Thursday, September 19, 2019

Online story: "Rep. Hank Johnson (D., Ga.) said during a speech on Tuesday that supporters of President Donald Trump are older, less educated, poorer, and die early compared to other voters. * "Donald Trump supporters are older, less educated, less prosperous, and dying early," Johnson said at Friendship Baptist Church in Atlanta. * Johnson didn't cite what data he used to come to his conclusion, but an analysis by the Washington Post found that while a significant portion of Trump supporters may not have a college degree, they are generally prosperous." -- It was bad enough that Hellary felt Trump supporters are "deplorable" and irredeemable", but now Hank Johnson "KNOWS" Trump supporters are, among other slurs, "less educated". Hmmm.. wasn't it Hank Johnson who stated that "My fear is that the whole island (of Guam) will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize." Looks like Hank Johnson is the one lacking in education... and common sense.
Online story: "On Fox Nation's "Reality Check with David Webb," former DNC chairwoman and Fox News contributor Donna Brazile said that she gets in "trouble" with people on the left when she refuses to call President Trump a racist. * "I want President Trump to be the president of all Americans and not just his base, and not just Republicans, he's my president," continued Brazile" -- Hey, Donna Brazile.. President Trump IS your president.. it's not his job to get along with all of us individually. I'm not a Republican, either.. I'm a conservative independent who supports the candidates that best support America's best interests. Maybe you, Donna Brazile, should go into your voting precinct with the same attitude...
You know, GM could probably lower it's costs, AND increase it's profits by simply refusing to make and sell cars fit California's extreme gas mileage and emissions regulations. If California politicians WANT such extreme standards, maybe not having fossil fuel vehicles available would get California voters to re-examine who they have elected to Congress.
Online headline/story: "Trump, Omar clash over video of 'Squad' member dancing as she says 'lies' put life at risk * This [video] is from a CBC event we hosted this weekend to celebrate black women in Congress,” Omar tweeted." -- CBC party....on September 11th? Even if "true", American citizens wildly celebrating on a September 11th anniversary ...especially government officials having a racially discriminating party basically a slap in the face of the families of victims and First Responders of the 9-11-01 attack.
Isn't it about time to charge California's super-DemocRAT Ed Buck, Jr as a serial killer? Three gay men have been carried out of his home dead from drug overdoses.
From the "confirmation" department - Online headline: "(Julian) Castro praised Obama immigration policies for years – before attacking Biden over them" -- Following last weeks 3rd DemocRATic Debacle, I observed that it looked like Julian Castro was trying to undermine Biden-been Botoxed so Warren would look good, and Obama would not have to publicly endorse Biden.. looks like I "nailed it".
Former FBI flunky/current CNN employee Andrew McCabe must really be desperate... he went on air at CNN with, of all people, Fredo Cuomo, trying to defend his crimes, but really really just looked/sounded desperate.
Online headline: "Warren gets stumped by Colbert when pressed on middle-class tax hikes to fund Medicare-for-all" -- This woman is just plainly..simply ..stupid when it comes to taxes. Just like Icahn announcing he is packing up his company, and his personal life to move to Florida to escape the tax persecution of NY, corporations will head overseas again, and the super-wealthy will park their cash and taxable income out of America.
Online headline: "Doomsdays that didn’t happen: Think tank compiles decades’ worth of dire climate predictions" -- Not publishing quotes/data but you can read for yourself.. Warning.. it's not too long because the article didn't bather to quote Algore... at all..
Has anyone else noticed that a "mandatory buy-back" of weapons by the government is not really a program that would get weapons off the street.. What DemocRATs want is a "mandatory sell-back" but calling it that would mean violating the 2nd Amendment.
Senator Isakson's retirement opens up the perfect avenue for ex-Columbus Mayor Queen TT Tom-LYING-son.. she can apply online for being appointed to fill Isakson's seat and .. AND run against Perdue and herself in November 2020.. Well, she claims she was a Republican one day.. uh.. one time.. and she knows how to lie out of each side of her mouth..
Speaking of Tom-LYING-son, what's happening with the MidTown high-density project her REAL friends want to do at Hilton and Wynnton? Has it been put on the back-burner until after the DemocRAT Primary/November General Election so it won't hurt Tom-LYING-son's position in the Columbus precincts? 
Online story: "the family of deceased South Bend abortionist Ulrich Klopfer was going through his home and came across what appeared to be fetal remains — in the end, the remains of 2,246 medically preserved fetuses were found by authorities. * All of this happened in South Bend under Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s watch, but the Buttigieg campaign seems to be keeping quite about the whole affair." -- Hmmm.. remains of 2,246 MEDICALLY PRESERVED fetuses"? Sounds like the doctor had a room full of glass jars like we use to see at the Fair Side-shows in the past,, Now, has anyone checked to see how many of those fetus remains are registered to vote in South Bend?
From the "what he says vs what he means" department - Online headline: "Bernie Sanders says we shouldn’t go to war if we can’t afford to take care of our veterans" -- Hmm so he says.. but what he means is that if we don't go to war, we won't have to take care of veterans.. past, present, or future..
Yesterday, former NY Times editor Jill Abramson defended the paper’s discredited Kavanaugh story" -- Good grief.. she was pathetic.. and I wish the cameras had focused on her hands because she must have had her fingers crossed feeling that would absolve er of her breaking a Commandment m]Moses brought down from the mountain. Never have I heard as futile a defense that rivaled Bill Clinton's claim of not having sex "with that woman... Ms Lewinski".
From the "What's said is not the unvarnished truth" department - M/C L-E story: "After increasing its graduation rate the previous six straight years, the Muscogee County School District’s improvement streak on this key measurement has ended. * MCSD’s graduation rate in 2019 is 86.1% (1,959 out of a class of 2,276 students), a decrease of 2.8 percentage points from the 2018 rate of 88.9%, according to data released Wednesday by the Georgia Department of Education." -- What's not being said is that graduation figures include the back-distribution of diplomas that were given out to many that failed the required "graduation test", and that in the recent years, the graduation rate has been higher BECAUSE the "graduation test" is no longer required.
From the "No hock, Sherlock!" department - M/C L-E headline: "Carter doubts he could’ve handled job at 80" -- Hmmm... and spoken by a 95 year old who didn't do well handling the job when he was in his 50's..
From the "rose-colored lenses" department - M/C L-E headline/story: "SCHOLARSHIPS HELP AREA STUDENTS ‘REACH FOR THE STARS’ * When earning a scholarship, our students are not only able to remove financial obstacles, but they also gain confidence in themselves. As a result, they are more likely to be successful in their workforce education and training programs." -- You know, unless this money is a direct donation from an outside donor, it's money out of the pockets of either taxpayers or the students themselves, and the bulk of the students are stuck with a higher cost as part of their tuition is given to others. Hopefully, someone from Columbus Tech can document that the source of the scholarships was indeed from an outside donor.. but I'm taking bets...

From the "Bias? What bias?" department - M/C L-E story: "President Donald Trump has made a regular habit of criticizing Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell and his colleagues." -- "criticizing" Jerome Powell? How about Trump actually shining the light on an Obama appointee who made unwarranted rate increases 4 times in 2018 to wreck the soaring economic growth fueled by Trump policies?

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