Friday, May 26, 2023

 TARGET is learning a life lesson... When you make a judgment error, don't make another one trying to fix it. Error 1 was trying to placate one side over made one side angry.. Error 2 was "changing your marketing scheme midstream... now you've made the other side angry, too.

Anheuser-Busch is about to do the same thing as TARGET.. melt...Saw some obviously hastily produced macho ads for BUD-weiser BEER running instead of the "bus ...light" ones..

From the "just when you didn't think it could get worse" department - Online headline: "Target partners with org pushing for kids' genders to be secretly changed in schools without parental consent" -- Wow! Just when TARGET offered the "peace pipe" after shooting itself in both feet, TARGET just stuck it's automatic assault gun to the side of it's head and held the trigger down.

Online headline: "The media joins Dem pile-on against Feinstein after 'concealing' Fetterman's health condition in 2022" --'s actually easy to see how easy it's been to keep the health of Feinstein and Fetterman ... they look and sound pretty normal mixed in with the other Democrat Senators... and somewhat logical compared to Bernie.
From the "In a nutshell" department - Wonder what the Debt Ceiling bill is all about?


Online headline: "Parents infuriated as migrants enroll in Chicago schools without health records after years of COVID rules" -- Hmmm... and try to get your American citizen children registered in school without a doctor's confirmation all the required vaccinations and shots have been given....

From the "Fred Sanford, "It;s the BIG ONE Elizabeth.. I'm coming to see you!" department - Online headline: "Union backtracks, axes petition after professor threatens reporter with machete * A web page featuring a petition to support Shellyne Rodriguez was taken down by the union" -- Hmmm... my guess is that it's because the reporter was not on Fox News...of course, at last word, she still had a teaching job at another CCNY school...

Intentional and flagrant Online "headLIE": "TARGET is learning a life lesson... When you make a judgment error, don't make another one trying to fix it. Error 1 was trying to placate one side over made one side angry.. Error 2 was "changing your marketing scheme midstream... now you've made the other side angry, too.
Anheuser-Busch is about to do the same thing as TARGET.. melt...Saw some obviously hastily produced macho ads for BUD-weiser BEER running instead of the "bus ...light" ones..

From the "just when you didn't think it could get worse" department - Online headline: "Target partners with org pushing for kids' genders to be secretly changed in schools without parental consent" -- Wow! Just when TARGET offered the "peace pipe" after shooting itself in both feet, TARGET just stuck it's automatic assault gun to the side of it's head and held the trigger down.

Online headline: "The media joins Dem pile-on against Feinstein after 'concealing' Fetterman's health condition in 2022" --'s actually easy to see how easy it's been to keep the health of Feinstein and Fetterman ... they look and sound pretty normal mixed in with the other Democrat Senators... and somewhat logical compared to Bernie.

Online headline: "Parents infuriated as migrants enroll in Chicago schools without health records after years of COVID rules" -- Hmmm... and try to get your American citizen children registered in school without a doctor's confirmation all the required vaccinations and shots have been given....

An intentional and contrived absolute "headLIE": "University program linking Christians, Republicans to Nazis granted DHS funds under 'anti-terror' initiative * Biden admin funding controversial efforts to treat conservative groups as radical, watchdog warns" -- And the the first paragraph exposes it: "The Biden administration is doling out taxpayer money through an anti-terrorism grant initiative to a university program (DHS's Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grant Program (TVTP) provides funds to various public, private, and non-profit institutions — such as universities and county governments — "to establish or enhance capabilities to prevent targeted violence and terrorism." Grant applicants must be based in the U.S. and implement a U.S.-based program.) that has explicitly lumped the Republican Party, as well as Christian and conservative groups, into the same category as Nazis. This is what he Democrat Agenda is!

From the "Fred Sanford, 'It's the big one, Elizabeth, I'm coming to see you" department - Online headline: "Tom Hanks gives Harvard commencement speech, tells grads to defend truth: 'The responsibility is yours'" -- "Defend the truth"? After 4 or more years, and Harvard grads finally HEAR something real as the head out the door!

