSED to her murder..
From the "let's parse this a bit" department - Online headline/story: "Chicago-area manufacturer is laying off 153 workers and moving to Mexico partly because of Trump's tariffs * Stack-On Products, a manufacturer of storage products like gun safes and metal cabinets, will lay off 153 workers in their Chicago-area plants and move those operations to its plant in Mexico * Al Fletcher, the human resources director at Stack-On's parent company, told the Tribune that the decision to close the plants was made two months ago. While Fletcher said the plant's unprofitability was a major piece of the reason for the layoffs, the final decision was only made following the imposition of tariffs." -- Hmmm.. as reported by "the human resources director"? Aside from the plant ALREADY BEING UNPROFITABLE BEFORE THE ANNOUNCED TARIFFS, since when do directors of human resources make and publish financial decisions? What I would expect from a Shicago area Human Resources director is that he was having extreme turnover rates from workers leaving on Friday's and showing up in the Shicago morgue on Monday morning.
From the "it's not that America hasn't been great, it's Cuomo who hasn't" department - Online headline story: "Cuomo pardons immigrant man hours before his deportation hearing * Harveys Gomez, 39 who lives in the Bronx, has been in federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement since October. * Gomez was busted in 2009 on drug sale charges and spend six months in jail. He was also given five years probation, which he completed. * "New York will always fight to protect the immigrant community from the federal government's targeted attacks on our values,” Cuomo said. " -- Good grief, American laws are in place to protect immigrant communities, BUT, how can one protect the "immigrant communities" if it allows ILLEGAL aliens to run rampant committing crimes inside those communities? This just fits in with Cuomo's "blanket restoration" of 35,000 felons "voting rights" and his desire to give voting rights to the illegal aliens in NY. You know.. if we build "the WALL" around California AND New York, we could get back to our beautiful 48 star flag.
I tell you what.. if California and Mew York want illegal aliens to vote in their elections, neither should be allowed to have Senators or Representatives in Washington, or have votes in the election of our president.
From the "and the truth will set you....OFF" department - Online headline/story: Colin Kaepernick's lawyer: John Elway violated gag order in collusion case * Last week, Denver Broncos general manager John Elway talked with media about the prospect of signing Colin Kaepernick in light of the team’s struggles at backup quarterback. * “Well, you know what, and I said this a while ago, Colin had his chance to be here,” Elway said. “We offered him a contract. He didn’t take it.” * Elway was referring to failed 2016 trade discussions with the San Francisco 49ers that Kaepernick nixed when he was asked to take a a pay cut from $11.9 million to $7 million." -- Hmmm.. so KaeperPRICK had an offer to play bit turned it down... looks like his "collusion" claim has been dealt a "knee"... to his groin..Who turns down a $437.000.00 PER GAME contract for being the back up QB on a pro football team.. heck, he probably wouldn't even get his jersey dirty in most games, but would get paid MORE PER GAME than real NFL Star Jim Brown earned in his ENTIRE 9 year career as a star running back for the Browns?
Seems the DIMocrats are developing a slogan similar to Trump's "Promises Made, Promises Kept"...well with a little variance..."Promises Made but Never Kept Before but we're asking you to Trust us again"
From the "tale of Two Parties" department -- Online story: "Tuesday was a lucky day for Imran Awan, the former IT administrator for Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla. A federal judge sentenced him to three months of supervised release and no fine for one count of bank fraud – sparing him any jail time. * Awan could have faced much more serious charges and a long prison sentence if he had been tried and convicted on accusations that he ran a spy ring inside Congress and stole congressional computer equipment." -- Wow! A KNOWN foreign SPY who continued to work for Debbie Washerwoman Schultz, head of the DNC at the time, AFTER he was exposed.. he gets zero time in jail while Paul Manafort will get jail time for committing bank fraud.. What a difference when DIMocrat operatives gets caught with their pants down, and what's happening to Manafort.. and, ironically, on the same day...  
