Monday, January 28, 2019

I watched CNN Friday Morning for about 3 L-O-N-G hours:
CNN "journalists" blasted Roger Stone because Stone said he would do anything to get Trump elected. was that any different from CNN doing everything it could to get Hellary elected , and now are trying everything to get Trump outed.
Wow...CNN reported that it's reporter was alerted early about the raid on Stone's home because...because she had a small child, and knew she would need time to get ready before she could be on site when the raid took place.. CNN should be shocked that the Mueller team KNOWS what its staff is doing, and .. is located at all times.. CNN should also be worried about what the Mueller team doesn't tell them as well. Big Brother is watching.. and USING CNN, too.
I've been taking notes on advertisers on CNN this weekend...while I plan to boycott most of the companies supporting CNN, I cannot fault SimpliSafe Home Security...I figure SimpliSafe recognizes that even CNN viewers know that Pelosi's insistence that a wall isn't necessary is another lie, so even CNN viewers will want something to protect their home and family.
One type of advertiser I didn't see on CNN were ones selling laxatives...what a missed opportunity..I mean, for a show staffed by so many reporters suffering from anal retention....
Sen. Dan Kildee, D-MI who's the Democrat Chief Deputy Whip, said on CNN that the wall won't make a difference on drug flow because "97%" of drugs come through our immigration portals. Even though he's not credible, let's give that to him, but ask him since he "knows this", why hasn't he STOPPED such flow?
Wow! CNN had John Clapper comment via a phone on the Mueller raid, and Clapper started his comments with a disclaimer... he was answering, not as a lawyer but as a layman.....oh, then followed with a comment about his book.
You know, of the two, Pelosi is more responsible than Trump for the federal workers not getting their paychecks... both, the Constitutional charge..and responsibility... to protect all our citizens from foreign (and domestic) threats, which Trump is trying to do..while Pelosi doesn't.
You know.. with Pelosi's track record, she may NEVER have read the US Constitution.
Trish Gilbert, a director of the Air Traffic Controllers said on CNN that their job is one making sure of the safety of our country. Hmmm..seems like she should be more in line with Trump's position rather than Pelosi's.
CNN..and the rest of MSM-13, are actively trying to convict people who have associated themselves with the Trumps..Funny, though, they never include Democrats such as the Clinton's or Paul Pelosi, Jr for hanging out with he Trumps in the past.
Another CNN talking head tried to differentiate Roger Stone from Steve Banning by saying Stone knew Trump years before he did any work for him. Well Trump knew Hellary and Bill years before they squared off in the election, but CNN doesn't feel that's pertinent.
Roger Stone was awakened in pre-dawn hours, arrested and carried to a judge for a bail hearing...and some CNN @-hole reported he'd never seen Stone look so disheveled, so broken, so beaten. Good Grief! The man was arrested while sleeping, made to get dressed..probably before he even got to shower, and man who would never go "on air" without being prepared by his personal makeup artist, was passing judgment on Stone.
I tell you what I can't afford to watch CNN everyday..I'd have to start using a double strength blood pressure med, and I don't think there are such in generic offerings and I don't want to pay what the original maker would charge.
Looks like Mueller has hoisted himself on his own of of the charges on Stone is trying to get the Podesta e-mails from Wikileaks a week before the election ...DOH!. If Trump had been in collusion with the Russians, there'd be no reason to be trying to find out what those e-mails covered.. Case Closed!
You know, if the TSA workers had so little concern for the people they serve that they falsely "call in sick" while KNOWING they won't lose a dime of pay, then they should be fired by Trump. Reagan did it with Air Traffic Controllers.
When a president signs a new bill into law, or files an Executive Order, no single judge should be able to issue a 'STAY' order. Such actions by a lawyer should have to be handled by a panel of three blindly chosen judges, and the government should have it's own attorneys there to challenge the "STAY" order.
Wow! CNN just jinxed Pelosi..their folks are saying not only has Trump caved and not capable of handling political negotiations with someone of Pelosi's skills but that Pelosi will not negotiate as she said she would now that the government has reopened. It's gonna be interesting.
Pelosi has thrown Br'er Trump in the brier patch..again...and doesn't know she's trapped herself with her own lack of integrity.. In 3 weeks, she's going to expose herself as untrustworthy..not only to those who knew this already, but to the independents who are listening for someone that can believe in.
From the "Elian Gonzales Horror Film Festival Sequel" - Mueller sent 19 SWAT vehicles and 27 heavily armed and armored agents into an old man's house in a pre-dawn raid. If this doesn't scare you as to the disregard the liberals have for your individual rights, you better read "1984" again....the book ..not the Classic Comics version.
From the "bend over and grab your ankles" department - Online headline/story: "Getting nervous? Wall Street CEOs hold private meeting with Maxine Waters after criticism * JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon and Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon privately met with Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., a fierce Wall Street critic who now heads the powerful House Financial Services Committee, CNBC reported * Dimon and Solomon have good reason to have concerns. Waters recently added Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., and Rep. Katie Porter, D-Calif., to her committee. All four are freshman members elected as progressives, who repeatedly hit out at Wall Street billionaires during their campaigns." -- Good grief.. Pelosi has appointed Maine Waters and her Four Jackasses of the Apocalypse to ravage our economic system over the next two years and try and make the economy go South again before the 2020 elections.
