Tuesday, January 4, 2022

 From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online story: "The Manhattan District Attorney's office will not file criminal charges in connection with the handling of coronavirus deaths in New York nursing homes during the tenure of former Governor Andrew Cuomo, his representative said on Monday. * "I was contacted today by the head of the Elder Care Unit from the Manhattan District Attorney's Office who informed me they have closed its investigation involving the Executive Chamber and nursing homes," attorney Elkan Abramowitz said in a statement." -- Hmmm... One of Creepo Cuomo's lawyers says a 2nd tier DA said Creepo's investigation was closed because "there was no evidence to suggest that any laws were broken"..if no laws "were broken", it sounds like some were severely damaged.. particularly laws of ethics and humanity and common sense. Of course, on the other hand, the NY DAs feel COMPELLED to pursue former President Trump who actually saved NY lives with his vaccine efforts and who provided hospital relief options to NY that Creepo didn't take advantage of...

Some "historians" consider America a "democracy"... but it's NOT! America was set-up by our Founding Fathers as a "Limited Republic" to be run by the people, and because of that, America has operated with the longest continual form of government in the history of the world... and has become the greatest country in the world... Why would Democrats want to change this?

From the "it's gotta be FAKE NEWS" department - Online "headLIE" : "Whoopi Goldberg tests positive for COVID-19" -- Whatta "set-up! Of course this has to be "FAKE NEWS:.. Whoopi Goldberg has never been POSITIVE about anything!

Online headline/story: " Taliban orders Afghan shopkeepers to behead mannequins " * The Taliban reportedly instructed mannequins in Afghan clothes shops to be beheaded, claiming the dolls infringe Islamic rules. * Aziz Rahman, the head of the ministry’s local arm, referred to the mannequins as “statues” and accused people of worshipping them against Islamic law. * also, New rules unveiled by the Taliban’s Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice in November blocked soap operas and dramas from including women actors in Afghanistan." -- Hmmm... Where is "the Squad"? Where is JoKKKe Biden? Where is our MSM! MSM is more responsible for this happening than even Resident Biden.... MSM got JoKKKe Biden elected, and his decisions since have re-established Taliban rule!

Online headline: "Progressives concerned as Eric Adams takes helm as New York mayor " -- Hmmm... Question: Where was the Progressive's "concern" when Cuomo was NY governor and de Bl@sio was NYC mayor?

Online story: "Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) rang the alarm on the 2022 midterm elections on Monday’s episode of MSNBC’s “All In.” * “I’m worried that if Republicans win in the midterm elections that voting as we know it in this country will be gone,” Swalwell told anchor Chris Hayes." -- Hmmm.. you know, if Eric Smalwell is worried about the mid-terms, maybe he should be trying to get PeLOUSY to be promoting legislation that would get patriotic Americans on board and willing to send Democrat's back to Congress....

Online headline/story: "“'Jeopardy!' champion responds to transphobic Twitter trolls
Amy Schneider, the show's current record holder for most consecutive wins by a woman * Jeopardy!” contestant Amy Schneider has a few choices words for those directing transphobic comments at her on social media. * Schneider, who is the first transgender contestant to qualify for the game show's Tournament of Champions, addressed the commentary sent to her through messages over the course of December in a tweet on the last day of the year." -- You know.. if Schneider really feels justified becoming a woman, hen "she" should make her issues those of being a woman rather than on DECIDING to change her gender..that in mind, Schneider really should apologize to the biologic woman she now took the title for women from...

Online headline/story: "Biden: More competition in meat industry can ease food costs * “Capitalism without competition isn’t capitalism — it’s exploitation,” Biden said." -- "Wait a minute.. did Resident Biden get Bill Clinton to redefine "capitalism"? Actually, JoKKKe Biden, what "Capitalism without competition is isn't "exploitation"... IT'S COMMUNISM/SOCIALISM!

This story also reveals JoKKKe Biden's lack of understanding of private business needs.. it's not all about "competition", it's about over-regulation that drives up expenses/costs.. it's about marketing and transportation expenses.. and it's about individual freedoms... none of which flourish under government's thumb...