M/C L-E headline/story: "Boy, 12, charged in attempted rape of girl, 8 * The boy wasn’t old enough to be charged as an adult under Senate Bill 440. Georgia law enforcement may try teens ages 13 to 16 as an adult in offenses called the “seven deadly sins.” The charges include aggravated child molestation, aggravated sexual battery, aggravated sodomy, rape, armed robbery, voluntary manslaughter and murder." -- This must make parents of girls very relaxed... NOT! Tell you what though, the 12 year old boy IS old enough to be "gender re-assigned".... today doesn't seem too soon!
Online headline: "Granite memorial to honor remains found in slave burial site, UGA says" -- Once again, the inseparable intertwined history comes to light as a reminder of the can be anchor..holding us all back..or a beacon lighting up the future path of oneness for all Americans.
A question : What's the end goal of the current racist movements to desegregate history? Our past is entwined tightly and no amount of rewriting can change what was, just as no separation can help in the future. Dr. King's dream was for all if us to use ..accept..the past as a way to respect each other moving forward.
M/C L-E headline: "Over 100 suspects in Columbus facing a total of 301 charges after ‘Operation Street Sweep’ -- Now, what I really want to know is how many were also charged with violations of parole or probation.. Theoretically, those should not have been out on the street committing more crimes.
You know, we still haven't heard anything from any Council volunteering to let Columbus voters know whether the mayor was involved in a reputed fender-bender with a prisoner transport vehicle.. Surely one of them might want to assure the taxpayers that they are concerned and knowledgeable of the issues that affect us daily.
From the "love it when DIMocrats 'eat their own'" department - Online headline/story: "Bernie Sanders supporter protesting right-wing rally with American flag beaten up by Antifa, video shows * A registered Democrat and Bernie Sanders supporter protesting a right-wing rally in Oregon earlier this month says he was viciously beaten by militant members of his own movement because he possessed a "fascist symbol" -- an American flag." -- Well.. is this "truth" doesn't set you free from the DIMocrat Party, you are not qualified to get a voter ID card.
Good grief....DIMocrat spinmeisters are trying to condemn Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh based on questions he proposed to ask Bill Clinton about what Clinton did with/to Monica Lewinsky in the White House, yet none of the DIMocrats ever seemed too concerned about what Clinton actually did to the 20-something intern Lewinsky... IN THE WHITE HOUSE!
From the "it's more than ironic" department - the MSM-13/DIMocrat coalition calls our ICE/Border Patrol agents "Nazis" (among other derogatory names), yet this week.our brave and courageous Patriots deported a REAL Nazi back to Germany for prosecution for his war crimes. Thank you ICE...and President Trump!
Hey, Cuomo! Here's another "undocumented immigrant" that you can PARDON! Good luck with this...
Online headline: "Chicago police chief blames city violence on lenient judges and prosecutors" -- Hmmm.. seems the Shicago Police Chief missed a couple of other reasons.. such as the laws the Council and Legislators passed to keep law abiding American CITIZENS from being able to arm and defend themselves as they walk along the streets of Shicago.
Online headline/story: "Online headline: "Ocasio-Cortez raises eyebrows after citing national park as example of Democratic socialism * The overnight Democratic superstar, who rose out of obscurity after beating Rep. Joe Crowley, D-NY, in June’s primary, has been widely mocked for a number of gaffes and misstatements she has made on a subsequent media and campaign tour. * That mockery looked set to continue this week after she took a leisurely stroll through Maine’s Acadia National Park, and declared it -- along with other benign Sunday stops -- an example of democratic socialism." -- You know.. in a disturbing way.. there is a little truth in her words... the government took over from a lot of privately funded parks and decided only the government could feed the animals, and American citizens can only enter with government permission and fees.