From the "it should good for the goose as well" department - Online headline: Rep. Maxine Waters facing new legal questions over campaign mailers" -- Good grief...why hasn't Mueller sent his SWAT troopers into Waters' house...wait a minute...maybe it's because Waters has a Wall around her house, and the SWAT trucks can't drive through it to the front door.
Online headline: "Schumer, politicians, react to Trump's shutdown announcement: 'Hopefully now the president has learned his lesson" -- "Hopefully Trump has learned his lesson?" Good's bad enough that Democrats work harder on it's own agenda versus what's good for our country, but Trump has already schooled Schmoozer by winning the Senate when Schumer KNEW he would become the majority leader, and come 2020, Schmoozer will still believe polls that CNN publishes.
A couple of weeks ago, I posted pictures of potholes on Cloverdale Road and sent them to the 311 Center and Council.. and the potholes got fixed. Today I'm posting pictures of replaced railroad cross-ties, and old spikes the Norfolk Southern Railway has just abandoned on the road side visible from Veterans Parkway..they were replaced years ago! Why doesn't Council.. or the Chamber of Commerce.. either remind Norfolk Southern of what an eyesore these are, or remove them and send Norfolk Southern the bill?

Online headline: "Isakson among Republicans who backed Democratic plan to end shutdown" * What a disappointment! This, from a politician who once ran an ad using a "bubba" to tell folks to vote for Isakson because "he loves his momma". Not protecting other people's moms now is an indictment on Isakson's character.
M/C L-E headline: "Deal will reopen government, though without wall money" -- It seems really odd.. sad.. maybe even pathetic... that MSM-13 rejoices at the fact that building a secure fence along our Southern border has taken at least another 3-week step backwards. Now.. what will MSM-13 say when Pelosi reneges on her promise to address negotiations in 3 weeks to avoid another shutdown? Seems Br'er Trump has gotten her to throw him into that brier patch .. again, and this time, only Pelosi will be blamed for the next shut down.
Hey, Council! Kadie the Colossal Cow would be an even better.. more visible City icon at the Chick-fil-A store on Manchester Expressway... Oh, and Chick-fil-A would probably not only pay for it's "mooooo-ve" but also for it's use..
From the "MSM-13 is obsessed even when Trump isn't somewhere" department - M/C L-E headline/story: "Discord and controversy in Davos even with Trump absent * In the end, a spunky 16-year-old Swedish climate activist all but stole the show." -- Good grief..Trump not only stayed here in America to deal with our home problems, he fortunately "grounded" Pelosi so she wouldn't be there either.. Of course, she also "wasn't here", either, helping solve any issues..The pathetic things are that MSM-13 idolized a 16-year old on her "wisdom" about "climate change" without thinking about the fact she has done zero research herself on what she babbled about, and that Nancy Pelosi set herself back up for the "Patsy Award" when in three weeks she will have to address why she still won't help with securing our Southern border.
It must be killing MSM-13 that Trump immediately supported the presidency of Juan Guaido in Venezuela because the people elected him. Now, Nicolas Maduro is not wanting to step out of the way and help Venezuela become safer and more stable.. Hmmm.. sort of runs a parallel to the US Democrats .. Pelosi and Schumer particularly, not wanting to recognize the people elected Trump as our President, and fighting his every move to make America safer and more stable.. I guess it's in the DNA of Socialist-Communist-Democrats.
From the "Benedict Arnold" department - Newly elected Islamist Congresswoman, Ilhan Omar, D-MN, once tried to get a judge to reduce sentences for American men who sought passage to Syria to join ISIS in 2015. One of them, Abdirahman Yasin Daud, was so arrogant that he admitted in court that, "“I was not going there to pass out medical kits or food. I was going strictly to fight and kill on behalf of the Islamic State.”",, Omar, while an elected state representative, asked the judge for leniency in sentencing, saying "“The best deterrent to fanaticism is a system of compassion. We must alter our attitude and approach; if we truly want to effect change, we should refocus our efforts on inclusion and rehabilitation." Why is this woman sitting in our Congress? It's a situation she could never aspire to, much less achieve, in any Muslim country.
Online story: "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Friday issued a blistering statement, hours after FBI agents arrested President Trump’s long-time ally Roger Stone. * “The indictment of Roger Stone makes clear that there was a deliberate, coordinated attempt by top Trump campaign officials to influence the 2016 election and subvert the will of the American people,” Pelosi said." -- This woman is more of a setback to Women's Rights than the Clintons! As I said earlier, with her track record, it's time for Pelosi to prove she's ever read OUR Constitution, because she certainly doesn't seem to to know the laws.. Getting a Grand Jury "true bill" in Washington on a Republican is about as certain as knowing the ground will stop a person who jumps off a building, but an indictment is not a conviction... period..
