Tuesday, January 8, 2019

M/C L-E headline: "Henderson ready to ‘strap on our work boots and get going’ as city’s newest mayor" -- What a great picture... Tom-LYING-son is not in it! Now, when are the internal audits going to be finished?
Wow .. the championship game almost put Columbus back on the map.. Justyn Ross of Clemson has a legend-building game.. and he's from Phenix City, AL, our across the bridge neighbor.
44-16 did not reflect the actual game.. as good a performance as Trevor Lawrence had as QB, it was the Clemson defense that prevailed.. a "pick-6" in the 1st half then 3 stops of Alabama inside the 5 in the second half.. Bama actually had more possession time and 1st downs. Anyway... wait'll next year!
Walls do work! Did you see any "illegal patrons" in the Championship game arena in California last night?
Talk about scary.. this is a map of the US and it shows than Los Angeles population is larger than 43 o our STATES... and if the projections of 2018 are accurate, Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Ohio will be smaller in the "re-draw". As the title of the map states, This is why we need the Electoral College. As you recall, Hellary claimed she should have won the election because she got 3,000,000 more popular votes. What she failed to mention is that she got 3,500,000 more votes in California.. alone.. and that overall, Trump got 500,000 more votes in the other 49 states.
Leave it to Hollywood...a new feel-good movie about a dog which gets lost/left then finds it's way back to the family, and Hollywood has made a movie about the journey...gimmee a break...did the writers know "dog language"? How could they know ANYTHING about what happened along the dogs trek?
Can you believe if..some Democrats are trying to get a petition circulated to end the shut down. Don't worry..the government employee in charge of receiving petitions is non-essential so this won't be opened until America gets the money allocated to build the wall!
Tonight, President Trump will address the nation about the security breach that the Democrats are promoting by being opposed to the Southern border wall. He will take full "blame" for building it, and America will give him "full credit" for building it in the 2020 races....and the Democrats will be shaking theirs heads wondering...as Hellary has already suggested, "Wha' happened"...
Soapbox Moment: Heard from a solid source that the $3.4 million dollars redirected to do major work on the Columbus High baseball complex (after the now retired architect took the 2015 funds away from all the high schools except Jordan and Kendrick) have been 'stolen' from the funds the voters approved to fix school rooms as needed.
How can using funds voted on for a specific use be reallocated.. As I recall, most of the roofs were not in need of repair at the time but will be needing repair/replacement in the future.
This should be a chargeable offense of misuse of public funds!
Democrats are claiming that no jihadist terrorists have entered the US through the Southern Border...Other than Dems having no proof of their 'facts', if it was true, it would because the Mexican cartels took them out before they got here.
You know, if "the Wall" had been finished before Eric Holder was Atty General, the DEA probably would have been foiled from sending guns to the Mexican cartels.
For 20 years, Democrats rejected Biden as a presidential candidate, then in 2008, he was added to the Obama package as a security/insurance policy, and he showed the world why he'd been rejected for the preceding 20 years.. Why does he feel even Democrats would support him in a presidential race in 2020?
Saw the replay of the Bears missed field goal yesterday...(don't watch or look for, but some NFL stuff does some how show up as news stories). It's interesting that the "Eagles" are soaring in spite of the NFL's attempts to negate the respect of our military and law enforcement sacrifices, and our National Anthem.. The "Eagles" backed into the playoffs when Minnesota "blew it" and now the Bears have followed suit...tell you what, I may watch the SuperBowl if the Eagles return.
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Sch*tt wants to Mueller to see if any witnesses committed perjury...let's hope he looks at testimony and text messages of Comey, Strzok, Page, McCabe, Lynch, Holder, and the Clintons. Yeah... right..
You know, the NFL.. the NCAA, too, needs to get it's act together...if a runner breaks the front plane of the goal line with any part of the ball it's TD. ..well, how come when a PAT or FG hits the goal post, why isn't it "good". Seems like a real double standard.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez describes herself as a "radical" as she decries President Trump...Hmmm..in my book, it's one thing to criticize a despot Socialist leader, but when you attack a successful president, it's an act of terror/anarchy!
From the "Tom-LYING-son couldn't leave without giving us one last reason to curse her" department - WTVM 9 story: "COLUMBUS, GA (WTVM) - Senior Vice President of Columbus Water Works Vic Burchfield says customers will be paying more for their water to start the new year. This comes after the Board of Water Commissioners approved a proposal by Columbus Water Works in mid-December. * There are several reasons for the rate increase: one is the lower than expected revenue because of the wet summer that we had this past summer and then we have capital projects where we reinvest in the infrastructure,” says Burchfield." -- "lower revenue"? That means less water was used, so in effect, there was less strain on CWW's equipment and facility so less money was needed for maintenance ... and employees. maybe we should get a rate reduction instead.. HMMM... Did any one hear about this until today? New Mayor Skip should get his administration off to a great start by rescinding Tom-LYING-son's revenge for losing the tax battle.
