Friday, September 13, 2019

From the "it's a matter of perspective" department - Online headline: "5 key takeaways from the Democratic debate" -- "takeaways"? Hmmm..Talk about a stage full of "red flags" for mental issues... I saw at least 5 that should be "taken away" and a few more that should be "thrown away"...
Let's see.. Bernie says MediCare for All is the one has insurance one has deductibles... hmmm .. you know, MediCare is not free now..we've paid into it through payroll deductions years before reaching the eligible age, and when we do, we pay a monthly premium, and an annual deductible. Where do these DemocRATs get the idea that MediCare has ever been free. In fact, since the government literally has no money, and you literally cannot physically tax corporations, the only source...the ONLY source will be payroll tax deductions like you've never seen before.
All I can add is that the ABC moderators were lucky that with all the "gas passed" on stage, a dose "Beano" was already "on hand".
I watched maybe 20 minutes of the DemocRATic Debacle 3 last night before reaching my "Popeye" limit.."That's all I can stands, cuz I can't stands n'more!" .. join me in prayer for President Trump's continued good health.
From the "now we're talking!" department - Online headline/story: "US attorney recommends proceeding with charges against McCabe, as DOJ rejects last-ditch appeal * The potential charges relate to DOJ inspector general findings against him regarding misleading statements concerning a Hillary Clinton-related investigation. * A source close to McCabe’s legal team said they received an email from the Department of Justice which said, "The Department rejected your appeal of the United States Attorney’s Office’s decision in this matter. Any further inquiries should be directed to the United States Attorney’s Office." -- Hmmm..guess CNN has a new motto: "Home of Fake and Flake News"
Speaking of "Flakes", has anybody seen or heard from the former Arizona Senator?
So Hellary visited her 62,000 e-mails in Venice... of course those were the innocuous ones as public display of classified ones would be a crime..but what's more interesting is that she visited Venice but didn't bother to visit Wisconsin when she running for the presidency.
So, Elizabeth Warren has started her foreign policy platform telling Iran and North Korea and China and Russia that she will not use nuclear weapons as a first strike option.. This is straight out of the Obama "rules of engagement" that penalized our soldiers in shooting unless you've been shot at first... assuming that that you survive their first shot. I tell you, I have no interest in bankrolling a poker player who plays with all her cards face up on the table.
MSM-13 is calling the laws that the SCOTUS just supported concerning "asylum" as Trump laws...they are Federal Laws!
Hey DemocRATs.. can you explain MSM-13 ignoring these truths about various DemocRATs:
Chelsea Clinton got out of college and got a job at NBC that paid $900,000 per year. Her mom flies around the country speaking out about white privilege.... Remember?
And talk about DemocRAT perspectives... They sent more troops and armament to arrest Roger Stone than they sent to defend Benghazi.
Russia donated $0.00 to the Trump campaign. Russia donated $145,600,000 to the Clinton Foundation. But Trump was the one investigated!
Maxine Waters opposes voter ID laws; She thinks that they are racist... You need to have a photo ID to attend her town hall meetings.
I'm waiting!
M/C L-E headline/story: "ICE to build training complex at Fort Benning to mimic ‘combat conditions’ * Each of the structures will include set props “found in typical residential buildings” including “faux drug or IED labs.” Furniture, appliances, fixtures, clothing, toys and travel documents like passports, could also be included. * Those details provide information that minimizes risks to ICE’s special agents, deportation officers and the special response team operators during high-risk search and arrest warrants, hostage rescue, gang operations and other situations, according to the contract. * “Details like the number of dishes left on the table, toys in the yard, lighting, furniture, etc. all provide clues that allow our agents and officers to infer vital information that directly affects their safety and the potential resolution or outcome in the scenario,” according to the contract. * A pull-down ladder to a secret room above the garage. The room has a trap door leading to the main home." -- Excuse me, but hasn't publishing "details".. like a "secret room above the garage" sorta undermined the effectiveness of the training processes?
M/C L-E headline: "Former Columbus teacher arrested on sex charges was also reported by MCSD student, district says" -- Doesn't the MCSD have someone responsible for actually running background checks on personnel BEFORE they are hired?
M/C L-E headline/story: "Russia raids opposition leader’s allies * Russian security forces Thursday raided and searched hundreds of homes and offices across the country of activists affiliated with opposition leader Aleksei A. Navalny." -- Wow! Looks like either the Russians learned from the Comey era raids on President Trump's friends and allies or vice versa... just remember the 6:00 AM, guns-drawn raid on Roger Stone's home..and the purges of people the DemocRATs have drawn into Congressional Committee Sessions trying top manufacture crimes against President Trump.
M/C L-E headline/story: "Cleanup at contaminated military bases will top $2B * Hundreds of military bases across the U.S. have either drinking water sources or groundwater that has above-acceptable levels of the chemicals in them, the Pentagon and independent watchdog the Environmental Working Group has found." -- Hmmm... looks like Trump's improved funding budgets for our military is going to clean up after the 8 years of under-funding our military budgets made by Clinton, then Obama,
M/C L-E headline/story: "Columbus man who dragged boy off street to assault him has conviction for similar offense, police say" * an uncle testified Clark was with him the night of July 29, Judge Julius Hunter found probable cause to send the case on to Muscogee Superior Court. * On Monday, (police Cpl. Mark) Scruggs checked Clark’s background, and saw he was accused of child molestation and aggravated sodomy in Columbus in 1996, and convicted in 1998, the corporal said, adding the previous offense and Clark’s current accusations were remarkably similar." -- Hmmm... our DA is up for re-election in 2020.. maybe we'll get better results than the usual jury fail we've become use to.....
M/C L-E headline/story: "Warren’s Social Security plan would raise benefits by $200 per month * Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts unveiled a plan Thursday to give all recipients of Social Security benefits an extra $200 per month and to pay for it by raising taxes on the rich, her latest economic proposal to redistribute wealth in the United States" -- Good grief.. every plan she has for ANYTHING is based on taking from the rich...what's she going to use after she depletes the wealth of the rich?


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