Friday, September 27, 2019

I think every other DemocRAT on the House Committee was relieved when Chairman Schi** turned the questioning of Acting DNI Director Maguire over to the Ranking Republican Committee Member... Schi** pretty well demonstrated that he was obviously the most 'rank' member.
I may have spoken too soon, as soon as the Ranking Republican Committee member turned the questioning over to the next DemocRAT.. Congressman Himes of CT.. Schi** dropped to 2nd among DemocRATs as ridiculous..
Looks like my original evaluation of the DemocRATs on the House Intelligence Committee are a true contradiction in terms of what the true definition of intelligence is. When the 3rd DemocRAT, Congresswoman Sewell bumped Schi** and Himes down as she took over the top spot. I'm guessing this will be a continuous process throughout the day.
One thing that MSM-13 will misconstrue is Acting DNI Director Maguire's statement that he believes the "whistleblower" to be credible.. That's one of his jobs... to take any report as "credible" until it can be properly investigated and parsed.. Calling a "whistleblower" credible is not the same as calling the report credible... nor even factually accurate..
Online headline: "LGBTQ Atlantans raise $10,000 for Teresa Tomlinson’s Senate bid" -- Hmmm.. so Atlantans held a fundraiser and raised $10,000.00... Only Queen TT the PP Tom-LYING-son would try to "sell" this as a success...Looking further into her "fundraising", 75%... $412, 209.08... of the $550,539.08 ($520,539.08 plus 30,000.00 personal loan from Synovus)... has come through a Massachusetts superpac (funded by internet and Soros-type donors) named ACTBLUE. ACTBLUE raised $45,000,000.00 for Beano O'Rourke in the 2016 Texas Senate race against Ted Cruz.
What's really revealing is that most donations... and disbursements are from other areas and states,  not Columbus.
You know..President Trump asking for Ukraine's help in investigating a crime by a US government official acting in an official role is exactly what President Trump should have done...the world NEEDS to know our government is not corrupt!
Juan Williams, among other things, is a dolt! President Trump saying "do me a favor" to the Ukraine president scared him to death, yet VP Biden stating directly to the previous Ukraine president that failure to fire his Atty General would result in Obama pulling the carpet out from the loan guarantees!
The DemocRATs have accomplished their remove Mueller, Venezuela, illegal aliens, AOC, Hellary, Climate Change, socialized medicine, and financial irresponsibility off the front pages of all MSM-13 and Fox News by diverting attention to the Ukraine.
Though I have no evidence myself, I did hear a reliable source mention the White House "whistleblower" is a CIA plant from the inner circle of totally disgraced former CIA Director John Brennan.
Something learned while looking for something else: Online story: "Although he was a man of morals, when it came to war, Washington went to all lengths to win the battle. During the Revolutionary War, Washington organized spy networks to gain information from the other side, while simultaneously misleading his enemies." -- Good grief.. if today's DemocRATic Party existed then, Washington, who was trying to Make America Great, would be up on charges!

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