Wednesday, May 31, 2023

 From the "the tides... they MAY have changed..." department - Online headline: "CUNY condemns law school graduate's 'anti-American & anti-Israel' commencement address as 'hate speech'" -- Hmmmm...I think CUNY needs to stamp on every one of the graduating lawyers there with a note that they SELECTED that racist hatemonger to speak for them so any employer will be well warned as to what they can expect if the hire any of those graduates.

You know.. the "trend word" of the moment is "AI" (Artificial Intelligence)... but we must remain open-minded about it.. It's "Artificial Intelligence" in the hands of Intelligent people, but when applied by government a,d politicians, you'll probably find "AI" stands for"Absence of Intelligence"...

You know.. normally, I like Target... my bride and daughters love Target... Let's pray the Board of Target straightens out the Executive failures and gets Target back in focus ... "grooming" children is not healthy for anyone.

Online headline: 'Human remains found near Chattahoochee Riverwalk in Columbus GA" -- Let's see... 18 gun homicides, 11 vehicular homicides, 3 discovered bodies (so far undetermined) plus more bones... none of these looks like natural causes, either.. Wonder what the actual number of shooting victims Columbus is up to so far this year.. If last year's numbers are an indicator, we have to be well over 200...

From the "insanity is repeating the same action over and over .. expecting different results" department - Online headline/story: "COVID Outbreak at CDC Conference Infected 181 People * A meeting of the agency’s Epidemic Intelligence Service at an Atlanta hotel in late April was the origin of the mini-outbreak, The Washington Post reported. The event had 1,800 people in attendance, about 70 percent of whom did not wear a mask, according to a CDC survey. Thankfully, nobody has been hospitalized in connection with the CDC conference outbreak. The agency is planning to host another meeting at the same venue next month.." -- "Epidemic Intelligence Service"? "The agency is planning to host another meeting at the same venue next month."? Hmmm.. I think the "Epidemic Intelligence Service" department of the CDC NEEDS a name change.. I'd start with removing "Intelligence" from the name...
From the "figures don't lie.. but liars figure a lot" department - Online story: 'A Republican attempt to expand work requirements for federal food aid in debt legislation moving through Congress would increase federal spending by $2.1 billion over 10 years — far from the cuts GOP lawmakers had promised." -- Good grief! How does "spending less" increase spending?

Looks like I've only mention "China" in 9 blog postings this month.. Just shows what MSM and the Democrats will do with other aspects of Resident Biden's failures just to keep "China" out of the headlines...
Online headline: "Target diversity chief demands 'White women' get to work against America's systemic racism" -- Ad Popeye the sailor might say, "Met thinks it sounds like Target's Diversity Chief may need some "insensitivity training" herself... and an accelerated course at that.

Online headline: "Transgender model's memoir claims it's 'nightmarish' to live in the U.S." -- Hmmm... So "she-it" feels it's 'nightmarish' to live as "she-it" does in the US.... hmmmm... maybe "she-it" should try another country. Or, as an alternative, stay here but tone down "her" personal publicity efforts ...

In the interest of "being fair", I've refrained from recent comments on the 25 acres
of property being developed on River Road until today... because, as of yesterday, the Columbus GA Tax database was suppose to be brought "up-to-date" by then. AS of this moment.. it still hasn't. I'm interested because of the history.. and mystery... of property transactions 23 years ago. In 1999/2000, Wynnton/Wynnbrook Church had 40 of it's 71 acres re-zoned for commercial usage. Mayor Skip and Councilman Allen were both involved it that so it's "not new". I want to know, how a tax-exempt entity can have the bulk of it's property re-zoned for "commercial purposes", and still keep the tax-exempt status on those 40 acres? Something either "fell through" or was abandoned, and nothing happened, but the property was still available all these years for a commercial venture. Recently 25 of those acres were sold and activity began within weeks.. now.. what's the status of the 15 acres not sold.. Taxes should have been collected for the past 23 years, yet no public record has been available to question it prior to now.. Oh.. by the way, "Columbus Apartments Venture, LLC was registered on Aug 01 2022 as a foreign limited liability company type with the address 2525 E Camelback Rd. Ste 500 Phoenix, AZ 85016, Scottsdale, AZ, 85251, USA. The company id for this entity is 22165015."

Hmmmm... According to Hanoi Jane Fonda, her dad was responsible for all our Climate Control problems! Too bad her mother didn't favor an abortion.

Ain't this the truth!

Online headline: 'China rejects Biden administration request for meeting between military leaders" -- Good grief! Why would China want to "debate" the representative of Resident Biden who is not going to debate any Democrat nominee challengers?

Online headline: "Giant grocery chain fighting to keep stores open as theft, violence has 'increased exponentially * Whole Foods in San Francisco closed after being open barely a year due to safety concerns" -- Good grief! San Francisco was already this bad when While Foods opened a year ago.. just proves that conditions don't .. won't .. improve when liberals spend even their own money...

Online headline: "Gavin Newsom blames DeSantis-signed bill for Florida shooting, gets fact-checked" -- Of course he's wrong! Newsom has been wrong about everything!... it's how he got elected!

Hmmm.. our GREEN Debris cans are still on the street this morning.. I knew Columbus, GA Public Works department fully celebrated Memorial Day on Monday, but it looks like the "Green Division" may have thought hey deserved an extra day or two off.

A California "appeals court" just overruled Gov Newsom in whether or not A Charles Manson follower can be "paroled"..Good grief.. how can a "court" be more liberal than Newsom?
Hmmm...Chris Christie is going to New Hampshire to announce he's running for the Republican nomination for President. Hmmm.. guess Christie figures nobody in New Jersey will still support him.
Online  headline: ' Early voting underway for Muscogee County School Board District 7′s special election" -- Whatta waste of tax dollars... "early voting" when no more than a handful of voters will vote overall...While having a choice of candidates is a matter of opinion, either will be an improvement... Ashe is my recommendation.
Online headline: " ‘Stop Cop City’ Sen. Warnock interrupted during commencement address" --  Hmmm... so SIN-ator Warnock thought he was safe speaking at a NY college...
Online headline: ' Utah Rep. Chris Stewart plans to resign congressional seat" --  was thinking about running for Senate only if Romney did not! Hmmm ... sounds like Stewart would only be "more of the Romney"! Good riddance!
Online "headLIE": " Jack Nicklaus Believes the PGA Tour Has 'Guys Who Play Golf for the Game' Compared to LIV" -- Bobby Jones "played it for the game"... Nicklaus played it for "the fame"... 
Online headline: " Columbus city officials to hold press conference about upcoming Juneteenth celebrations" -- All very good.. but is Columbus' non-partisan Council/Mayor going to acknowledge.. make an effort to welcome the GA Republican Party Convention next weekend?

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