Online story: "Lawmakers in Michigan are considering a bill to make it illegal to declaw cats, which many animal advocates and some veterinarians say impedes the felines' natural instincts to climb and scratch." -- Talk about hypocrisy-in-action! I'm willing to bet not a single Michigan Lawmaker who has an inside cat hasn't had it declawed! Going one step further, I'm willing to bet all those Michigan Lawmaker owned cats have been neutered, as well.. Now, from personal experience, I would never have let my kids or grandkids have a cat that WASN't "declawed" in front... I can further attest all the cats I've had have all been able to climb a tree to safety if needed, and I'd also bet that if "pet cats" could not be "declawed", the Humane Society could never place them into new homes..

Online headline: "Mexican president ramps up anti-Republican rhetoric, urges Hispanics not to give DeSantis 'any votes' * Lopez Obrador has previously promised an 'information campaign' against Republicans" -- Good grief! At a MINIMUM. Obrador has conspired with US Democrats and Biden&Harris to INTERFERE with our election! Maybe we should call him "El Presidente Labrador Deceiver".. the Biden/Harris "lapdog".. Even more ominous is we might should consider Obrador's policy "an Act of Declared War"! Obviously, he's doing nothing to slow down the egress of illegal aliens, prisoners/criminals, or drug dealers from having a clean shot at crossing our border!

From the "the rose is off the bloom" department - Online headline: 'Whoopi Goldberg shuts down 'View' audience for jeering Republican guest: 'No booing'" -- Whoa! When the booing starts for Whoopi, it's Democrats that are booing!

With all the interest in who the Dems might support instead of Biden in 2024, I'm "repeating" an observation I posted on April 20, 2023 (National Weed Day): :Online headline: "Robert F. Kennedy Jr. gains sizable chunk of Biden voters at presidential launch" -- Hmmmm.... The Dems don't want RFK, Jr....Having him on the ticket will re-open JFK's conservative tax policies and Vietnam: LBJ's election fraud and probable connections to JFK's assassination: RFK's assassination in California; and MLK, Jr's Republican Party affiliation and his Democrat assassin."... sounds like I was right on the mark...

Online headline: "Schumer rips 'MAGA' Supreme Court after 9-0 vote on EPA waters rule" -- Wait a minute! Is Schumer saying Kagan, Sotomayor, and Brown have become conservatives?

I heard Larry Kudlow make an error yesterday .. it may have been the first one I ever remember... he said Bill Clinton beat George H . W. Bush in 1992.. Hey...Clinton did not beat Bush... Clinton got more votes than Bush and more votes than Ross Perot, but Clinton only got 44% of the popular vote which really didn't add up to the Democrat voter base.. Bush and Perot got 56% which in other head-to-head races would have been a "LANDSLIDE LOSS" for Clinton.

Did you notice that as soon as Resident Biden quit talking yesterday, he took his Aviator sunglasses off so he could see General Brown and Chuckles Harris. He wears the glasses so people can't see him staring at the Teleprompter..

Resident Biden lists his shutting down the war in Afghanistan as not only an accomplishment.. but HIS accomplishment. Of course we all know the closure was a boondoggle, but the reality was that President Trump had laid out the plan to begin with, and Biden just blew the execution of it..

Resident Biden says the bill to raise the debt ceiling proposed by the Republicans would cut funds for hiring more Border Agents.... Huh? You know, hiring more Border Agents wouldn't even be necessary if our Border was secured with the Wall President started building after Obama-Biden did nothing for 8 years, then Biden SHUT DOWN on Day 1 of this term.

Speaking of "shadowy" Columbus real estate issues.. there's about 17 acres of land on the riverfront on 1st Avenue that is "owned" by an Atlanta company.. TBR Riverwalk Investors LLC & TBR Riverwalk Owner LLC @ 790 Marietta St.. (and listed as a "Foreign Limited Liability Company").. Interestingly, it was current on it's property taxes for the last 10 years... but now is behind a bit on the current ones...
PARID: 008 005 001 in the Columbus, GA tax database


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