Thursday, May 18, 2023

 Online headline: "Left-wing lawmakers press for federal reparations for Black Americans: 'We're here to demand it'" -- Wait a minute! Hmmm... How about counting the $22 TRILLION paid out for the War on Poverty since the 1960s as a credit to the taxpayers... I figure most taxpayers have already been scammed enough!

Online headline: 'Bud Light to launch camouflage bottle amid transgender controversy" -- So that's the problem! Too many Democrat voting executives make decisions at Bud Light! First they decide what America needs, then adopt a program they feel America must have to achieve what they believe, then, when caught in the headlight of truth, try to cover it up by camouflaging it. It also explains the ills at the DOJ, FBI, and IRS.

Maybe the "Bud.....light" fiasco will work out for Dylan Mulvaney...rumor has it there is a remake of the 1983 classic, "The Outsiders" , being cast for a 2023 audience, and "Bud... Light" is a shoo-in as "Phony Boy".

Online headline: "Chicago's largest newspaper blasts new left-wing mayor for day one 'disaster'" -- Speaking of "Day 1" disasters, where was the Shicago Trib's "blast" of Resident Biden's Day 1 policy changes?

Online headline: "CNN's Jake Tapper says Durham Report is 'devastating' for FBI after spending years legitimizing Russiagate" -- Hmm... hey, Jake Tapper... the Durham Report is just as devastating to CNN after you have spent years legitimizing the Clintons, the Bidens, the Steele Dossier, the Trump Impeachments, and Queen PeLOUSY as well.. When are YOU going to bring Trump on to your show and apologize to him?

Online headline: "Adam Schiff, who repeatedly claimed evidence of Russian collusion, denounces Durham report as 'flawed'" -- "the Durham report ... flawed"? You know.. what's one more lie to Bull Schiff?

Online headline: 'Congresswoman files resolution to expel Rep. Adam Schiff for pushing 'false narratives' in Durham report" -- Hmmmm... Joke of the day: What do you call a stack of Trump Impeachment Evidence? Hmmm.. a pile of Schiff...

Online headline: "Massachusetts U.S. Attorney Rachael Rollins is planning to resign after a lengthy investigation by the Department of Justice into her alleged misconduct found that she unethically attended a partisan Biden fundraiser last summer and "falsely testified under oath" about leaking "sensitive DOJ" information to the press in an effort to help a Democrat win elected office." -- "planning to resign"? She should already have been carried out in handcuffs!

Online headline: "Blinken backs down, will let Congress see Afghan dissent cable that warned of swift Taliban takeover" -- Hmmm..that's mighty DEI of him.

Online headline: "House Democrats begin 'Hail Mary' attempt to go around Speaker McCarthy and raise the debt limit" -- Hmmm... and I thought the Democrats "Mantra" was to fight for DEMOCRACY... and let the majority have it's way... Oh...unless it works against Democrats.

Online headline: ":MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace rejects Durham Report since her career 'was built upon a fraud' in Russiagate: Critics" -- Good grief! I believe, actually, it was Nicolle Wallace's CAREER that was built on the fraud of Russiagate...

WTVM-TV9 story: m"COLUMBUS, Ga. (WTVM) - The Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) has identified the body found on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard in Columbus as a missing 35-year-old man. * According to Muscogee County Sheriff Greg Countryman, the GBI confirmed Cordale McKissic was the body found in an open field on May 9. * Authorities say McKissic was reported missing on May 7 and last seen in the 2400 block of MLK. Neighbors say he lived around the street from the area where he was found." -- Hmmm.. in my book, when a body is found dumped in a wooded area and it takes an "anonymous tip" to find it it.. well.. it's another homicide...and Columbus, GA officials just don't want to say it is...

Online headline: "Death investigation continues for body of missing 35-year-old found in Columbus. GA " -- Hmmmm...sounds like the "Teaberry Shuffle" to avoid listing it as another homicide..
OK...Columbus, GA has a new... though interim/temporary... Police Chief... OK.. how many new Police officers have been hired so far?

Online story:"Massachusetts U.S. Attorney Rachael Rollins will resign after a months long ethics investigation by the Justice Department 's inspector general into her appearance at a political fundraiser and other potential issues, her attorney said Tuesday." -- "will resign"? She should already have been dragged out in handcuffs!