Online "headLIE": "“We Beat The Americans,” says the Taliban, displaying their victory over the US" -- WRONG! The Taliban did not "beat the Americans".. the Taliban beat Biden's policies...well, the Taliban actually sat on the sidelines and watched Biden beat himself...


Online headline: "California Supreme Court Rules Prisons Cannot Consider Violent Felons for Early Release" -- WOW! This is like a 10.0 Earthquake! Unfortunately, california governor Newsom wil probably issue an Executive Order that decriminalizes violent crime...

From the "Racist Hate Bias? Completely racist Hate bias!" department - Online "headLIE": "Herschel Walker Posts Probably-Drunken Video Blasting Democratic Policies In New Year Message * By Zack Linly" -- Good grief.. Zack Linly is not a "journalist" ... at best, he's "tool".. a "tool" the Progressive side of the Democrats; hire to write hit pieces when the actually Progressives are too embarrassed to actually lie to the extreme they can get Zack Linly (https://muckrack.com/zack-linly) to do!

Online story: "China joins U.S. allies including Japan and Australia in a new Asia-Pacific trade agreement that launches Saturday—with the U.S. watching from the sidelines." -- I can actually understand why Japan might be PO'd at America...(just last month JoKKKe Biden appointed Rahm Emanuel as our Ambassador to Japan) but not sure why Australia would do so.. or, for that matter, be asked by China to do so...since the US-Australia-Great Britain recently teamed up against a China policy... but regardless.. this may become an irreparable chink in the US-Japanese friendship... As Alvin and the Chipmunks might add: "Hurry, Mid-term Elections, hurry FAST!"

Online headline: "Kneeling before Russia, Germany's new Chancellor betrays Biden and NATO" -- Wow... Germany's dissing of NATO really is a double-edged sword! If Japan sides more with China than the US, and Germany sides more with Russia than the European Commonwealth, Ally support and resources will be stretched to weakened status.

Online headline/story: "China switches on ‘artificial sun’ that is five times hotter than the real thing * A nuclear fusion reactor in China has set a new record for sustained high temperatures after running five times hotter than the sun for more than 17 minutes, according to state media * A nuclear fusion reactor in China has set a new record for sustained high temperatures after running five times hotter than the sun for more than 17 minutes, according to state media. * The Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), known as an “artificial sun”, reached temperatures of 70,000,000C during the experiments, the Xinhua News Agency reported." -- Whoa! And Algore. Kerry and the Sierra Club are more concerned at what carbon-combustion car engines can do to our atmosphere?

From the "I think Chris Mathews finally realizes what that "tingle on his leg actually was" department" - Online headline: "Ex-MSNBC host Chris Matthews irks liberals by declaring 'I tried to warn we were headed too far left'" -- You know.. what's really sad is that Mathews would not have felt.. much less admitted/said.. this if he hadn't been fired....

Let this sink in.... in 2021, there were more homicides in Columbus, GA ...than in 12 complete states! NH - 12, ME - 22, VT - 14, ID - 41, HI - 41, RI - 32, WY - 18, NE - 69, ND - 32, SD - 40, MT - 54, and AK - 49.

Online headline/story: "Seven unbelievable headlines in 2021 that were not satire"
1. ‘Inflation is Good for You’ (The Intercept)
2. ‘Maybe Christmas Shortages are a Gift’ (Yahoo)
3. ‘China Basks in COVID Vindication as Omicron Closes Borders’ (Bloomberg)
4. ‘Waukesha will hold a moment of silence today, marking one week since a car drove through a city Christmas parade, killing six people and injuring scores of others’ (CNN)
5. 'The media treats Biden as badly as - or worse than - Trump. Here's proof' (WaPo)
6. ‘Is math racist? As many students of color struggle with the subject, schools are altering
    instruction — sometimes amid intense debate.’ (USA Today)
7. 'The Media Manufactured Biden's Political ‘Fiasco’ in Afghanistan' (New York Magazine          Intelligencer)

And this is what our schools are teaching our children!

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