Wednesday, January 19, 2022

 Online YAHOO headline/story: "Biden’s biggest first-year blunders * Like most new presidents, Biden has made some tactical mistakes." -- Good grief! When liberals start listing another libs "biggest blunders" for a "recap article", what DIDN'T make this list will fill a book for later publishing..

Have you noticed how little press coverage Jill Biden gets compared to what Hellary Clinton, Laura Bush, Michelle Obama, and Melania rump got? Guess he "White House handlers" do not want her to get a microphone and be asked questions about Resident Biden...

Another YAHOO headline: "Why Biden's presidential reset may come up short" -- Good grief! Every knows.. well, unless you were taught "new math", that anything times ZERO equal nothing!

Online headline: "Explainer-Tonga’s volcanic eruption may harm environment for years, scientists say" -- Good grief! Guess we can expect to see Chuckles Harris, AOC, and Jen Psaki blaming this on Trump, and proposing a new law to make Volcano eruptions illegal.

So far, 28 House Democrats and a few RINOs have announced their retirement heading into the 2022 Primary season.. There needs to be new laws concerning the campaign accounts of all those Congresspersons that retire, resign, and die in office or are defeated in a Primary of General Election.. It should required full and immediate disclosure of the funds left in their campaign donations accounts, and their ability to accept additional donations be terminated on the spot.

Online headline: "D.C. has already seen double its typical January snowfall, and more could come" -- Hmmm... Could it simply be the fulfillment of a well-known prophecy... and "it" has :frozen over"?

Online headline: "The New York Times: N.Y. Attorney General Outlines Pattern of Possible Fraud at Trump Business." -- "possible fraud"? What this says is the NY ATTY General "has no provable evidence" of fraud, and wants to try to reinforce public disdain of the Democratic Party base.

Hey... what you see IS JoKKKe Biden's "Build Back Better" program... it's just not what BETTER for America...

Online headline: "Nick Saban, others urge Manchin to help pass voting rights bill" -- Me thinks U of Alabama football just "lost again" and is 0-2 for 2022. Nick SATAN , you are dead to me. Oh! And you too, Jerry West...

Online headline: "Emily’s List refuses to support Sinema for reelection" -- Hmmmm... Guess "Emily" has decided to " de-gender" Sinema.

I think the real FEAR among Democrats in regards to the "voting rights" laws being enacted is that they won't be able to fill-in absentee ballots for people who don't even realize that a request for an absentee ballot was even made for them...

If Dems are so concerned about fossil fuel's effect on the economic system and ecosystem, why are they so set to eliminate our production which can be regulated and controlled versus letting Russia et al produce all i=they can with zero regulation?

If Schumer does call for a vote in attempt to change the filibuster rule in the Senate, the Republicans should demand a "Stand and deliver" Roll Call vote, and video each Senator's vote ... and use it as a campaign issue when Dems run for re-election...

It's really sad.. or more like pathetic, that too many current school issues are more about protecting adult interests than in protecting the children's needs.

Questions abound! First, why was the Texas Jihadist given a Visa by Biden's Immigration Department? And, why was he allowed to leave JFK International Airport in NYC without incarceration?

Hey, Columbus, GA taxpayers.. our Council is going to sit back and do nothing about stopping a renewal of an extension on the T-SPLOST... an additional 10 year, $400,000.000.00 on Columbus taxpayers that will run simultaneous to the new SPLOST that already will collect another $400,000,000.00 over the next 10 years to primarily replace the Government Center which Council has never properly maintained...part of Council's "sales spiel" to get it's NEW SPLOST passed was that the old T-SPLOST was ending so it really wouldn't be an additional tax.. now it looks like Council.. as a whole.. will just be content with leaving it alone. Vote NO on the referendum in May.. At least this time, there will be impetus for conservative voters to go vote in the primary...

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