Online headline: "Billionaire investor George Soros' fund dumped its entire Tesla stake in the first quarter - cashing out on the EV's maker's 2023 rebound" -- Hmmm...sorta exposes Soros' "expectations" for the Biden economy for the next 18 months...GET OUT NOW!

Online headline: "Bill would add 98-cent fee to cellphone bills to support mental health crisis care in Alabama" -- Wait a minute.. who's gonna pay the .98-cents on all the Obama/Biden issued cellphones issued to illegal aliens?

Online headline: "PSC approves Georgia Power fuel costs recovery rate" -- Wait a minute.. why does the PSC feel consumers are responsible for accountability yet they don't feel GA Power Co. should be held accountable for controlling its internal expenses?

Online headline: 'Elon Musk says tension between U.S. and China 'should be a concern for everyone'" -- Hmmm... true... but this concern ranks lower than the tension between US citizens and the unsecured border, and lower than the future success of the American economy under Biden.

Online headline: "Treasury Secretary Yellen reaffirms U.S. could run out of money to pay bills by early June" -- Hey... how about not paying the Legislative and Executive Branches until they get the debt under control, the Strategic Oil Reserve refilled, the Border secured, and our military strength restored.

Online headline: "What should be the name of this new school in Columbus, GA? Here’s how you can help decide" -- Hmmm... first: $316.00 a sq ft construction costs.... $44,700.00 per student capacity.... Maybe the school board should hire a real forensic auditor to screen the bids.... but they won't... it's other people's money!!!
Now... for a proper name... How about "Daisy's Honor or "Daisy Honor Academy""... anyone who knows about Daisy Honor's commitment to education and Columbus should agree.

Online headline: "Georgia's Fort Benning renamed Fort Moore" -- Hmmmm... As Shakespeare might modernize his ramblings... "Ft Benning by any other name is still Ft Benning"..

Online "headLIE": "Trump Lawyer Could Be a Target of 2020 Election Investigation: -- "Could be a target"? What body part has this reporters head been buried for the past 8 years!

Online headline: "32 students graduate with G.E.D’s from CVCC" -- Think about this....non-graduates from high schools going to college to graduate with a G.E.D. ... what a sad state the public education system is in.

From the "poll news.. nothing but the poll news" department - Online "headLIE": "Majority of Americans support criminally charging Trump in Georgia, classified docs probes" -- "majority of Americans"? What an absolute lie!

Online "headLIE"/story: " I live rent-free in a ‘luxury tiny home’ – it’s only 296 square feet but I’m saving more than ever * Precious Price built a tiny home in the backyard of her 1,400 square-foot house in Atlanta and now lives entirely in the 296 square foot guest home. * The total cost to get the space ready to live in? * Just $35,000, and now Precious pays exactly zero dollars every month. * “My mortgage, property taxes and utility bills are covered by rent I collect from renting out my main home,” Precious wrote in a recent article for NBC New York. * There is also an array of financing options to consider, Precious said. * She personally opted to cash out $8,500 in stocks and put $20,000 on her credit cards to pay for her new home." -- Ain't nothing "free" about 25%-35% interest rates on credit cards! Ain't nothing "free" about losing "homestead exemption" or additional taxes on commercial property...Guess she and the NBC reporter got their "financial education" via "public schools"...

WRBL-TV3 story: 'The week of Monday, May 15, is National Police Week created by President John F. Kennedy in 1962 to honor officers nationwide." -- Wave/salute every time you cross paths with our law enforcement officers this week!

Online headline: "Columbus, GA residents attend construction courses provided by Goodwill" -- Let's pray that the courses require "students" to show proof they are American citizens!

Online headline: "Former President Donald Trump coming to the Fountain City" -- Terrific... with a capital "T".. right here in River City... ...Columbus, GA... Let's hope our "non-partisan" Columbus Council, en masse, welcomes former President Trump to our City..

hmmm.. so President Trump is coming to Columbus, GA to speak at the GA Republican Party Convention... this seems to pretty much explain why neither our Chamber or Visitors Bureau has been helping promote this HUGE "cash cow" event for ALL of Columbus..

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