Monday, September 16, 2019

Where's Debbie Washerwoman Schultz? In 2016 and 2018, she was "everywhere"...well..."all over the place" is more accurate...involved in subterfuge, scandal and fraud. where is she now?
Online headline: "A federal health department audit found Illinois spent $4.6 million in Medicaid payments on behalf of deceased beneficiaries." -- Hmmm.. Shicago may not vote for ANY DemocRAT in 2020.. with the "Medicare for All" promise, MedicAID would disappear and voter and death lists could be compared ..
From the "There was a time" department - Online headline: "After 7 illegal alien sexual assaults, Maryland county defends ‘sanctuary’ policy" -- You know.. there was a time when government's role in justice was to protect the innocent, and such a policy was am=n inspiration to immigrants to seek refuge in America. It can be again.. Vote DemocRATs OUT!
Hmmm... over the weekend, a solid 18K gold working toilet belonging to Winston Churchill was stolen for Bleinheim Palace in England. Personally, I think it was orchestrated by Obama who removed Churchill's bust from the Oval Office as a message to James Clapper... you know.. if we can remove a solid gold crapper, how hard will it be to "take out" a Clapper?
Online story: "Carl Icahn, the billionaire investor who has built a business empire in New York City over the past three decades, is moving his office -- including at least half of his staff and himself -- to Florida early next year, reportedly to dodge high taxes. * The 83-year-old investor told employees at his publicly traded company Icahn Enterprises that he will close the Manhattan office at the end of March 2020 and open a new office near Miami one month later." -- It must be so much worse than we can imagine... the taxes and demise of street safety in NYC/State, that is.. The man is 83 years old and is disrupting his own personal life as well as those of his staff because of the DemocRAT policies of Cuomo and de Bl@sio..
"Sanctuary this".. "sanctuary that"....What about "UNITED States" don't the weirdos in California don't understand?
M/C L-E headline: "Thousands in Bahamas struggle to find work" -- Hmmmm...excuse me, but why is this news for American eyes? While we sympathize, the Bahamas are not an American fact, the Bahamas are part of the British monarchy...and includes Canada as well.

Art? Looks like an adjective... a much needed adjective...was omitted...and is very much needed for a torso sculpture impaled with steel poles..."SICK".
Online headline: "Feinstein to host fundraiser for Biden, in another apparent snub of fellow Californian Kamala Harris" -- I was beginning to wonder about Senator Feinstein.. there have been a number of shootings .. including ones in California and other sanctuary cities/states, and she hasn't been shouting "we need a new law!". Maybe she finally realized we need new laws to eliminate sanctuary areas for criminals..
My take on the DemocRATic Debacle 3 was that it was pretty obvious that Julian Castro represents Obama and his job is to sideswipe Biden so Obama doesn't have to actually endorse Biden.
Online headline: "Scarborough dismisses Brzezinski after she apparently suggests Trump isn't Barron's father" -- Hmmm .. apparently there's rift within the DemocRATs at the family level as well...
Online headline: "Air Force deal to refuel near Trump’s Scottish resort reportedly signed under Obama" -- Oooops.. guess MSM-13 didn't realize it was opening a can of it's own worms...
Online headline/story: "Andrew McCabe irks some CNN colleagues: ‘I have no sympathies for him * "It erodes our journalistic credibility to have so many highly anti-Trump, former Obama DOJ/security officials without a semblance of balance."" -- Erodes credibility? Honestly.. some people who work at CNN feel their work is credible?
Online headline: "Portland Thorns fans boo US Armed Forces enlistees after they pledged to obey president's orders" -- Can you believe Oregon fans booed when enlistees being sworn in were asked to swear to obey orders of the President/Commander-in-Chief... this was not about President was about any non-socialist president.
Hmmm... how comfortable do you think our soldiers in the field will be if Beano O'Rourke was their Commander-in-Chief feeling AR-15s are battlefield quality weapons?
I was shaking my head during the 20 minutes or so I could stomach the DemocRATs on the stage Thursday night.. there was no one there I thought I'd be able to support under any circumstances. Of course.. Tom Steyer is lurking as the front-runners self-implode.
From the "Good luck with that!" department - The Lt. Governor, Justin Fairfax, of VA has filed a $400 Million dollar law suit against CBS... hmmm...seeing as he's a public figure and he will have to prove "extreme malice" by CBS, and with CBS's extreme record of liberal bias, it will be dismissed at the lowest court level.
Lt Governor Fairfax did get a few things right in his comments about CBS...CBS does need to be more responsible in reporting Trump issues.
Online headline: "Biden Falsely Claims Obama Administration ‘Didn’t Lock People Up In Cages’ * AP fact check says Biden's claim is 'wrong'" -- Good grief.. I can accept.. well.. tolerate.. some memory gaffes about what actually happened 30-40 years ago, but not when he was Bleep Veep when these cages were ordered built!
I didn't watch the DemocRATic Debacle 3 long enough to state definitively, but reports I'm hearing say that not one candidate nor questioner brought up the economy Thursday night, and not one American Flag was on the debate platform...
Though it won't actually change my opinion of U of Tennessee sports, I do have, WANT to.. applaud UT's response to the story about the 4th grader who made his own UT shirt for his schools "Show Your Colors Day". ...Here's a BIG THUMBS UP!
Is there any surprise Columbus get's checkered support... at best... from the GA Republican majority legislature when the DemocRATic Minority "Whip" is the wife of Columbus' City Manager?
Felicity Huffman got 14 days in prison.. guess California's "sanctuary" status does not include "green privilege".. well... unless, it involves Nike money...
MSM-13 is so confusing.. MSM-13 continues to hang on to the accuser of Justice Kavanaugh even though it's been shown.. demonstrated.. that none of her "facts" are based on reality, yet MSM-13 does not believe the trainer.. who was KNOWN to HAVE to be in close contact with Antonio Brown. Thank God Dr Blasey Ford is not the Nike payroll..
M/C L-E headline: "Union votes to strike at General Motors’ plants" -- Wait a minute.. UAW is a ..if not THE... major stockholder and has a member on the board.. does this not reek of stock manipulation.. and the fact they sold 40 MILLION shares last year at the peak indicate a possible "insider trading" issue.. Oh! And what about the taxpayer funded loan balance that hasn't been paid back?


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