From the "suspicions confirmed" department - HuffPOOPOO headline: "Nancy Pelosi Makes Fun Of GOP Leader For Not Understanding How Twitter Works" -- Hmmm.. so Nancy admits she's a "big twit"...Good grief, Pelosi doesn't even know how our economy or jobs market works!
M/C L-E headline/story: "‘No one can tell me what beauty is.’ MCSD board hears sexual harassment claim against Myers. * Reese, who was the chamber’s community development and growth director before becoming director of buzz at Yalla Public Relations in January, announced July 19 on her Facebook page that she is “actively pursuing time on the next school board meeting agenda to discuss this face to face with Frank. Ultimately, I believe he should step down from his seat early and allow the empty seat to be a reflection of the zero tolerance for sexual harassment and bullying in the Muscogee County School District.”" -- Hmmm .. ironically, Ms Reese believes Frank Myers should be censured for expressing himself politically and not be allowed to be on the MCSB... yet she felt it "OK" for her to express her political opinions and felt it "OK" for a current taxpayer paid employee to be allowed to run for a "conflict-of-interest" Council seat.. Looks like a "nothing-burger" to me...
Online headline/story: "Hogg To 'Old' Pelosi: 'Move The F*** Off...And Let Us Take Control' * "Hogg frequently uses the word narcissistic in reference to himself." * "Nancy Pelosi is old," Hogg said in the interview. "Older Democrats just won’t move the f*** off the plate and let us take control.-- and in another story today, Hogg announced he would "Run for Congress" when he gets old enough (age 25). I'm sure he'll whistle a different tune when he has to win over "older Democrat" women just to get a nomination, Does this not perfectly demonstrate how out of touch the DIMocrats are with America?
Oh! Al Gore was in North Carolina on Sunday and Monday to speak on behalf of the Poor People’s Campaign, which names “ecological devastation” as one of the problems hurting poor people.....hmm, does Gore actually know any poor people?
Online headline: "Nazis and anti-Semites slip through GOP primaries, causing headaches for party" -- You know, it never seemed to bother the MSM-13/DIMocrat coalition that, Sen Robert Byrd, among others, was a KKK member, nor former DIMocrat GA Governor Lester Maddox sold ax handles to promote his restaurants policy of segregation ,or for Hellary, and Schumer to embraced Byrd .. oh, and Strom Thurmond?
Online headline/story: "California kids can kiss their soda good-bye as kooky law aims to ban yet another thing liberals don't like * In the latest episode of “Banished!” by the People’s Republic of California, Governor Jerry Brown is likely to sign a bill that prohibits restaurants from offering anything other than milk or water with their kids’ meals, under the pretense of preventing obesity. * Effectively they’re telling parents they’re not capable of being trusted with their children’s health. It’s Big Brother Knows Best vs. mom and dad." -- Huh! It's always been the DIMocratic Party to be about being "Big Brother"..
Monday, I got a "recall" notice from my recent car purchase.. Seems VW misstated an emissions claim on cars like mine, and .. the Government says I have to take my car in in and let the VW dealer remove the existing "emissions label" and replace it with a new one.. and I have to do it BEFORE I can renew my license/registration next year. You know, Trump is winning over more and more American citizens and business owners by removing obstinate and costly and inconvenient regulations ordered by the Obama Administration.. he just hasn't gotten to this one.. one that could be fixed simply by VW sending me the replacement label that I could simply take 2 minutes of my time to place over the existing one..

M/C L-E story: "County election officials across Georgia say it’s too late to switch to paper ballots in the upcoming elections, despite warnings that hackers could easily penetrate the state’s antiquated electronic voting system and that Russia could unleash a new wave of disruptive cyberattacks." -- You know.. we welcomed electronic balloting when we found out that we could eliminate "back room ballot stuffing practices" that had pervaded into our elections... why would we want to return to such an antiquated method? And, can someone give me 1 valid reason any Russian would care about hacking into he State's election system... much less the Muscogee County election system?

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