Thursday, September 26, 2019

Online headline/story: "Democrats read whistleblower's complaint and call it 'disturbing' * “I found the allegations deeply disturbing. I also found them very credible,” House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., told reporters." -- Hmmm... "allegations" versus actually contradicting evidence? You know.. DemocRATs have "Cried Trump" so many times in the last 3 years that President Trump COULD INTENTIONALLY break a law, and no one would believe the DemocRATs even if they had video and a signed confession. Heck.. DemocRATs don't even believe Biden's television admission... well, more like a CONFESSION, that he coerced/bribed the then Ukraine President to stop investigating his son.
Hmmm...Bernie wants to tax the wealthiest Americans at 8% on accumulated wealth other words, Bernie wants to tax them into poverty in less than 9 years. Of course, if Bernie or any of the Socialist-DemocRATs should win, those wealthy Americans will probably migrate to the Cayman Islands, and the DemocRATs will have to move in on their voters to confiscate the funds they want to get their plan activated.
Think about it...why wouldn't Biden insist that there be a thorough investigation of his son's and his own interaction with China and the Ukraine...if they were above board?
Has any one asked Cait Jenner if any of "her" female children are comfortable with "her" coming into a bathroom while they are showering or relieving themselves?
WTVM 9 headline/story: "Ga. Congressman releases statement on president impeachment inquiry * Congressman Sandford Bishop released a statement in support of the impeachment inquiry. * “Members of Congress took an oath before God to uphold the Constitution, not to the President. It is imperative to our national security, the preservation of the rule of law, and our patriotism that we begin an impeachment inquiry.” -- So Bishop admits he "took an oath before God to to uphold the Constitution"..Well, there you have it.. a confession he should be brought up on charges himself! How can Bishop declare he's upheld the Constitution when he's fought President Trump doing his job to secure our borders, and does not fully support the 2nd Amendment?
Online headline: "White House accidentally sends anti-impeachment talking points to Democrats" --- Hmmm... "accidentally" sent DemocRATs his talking points? President Trump doesn't do things "accidentally"... he's just shown the DemocRATs his "face up cards" in a poker game...
After seeing the impressive new replacement walls erected under the Trump administration on our border to secure it from illegal aliens and drugs from entering our country, I have been appalled at what walls were there originally.. I think every decrepit wall section that has been replaced should be documented as to who was president and in Congress when that section was erected, and the replacement costs should be reimbursed by deducting payments from their pensions and any book/speaking revenues they get after leaving office.
Online headline/story: "Kamala Harris’ new tax plan creates a safety net for middle-income Americans — But will it work? * Sen. Kamala Harris’ plan provides a tax credit of up to $6,000 for those earning under $100,000. * Single filers without children who are earning under $50,000 would also benefit. * The credit could be paid at the end of the year or monthly." -- Wow.. in none single moment, Senator Harris has revealed her complete ignorance of the definition of "middle class" and her absolute lack of knowledge of economics and government efficiency..
You know, if any of the DemocRATs is serious about challenging President Trump, he/she should be on record complementing his programs and policy changes that are working FOR America, and how they could "tweak" any of those policies/programs to make them better. Obviously, if any of them knew how to run America as well as Trump, they would be trying to demonstrate they do.
Case in point - California.. California has 55 Legislators.. 47 of those are DemocRATs.. of those 47, Feinstein and Harris sit in the Senate.. and Harris is running for the Democratic Party Presidential nomination. The 45 DemocRATs in the House include Pelosi, Schi**, Waters, and Smalwell... all of which are constant and outspoken critics of President Trump.. (and any other Republican..period.) Why do these people feel we should listen to their ideas about how to make America a better place, when we can look directly at California as an example of failed governance?
From the "With 6 votes, we can do anything" - Red McDaniel department - There was a vote taken in Council Tuesday to grant a special exception to a gym/work out business on Front Avenue. Due to 1 absence and 2 Councilors recusing themselves for a conflict of interest, a vote resulted in a 5-2 vote which was not enough to grant the exception. Later, the absent Councilor shows up, a re-vote is taken, and the exception is granted.. then the previously "excused" Councilor "re-excuses" herself again.. this sounds more like "backroom politics as usual" rather than public transparency..
What were the circumstances that Councilor Crabb was absent in an initial vote, but showed up later for a "re-vote" then felt she could just leave again? Sounds like she was called in as a personal favor...I believe all of Columbus need to know the circumstances..
Looks like Council IGNORED my projections about the traffic jam at Green Island Drive/Mountainbrook/River Road caused by shutting down the intersection at Cascade Road. .. Obviously, Council did not send the Traffic Engineer our to adjust the traffic light there nor at Bradley Park Drive. It's a nightmare this morning.. Nothing short of stationing police office on traffic control will abate the drivers' frustrations. I also have a "whistleblower report" that Councilor Davis has allegedly moved himself into the Hilton Garden Inn he owns in order to circumvent the inconvenience his constituency in Green Island will face for at least the next 4 weeks.
Math and numbers are wonderful as long as proper perspective is used.. but trying to manipulate them politically is sorry. Such are the numbers of the SAT figures as I see them in the MCSD story in the Columbus L-E today.

Raise Todd Stanfill and his family to God in your prayers.

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