You know, back in 1993, the CWW and Mayor Martin held a gun to our heads to get a $100,000,000.00 Bond issue passed ("either pass it or we're going to triple the rates") to FIX EVERYTHING wrong with the sewers and Combined Sewer Overflow issue. We passed it, but the CWW did not do what it said.. if it had, we still wouldn't have such issues after only 25 years..
Online story: :Former President Jimmy Carter denied ever supporting President Donald Trump's border wall, contradicting the current commander in chief's claim that previous presidents confided they regret not building a physical barrier on the southern border.
* "I have not discussed the border wall with President Trump, and do not support him on the issue,” Carter said in a statement released Monday by the Carter Center." -- I have long ago stopped supporting my Cuzzin Jimmy, and every time I hear him speak, it reminds me of what a good decision I made.
From the "are you Jewish Democrats listening?" department - Online headline/story: "First 'Palestinian' Muslim Congresswoman Literally erases Israel from the map in her office * Israel was wiped off the map in her office. * The media is silent to avoid damaging the image of Islam." -- Hmmm... What BS! MSM-13 is "silent" so it doesn't have to deal with supporting the Jewish voters about staying in the Democrat Party!
Online story: "Crime statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) show that more people were killed with hammers and clubs than with rifles of every kind in 2017.
According to the Uniform Crime Report, 467 people were killed with “blunt objects (hammers, clubs, etc.),” while 403 were killed were rifles. * The FBI report also reveals that 692 people were killed with “personal weapons” like “hands, fists, feet, etc..” and that is higher than the number of people killed with rifles and shotguns combined." -- Looks like the left is focusing on the wrong kind of "control". Looks like clubs, hammers, fists and feet are what need "control"... but the left cannot dream up a slogan about controlling such... well, unless you consider abortions...
From the "and the Democratic nightmare continues" department - Online headline/story: "Dem Rashida Tlaib Unleashes Anti-Semitic Slur Against Congressional Colleagues, Says They Have Dual Loyalties * Tlaib "charged that supporters [of the anti-BDS] bill" were torn by their "dual loyalty" to both Israel and the United States, and claimed that the bill's supporters "forgot what country they represent." -- Who has forgotten who Congress represents? Queen Pelosi better take control of Tlaib's mouth.. NOW! Of course, I hope Trump seats her in front of the podium when he delivers his State of the Union speech..
From he "sign of the times" department - Online headline/story: "Ocasio-Cortez Says Her Critics Are Too Concerned With Being 'Factually Correct' * Recently elected Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says it doesn’t much matter much if she gets her basic facts correct – so long as she's “morally right" in the end." -- You know... it's what every Democrat does to get elected.. making promises they know they won't... CAN'T keep, to lying about their accomplishments am[nd their opponents. Ocasio-Cortez is just the first to freely admit it, and it is shaking up the DNC, but since when has the Democratic Party or it's voter base ever been concerned about what's "morally right"?
Online story: "A transient turned survivalist now behind bars for a string of burglaries in the Malibu Creek State Park (California) area was charged Monday with the murder of a man fatally shot on a summer camping trip in front of his two young daughters, according to a report Monday. * Anthony Rauda, 42, was accused of killing 35-year-old Tristan Beaudette who was shot as he and his daughters slept in a tent last June * Los Angeles County prosecutors also charged Rauda with ten counts of attempted murder in connection with other shootings in the vicinity and five burglaries. * Prosecutors said Rauda, who was arrested last October, was the gunman who terrorized campers and motorists with gunfire in incidents dating back to November 2016." -- Details! Like is the killing SOB an American citizen or not! And if he was arrested in 2016, why wasn't he in jail this past June?
WTVM 9 story: "COLUMBUS, GA (WTVM) - Columbus Water Works will be working on certain lines in the Uptown area starting Monday. * The focus is to inspect and clean them. The size of the project may cause traffic delays or changes in your water." -- Remember when the CWW and then Mayor Martin held a gun to our heads touting tripling the monthly charges vs passing the bond issue that would cover 'every sewer and overflow issue' we had? How come this wasn't FIXED then?

From the "real.. not "fake" news" department - Online headline: "312,000 Jobs Added In December, Manufacturing Growing 714% Faster Under Trump Than Obama" -- We also learn why there are so many "non-essential" federal employees now sitting at home ..in 2015-16, Obama's administration added 357,000 new government employees.. in 2017/18 Trump added but 99,000 government employees but these were pretty much added to seek and screen out the overload of non-essential government employees.

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