Thursday, January 31, 2019

Wow! About 33,000 new manufacturing jobs in December! A blow out number being applauded by all the economic savvy investors/analysts.. I'm taking bets that no Democrats comprehend the magnitude of this, and that no Democrats will stand/applaud when they hear this at Trump's SOTU speech on Tuesday.
It's not just Catholic governors who cheer partial birth abortions that we have to question about their Christianity... Last night, I was approached by an off-duty CPD police officer and asked to leave the downtown Catholic church parking lot because I was not a member. There were 4 cars in it, and no posted signs. Some brotherhood the Catholic church is trying to nurture.. I also wondered why we have an off-duty CPD officer guarding a pretty much empty parking lot after the latest list showing Columbus is not in the top 68 cities in GA considered "safe". The City talks a lot about there being so many unfilled slots in the CPD being a... if not "the"... reason for this, so.. why not "hire" our "off-duty officers' ]to work overtime during the tough shifts so our City can become safe again?
A reliable source says that a {1950s era bus" was :found" by our Metra Maintenance staff, and it's been refurbished to be used as an educational display. I guess the most educational aspect is learning a :1950s era bus" could be overlooked in the inventory for over 50 years.. Hmm.. maybe the impending departmental forensic audits have people on their toes.. again.. Anyway, at least it wasn't silently disposed of..
From the "opening a can of worms no one expected" department - Online headline/story: "Muslims demand Nike pull Air Max 270 off shelves over 'offensive' logo * Petitioner Saiqa Noreen says the logo “will surely be trampled, kicked and become soiled with mud or even filth.” * “It is outrageous and appalling of Nike to allow the name of God on a shoe,” Noreen wrote. “This is disrespectful and extremely offensive to Muslim’s and insulting to Islam.” -- Hmmm.. How come Noreen didn't know that Nike is NAMED for a goddess to begin with? But the biggest fall out may come when Noreen demands that all Muslim athletes give up their lucrative Nike contracts for wearing Nike gear.. especially this Sunday as the Super Bowl teams are both wearing Nike uniforms.
Online headline: "Billionaire businessman Howard Schultz says he's not a Democrat, surprised by party backlash to a run" -- Whatta revelation! Shultz just revealed he's not a very astute businessman since he's surprised that Democrats only loved him for his money. Think about it,, Democrats feel non-Democrats are only good for financing their programs so Democrats can keep their own money.
Online headline: "Howard Schultz hits back at Dems decrying possible 2020 bid: They ‘need a little bit less caffeine’ -- "Need ..less caffeine"? Good grief...the man's made a fortune peddling caffeine overdoses! Maybe we should charge him with aiding and abetting the antifa,and NOW he's concerned?
From the "uh-oh! there's another "N-word" in America" department - Online headline: "Al Roker calls Kentucky governor a 'nitwit'" -- Hey Al Roker.. as PeeWee Herman might respond, "I know you are but what is the KY governor?"
WRBL 3 headline: "EXCLUSIVE: Ralston, Eagles Trace owners owed Columbus Water Works staggering amount" -- Sounds like the NJ corporation may have to put all their residences on their own water meters ..obviously there's no reason for inhabitants to be responsible for their water usage.
From the "twisted logic of liberals" department - M/C L-E commentary headline: "Fighting Central American corruption will help prevent migration more than any border wall * BY THE TIMES EDITORIAL BOARD * Los Angeles Times" -- Good grief.. Liberals would rather spend Trillions in Vietnam type "wars" than a few billion securing our border. Do any of them not remember the quandary of how to help Syrians fleeing ASSwad, and the plight of abutting countries dealing with the refugees? Build the WALL! Trump 2020!
Conflicting M/C L-E LA Times Commentary headline: "From the "twisted logic of liberals" department - M/C L-E commentary headline: "Fighting Central American corruption will help prevent migration more than any border wall * BY THE TIMES EDITORIAL BOARD * Los Angeles Times" -- Good grief.. Liberals would rather spend Trillions in Vietnam type "wars" than a few billion securing our border. Do any of them not remember the quandary of how to help Syrians fleeing ASSwad, and the plight of abutting countries dealing with the refugees? Build the WALL! Trump 2020!" -- Just proves that liberals talk out of both sides of their mouths!

You know, if Trump proposed a better design for "the wheel", PeLOUSY would want at least one side to be flat.

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