Online headline/story: "'The people want the Truth!': Trump gloats over the loss of American media jobs * Trump was referring to the more than 1,000 media jobs that were axed this week after HuffPost owner Verizon Media, as well as Gannett and BuzzFeed, announced large staff cuts." -- I tell you what, I listened to CNN 3 hours on Friday Morning, and about 30 minutes on Saturday, and thought my head would explode. I do not know why any advertisers want their names nd products flashed up on the CNN screen. I know I will never buy a Volvo...
Online headline/story: "Texas says it found 95,000 non-citizens on voter rolls; 58,000 have voted * “Every single instance of illegal voting threatens democracy in our state and deprives individual Texans of their voice,” (Texas Attorney General Ken) Paxton said in a statement." -- Can you imagine the outrageous number of non-citizen voters in California?
Online headline: "Sheila Jackson Lee’s removal from powerful posts means Washington is finally taking #MeToo seriously" -- It's about #MeToo? Nah...the Dems just recognize an opportunity to get Sheila Jackson Lee off the pages of MSM-13..
Online headline/story: "Why millionaires are fleeing NYC and New Jersey * Last year, the region encompassing New York City, Jersey City and Newark lost more than 5,700 individual with liquid assets of $1 million to $30 million, the North Jersey Record reported. The exodus is thanks to turbulent financial markets and changes to federal and state tax laws." -- Hmmm.. I'm sure that had a bearing because those leaving are pretty smart people.. smart enough to know they do not want to be represented by DEMs Booker, Schumer, or Ocasio-Cortez...
Online headline/story: "Campus speech group urges UGA to end inquiry of teaching assistant * UGA on Tuesday condemned his remarks, which have included “some white people may have to die for black communities to be made whole in this struggle to advance to freedom.” -- While it's a shame that a comment like this cannot be an opportunity for enlightened discussion, failure to respond to it based on "situation reversal" is not an option. Unfortunately, this was a classroom statement, and students could.. no, probably would be penalized grade wise for calling him out on it.
We are looking at a repeat of history.. Our Sunday School class just began a study of Nehemiah, a Gentile who stepped forward to lead the rebuild the Wall around Jerusalem. I couldn't help but equate the situational parallels we have today.. Trump has helped restore Jerusalem in spite of Schumer, and is going to get Wall on our Southern Border in spite of Schumer.
It's been staring at me for sometime ..well..forever when you get down to it, but I heard the perfect name for Pelosi...are you ready for this... PeLOUSY.
I apologize for not realizing this before now..
What's the hold up by Queen PeLOUSY over rescheduling the State of the Union Speech? Trump open the government back up, so where's PeLOUSY's response to her promise? Wait! What am I THINKING! PeLOUSY never keeps her promises!
Online headline: "Daniel Radcliffe slams Tom Brady over Trump support and MAGA hat
What the hell does Daniel Radcliffe know about American football..he probably feels receivers need to catch passes with their feet. You know, when I think about Daniel Radcliffe's knowledge of American football, I see the image of Miami Dolphin's field goal specialist Garo Yepremian rejoicing and saying, "I kick a touchdown!".
Online headline: "Music legend Charlie Daniels blasts NY's Dem governor over new abortion law: 'Satan is smiling' -- Hmmm.. I guess Charlie needs to go to New York now since he ran him out of Georgia.
Online headline: "Meghan McCain: 'View' co-host explains why she doesn't call herself a Republican anymore" -- Hmmm.. maybe it's because she realizes that her Dad's image as a Republican was more like a Democrat..
There was speculation that PeLOUSY's concerns about not having the State of the Union speech because of the shutdown may not be the real reason. There's real talk she is concerned that the outspoken 'newbies' just elected may not follow her control plans. From what we've seen and heard so far, PeLOUSY is right to be concerned.
My BCers are the greatest! One reminded me of a quote by President Andrew Jackson.. ""One man with courage makes a majority." -- You know, I bet Andrew Jackson would have loved President Trump... and this may be the reason Obama is getting him kicked off the $20.00 bill.
Maybe Colin KaeperPRICK is fading away...A New Orleans Saint player has stood up for the real injustice in the Saints game with the Rams. He's wearing a t-shirt with, "Make calls, not apologies" on the front, and "Blow whistles, nor Games" on the back.
Patricia Arquette "thanked" Robert Mueller during her SAG Award speech.. for "working to make sure that we have sovereignty for the United States of the America." - Hmmm.. I guess Mueller's going to soon be an outcast with the left when the left discovers he has nothing on Trump.
M/C L-E headline: "Aide says Trump OK with another shutdown" -- And why not.. PeLOUSY cannot walk away from blame when she will not negotiate on the WALL after making it the one issue she claimed she was standing up for.. especially after reneging on the SOTU location for tomorrow night based on the government being reopened..
Here's another eyesore for visitors to focus on as to the viability of our City. This trailer sits in the the 2500 block of Veterans, and even in its best era, would not be approved for a residence as it is now serving. Oh.. and the property next door owned by the same person has enough unregistered, non-operable automobiles on it to qualify as a junkyard.

Columbus Council..  why hasn't this "dwelling" been marked for demolition!

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