Thursday, January 24, 2019

Last night,  both the movies available on the Hallmark channels were ones we'd seen too often  so we looked for something else.."Last Holiday" with Queen Latifah was on, and it's a favorite of ours so we changed to the WE channel to watch. We enjoyed it, but we also realize why we don't watch many channels other than Hallmark, HGTV, and the Food Channels ...the commercials on the WE channel were vile, crude, and some not even close to being "family fare".
ox News' Shepard Smith was prophetically named...his parents had no idea they birthed a butt sniffing Democrat lap dog.
Pelosi keeps digging her hole deeper. Yesterday she retracted her offer altogether on hosting the SOTU in the House Chambers..This is after her initial invitation early this month, so it's just another broken promise she made and confirmation that Trump cannot expect her to negotiate the Border Wall issue if he ends the Pelosi Government Put Down first.
Just heard that the California teachers are going back to work following assurances their classrooms would be smaller...hmmm..guess the teacher didn't realize the school board could just just make their class rooms "physically smaller" and still add more students.
Hey, Queen Pelosi..
If you're so sure we don't need a wall on our Southern border, then give it to Trump, and make it "THE ISSUE " for all Democrats to campaign on in 2020.
Time to talk about that "Gillette" ad...guess Gillette is feeling bullied d.c. by Harry and the Shave Club so it's trying to make transgendered males and females to feel sorry and buy Gillette.
Schumer is saying Trump, by himself, ended DACA protection. Schumer is actually right...and Trump was right to do so as Obama established DACA with an Executive Order all by himself, and was wrong to do so. Schumer failed to mention this.
From the "Unbelievable WRBL-3 headline" department - WRBL-3 headline: "Judge blasts Muscogee prosecutors; Man has been jailed 1,377 days without indictment" -- There's no excuse.. especially since there are no longer standards for impaneling a Grand Jury (basically, if you answer your Jury Summons and are in the first 25 or so on the list, and answer "here" to the roll call, you sit on the Grand Jury) , but we really can't expect any better results as long as the current DA is re-elected.. again.. she's a Democrat, and no Republican will beat her in a General Election in this leftist community.
From the "this demands a closer look" department - Online headline/story: "Kamala Harris snags several former Hillary Clinton staffers for 2020 presidential campaign * Angelique Cannon, who worked for Clinton's 2016 campaign, will serve as national finance director; and David Huynh, who was Clinton's director of delegate operations in 2016, will serve as a senior adviser. * Lily Adams, a Clinton campaign alumna who has worked as Harris' spokeswoman, will be communications director. Adams, who was Clinton’s Iowa communications director, is the daughter of former Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards and granddaughter of former Texas Gov. Ann Richards. * Additionally, the California senator’s sister and former top adviser to Clinton, Maya Harris, has joined as the campaign chair" -- Good grief.. no matter who's own the Democrat's "menu", the staff is basically incestuous.. and no reason for America to expect a better solution.
Online story: "The No. 3 Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday raised the possibility of approving $5.7 billion in funding to secure the U.S. border though various means but not by building a wall. * Referring to Republican President Donald Trump's demand for $5.7 billion to build a barrier along the U.S.-Mexico border, U.S. House Majority Whip James Clyburn told reporters, "We see ourselves fulfilling that request" with a "smart wall."" -- "smart wall"? Surely Clyburn cannot mean that no wall is in any way "smart"? The Border Patrol has identified some 234 miles of of difficult Southern border stretches that are very difficult to monitor, especially at night. No amount of electronic monitors will help the Border Patrol to be "at all the spots" when illegals assault our sovereignty and security unless a wall is built. Without the wall, crime and drugs will exponentially rise.. Democrats know this just a well as President Trump does, but have painted themselves into a corner with no graceful exit. Trump 2020!
Government Motors.. a.k.a. "GM" announced that it was closing 3 manufacturing facilities in America...GM says those models weren't selling face value, that seemed more of a marketing error, but now Consumer Reports, a sainted liberal icon, has ranked 4 GM models in the worst 10 vehicles for dependability...including labels that use to be standards .. the Chevy Silverado, the Chevy Traverse, and get this a, Buick and a Cadillac. Funny.. GM was deemed "too big to fail", but now it has failed again!
From the "any regrets now, liberals?" department - A white Baltimore man who traveled to New York City in 2017 and killed a black man with a sword in hopes of sparking a race war in the United States pleaded guilty to murder as an act of terrorism, prosecutors said on Wednesday. * James Jackson, a 30-year-old U.S. Army specialist, stabbed Timothy Caughman, 66, to death on March 20, 2017, and turned himself in at a police station the next day after police circulated surveillance video of the killing. * He told detectives that he had chosen to commit the crime in New York because it is the U.S. media capital and he believed that the killing would start a race war" -- Hmmm... according to Wikipedia, "While laws regarding the imposition of capital punishment in the State of New York are still on the books, it is no longer enforced as it is been declared unconstitutional in the state and this ruling has not been overturned. The last execution took place in 1963". Without an active death sentence, both for deterrence and justice's sake, there can be no justice for Timothy Cauthman, his family,or America..
Online headline: "Trump says he'll wait until shutdown over to make State of the Union address" -- Once again, President Trump has outed Queen Pelosi... not only has she been exposed for being against the security of American citizens, now she is being outed for being against an open and transparent government..Trump 2020!
Just a couple of months ago, Jack Brinkley, Jr passed, and now his dad, Jack Brinkley, Sr has joined him..Congressman Brinkley was a Democrat who you could vote "For", and who kept his promises. He would not have liked being under Pelosi's thumb.
WLTX -54 has posted another unbelievable story that may be more upsetting than the WRBL-3 one on the man who hasn't been indicted after nearly 3 years of incarceration! Can you believe the situation Marshall Countryman is now embroiled in.. and that more than 25 911 calls have been made, but, according to a witness, no police reports were recorded... I had "about" forgiven him for the mess in his Jr Marshall's Program (Congressman Bishop's son-in-law.. while living in Atlanta.. was listed as director,, but strangely, his checks were being deposited in Congressman Bishop's wife's bank account). Marshall Countryman needs to be immediately suspended and investigations... including CPD policies if it's true no reports were filed be started.


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