Friday, September 20, 2019

From the "What Me...look into a mirror?" department - Online headline/story: "Chelsea Handler says Trump is the 'perfect example of white privilege': 'It's nauseating' * night, Handler spoke out about acknowledging her own white privilege, including going unpunished as a teenager using drugs while her then-boyfriend, a black man, would take blame. " -- Good grief.. "white privilege" is not the problem.. Trump has worked hard and built an empire that has benefited in fact, Trump has overcome the odds of becoming successful.. no different than Jay Z, Bill Gates, Robert Johnson, Ginni Rometty, or, for that matter, Warren Buffett, and these successful people have done so by elevating many others who help then succeed. The problem we have is not "white privilege", but "CELEBRITY privilege".. people like Handler who accidentally found a 15-minute spot of fame that works for them and them alone, and feel it gives them an 'used" by "Fredo" moment to spotlight himself.
Online headline: "NYT reporters claim Kavanaugh agreed to be interviewed 'if they wrote they didn't talk with him'" -- Wow! Talk about an undocumented "we say/ he said" moment! Of course. It appears documentation of facts is not what the she/she combo wanted.
From the "really?" department - Huff POOPOO poop headline: "NY Times reporters say Kavanaugh asked them to lie in exchange for an interview" -- Good grief.. How can two reporters claim someone of impeccable credentials asked them to lie, when they already get paid daily to lie for the NYTimes?
From the "tide is turning" department - Online headline/story: "Billy Crystal mocks Bill de Blasio: ‘You’re going nowhere, come back and clean up this city’ * Hollywood legend Billy Crystal slammed New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s struggling 2020 presidential campaign on Wednesday, and said the mayor should return to Manhattan and fix its problems. * “De Blasio, what are you doing in Iowa? You’re going nowhere, come back and clean up this city,” Crystal said on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.” * The New York crowd applauded as Colbert shook Crystal’s hand and responded, “Thank you.” * “Otherwise, I’m happy to be here,” Crystal joked." -- You gotta love it when Hollywood calls out liberals..
From the "Hypocrisy.. thy name is DemocRAT" department - Online headline/story: "Sen. Menendez stalls Issa nomination over fake ID flap from youth * Former GOP Rep. Darrell Issa’s confirmation hearing for a top trade position in the Trump administration was indefinitely delayed Thursday after Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member Bob Menendez insisted on the release of an FBI background file that sources say shows Issa used a fake ID when he was 17." -- Besides wondering if there are ANY 17 year olds...EVER... who haven't had a fake ID, I also wonder how Menedez got such information. What I also KNOW is that Sen. Menedez needs to be investigated for having a "fake ID" as a decent human being..
You know, it's almost expected that Socialist-DemocRATs would be so against .. and afraid.. of Trump.. Trump sees America as the success it can be, and DemocRATs see America's success as a deterrent to the DemocRAT agenda..
From the "once again, ignorance rears its head" department - Online headline/story: "Ocasio-Cortez promotes DC statehood, claims 'right to vote is denied' * Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., called on Thursday for Washington, D.C. to receive statehood, indicating that residents didn't have the "right to vote."" -- AOC could put all her knowledge our American history in a thimble and still have room to transplant her brain in to it.... of course, even a barrel would be too small hold her tongue.. Hey, AOC.. get somebody to read you this (and our Constitution) as it's pretty well understood that PeLOUSY doesn't like DemocRATs reading stuff on their own:
"Founded on July 16, 1790, Washington, DC is unique among American cities because it was established by the Constitution of the United States to serve as the nation’s capital. *
President George Washington chose the exact site along the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers, and the city was officially founded in 1790 after both Maryland and Virginia ceded land to this new “district,” to be distinct and distinguished from the rest of the states."
Now, AOC, Washington, District of Columbia, was created to be our nation's capital city and done so intentionally to be a meeting place that favored no state. Legal US citizens living in Washington, D.C. DO vote in presidential elections, and DO HAVE 3 Electoral College votes. I wouldn't necessarily expect the product of a public education to know this, but being a bartender should have educated you on this.
I was glad to see the list of names that have responded to Gov. Kemp's request for those interested in becoming a U S Senator. Was surprised that former Columbus mayor Queen "I was a Republican once" Tom-LYING-son wasn't on it, but was really disappointed that I didn't see Zeph Baker's would be nice to know where he's living now so we could send a process server out to get his way overdue financial reports he's never turned in.
Shades of Davy Crockett!!. Looks like President Trump has "patched up the crack in the Washington Monument!"
Online headline/story: "Pete Buttigieg fed up with LGBT media's criticism of his homosexuality * “I just am what I am, and, you know, there’s going to be a lot of that. That’s why I can’t even read the LGBT media anymore because it’s all, ‘he's too gay, not gay enough, wrong kind of gay,'” the South Bend, Ind., mayor said." -- Talk about life coming around full circle.. Booty-gig just accused the MSM-13/LGBT agenda as being homophobic!
