Sunday, August 2, 2015

If it takes $1.6 MILLION to get the Clintons to speak to Wall Street bankers, how much talk time will Stephanopoulos get for his $75K? More importantly we haven't seen any indication that either Clinton actually will listen when John Q. Public adds its 2¢ worth.
Online headline: "Report claims Biden considering presidential run" -- Whoa! The Democrats really are running scared... now they are bringing up the possibility of Biden to start making Hillewinsky start looking good again for Democrats..
L-E story: "Zimbabwe has suspended the hunting of lions, leopards and elephants in an area where a lion popular with tourists was killed, and is investigating the killing of another lion in April that may have been illegal, the country’s wildlife authority said Saturday." -- Well, how's bringing the Zimbabwe GDP to a stop going to help the country?

You know.. liberals are having a tough time with the death of Cecil the Zimbabwe lion; have any liberals thought about asking any Zimbabwe mom if she feels her children are safer?

HuffPOOPOO headline: "Martin O’Malley: 'We Can’t Let Puerto Rico Fail' -- What'd I just mention... bailout/statehood/3 more Democrats in Washington..
I hope everybody watched some of the "Greats of Golf" yesterday. I enjoyed seeing all the players, but..
but seeing Nicklaus, Player, and Trevino teaming up was wonderful..Just wish Arnie could had been there, too.
A Democrat spinmeister said that the IRS chief shouldn't be fired because the investigation has been partisan. Good grief, the partisan barrier has been the Democrats refusing to correct a crime against the American taxpayers.
It must be tough to be hired as a White House Press Agent or Liberal Contributor for Fox News, and go home on holidays and attend church with God respecting parents.
The creed of Planned Parenthood is, basically, an oxymoron...How can Pro-choice advocates claim fetuses are not life, have no value, yet harvest organ parts to sell as life extenders?
With as much tax money that flows into Planned Parenthood, why is Planned Parenthood allowed to make political contributions? You know the donations will only go to politicians who support donations to Planned Parenthood, so isn't voting for such a donation, either before or after receiving a contribution from Planned Parenthood an abuse of tax dollars?
Jonathan Gruber definitively stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Now mall recruiting offices are being patrolled by militia gun activists with assault rifles. I'll definitely shop somewhere else." -- "shop somewhere else"? Tehran? Damascus? San Francisco? Besides, I want all our military recruits to be comfortable around firearms.. especially when those holding them "have their back" since they cannot carry one into the recruiting office...

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