Have the DemocRATs even thought about the repercussions of Pete Booty-gig becoming president? According to DemocRATic Party policies, since Booty-gig has a husband. Booty-gig would .. in effect become the first woman/transgender to be president, and kill all the dreams of little girls believing they have a level playing field with boys.
Online headline: "House passes temporary spending bill meant to avoid government shutdown" -- Excuse me, but why don't the House DemocRATs pass an actual budget as they are suppose to do..
Online headline/story: "GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz, Al Sharpton clash over anti-Semitism accusations as police brutality hearing goes off rails * "Democratic members, including Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga., condemned Gaetz’s behavior, saying that it was off-topic and damaging to the credibility of the House Judiciary Committee" -- Good grief...a Congressman who believes an island can 'tip over" if it becomes overpopulated pretty much leads the way as a reason to consider the House Judiciary Committee "damaged"!
Not sure why, but this week, California citizens stepped up proudly to help keep Trump in the Oval Office 4 more years. Now, if we can just get those donors to run for Congress or fund better candidates than we've seen from the Socialist-DemocRATs.
Online headline: "Whistleblower complaint, reportedly on Trump 'promise' to foreign leader, touches off DC firestorm" -- Good grief...MSM-13 and the DemocRATic Party leaders are not content with scraping scum off the bottom of a barrel, now it seems they developed such a taste for it, they feel the need need to lick the bottom of the scum.
The next time Biden-been-Botoxed gets in front of a microphone, I wish one of the MSM-13 would ask him if he would still support the Obama-Biden decision to give the Iranis all that cash?
You know...if the DemocRATs feel Trump's plans and policies are bad, why don't they just step out of his way and let him show America that his way doesn't work at helping America become great again.
You know, the 48 DemocRAT Congresspersons ..including PeLOUSY, Feinstein, Waters, Harris, Smalwell, and Adam Schi** would have a lot easier time selling their messages for a cleaner, better , and safer America if they could show us a clean, better, safer California.
Online headline: "CNN's Don Lemon knocks Trump while praising Justin Trudeau's apology over brownface photo" -- Gimmee a break.. President Trump had too much common sense at 29 than to mimic anyone's ethnicity, so why is Don LEMon attacking Trump for a=someone else's faux pas? Why didn't... and doesn't LEMon go after VA Governor Northam who went blackfaced to a party while in med school?
M/C L-E headline: "Iran threatens ‘all-out war’ if hit by US or Saudis" -- I got four visions of laugh levels when I heard this...
1- Dogpatch declaring war on the US
2 - Peter Sellers in "The Mouse that Roared"
3 - Don Knotts fumbling in hopes of finding another bullet in his pocket.
4 - Obama looking for a stick to draw another line in the sand.
M/C L-E headline/story: "North America has 3 billion fewer birds than in 1970 * North America’s skies are lonelier and quieter as nearly 3 billion fewer wild birds soar in the air than in 1970, a comprehensive study shows. * The study focuses on the drop in sheer numbers of birds, not extinctions. The bird population in the U.S. and Canada was probably around 10.1 billion nearly half a century ago and has fallen 29% to about 7.2 billion birds, according to a study in Thursday’s journal Science . * “People need to pay attention to the birds around them because they are slowly disappearing,” said lead author Kenneth Rosenberg of Cornell University." -- Hmm... a comprehensive study, huh... I wonder how much tax money the Obama-Biden team gave Cornell for this... Of course, in my opinion, if.. and I n[mean IF.. there is a countable shortage of birds, it's because of two things.. birds that have left California's sanctuary inner cities over the smell, over the thought of being a dinner for the homeless, of just can't compete with the sanctuary homeless in dumpster diving... or the birds were dodging the Census Counters because they weren't American citizens..
M/C L-E headline/story: "In California, gun laws are helping lower suicide rate * A separate study released last week by the Violence Policy Center confirmed that states with the highest suicide rates had weak gun violence prevention laws and easy access to guns. * California, which has strict gun laws, has the fifth-lowest suicide rate in the United States * (10.91 per 100,000 residents). Researchers said that the four states with lower suicide rates than California – New York (8.54 per 100,000 residents), New Jersey (8.83), Massachusetts (9.94) and Maryland (10.41) – all had “strong gun violence prevention laws as well as a lower rate of gun ownership.” _- Good grief.. as this chart shows, people worldwide will commit suicide whether they have access to guns or not.. And in a lot of our major inner cities, street deaths by neighbors could be counted as suicides for continuing to live there.

M/C L-E commentary headline: "The Bahamas deserves better from the US * BY KAREN MUSALO * Los Angeles Times -- Good grief.. the US is a great neighbor.. but we are not the Bahamas' "nanny".. The Bahamas are not a US territory.. in fact, where ARE England and/or Canada helping out their monarch family!

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