Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Online headline/story: "White House launches plan to counter explosion in heroin use" -- Under the plan, $2.5 million of $13.4 million in new funding to combat drug trafficking will target regions the White House said are facing a severe heroin threat: Appalachia, New England, New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C. and Baltimore. * The policy is in line with new criminal justice strategies that seek to treat more drug offenders as addicts within the public health system rather than as criminals who must serve long sentences in jail." -- Hmmm ..well, the $2.5 MILLION might cover the salaries of Obamageddon's job appointees, but what pockets are  the other $10.9 MILLION going into? Since this is basically meant to keep "non-violent drug users" on the streets rather than in jail, what we'll probably see is the number of "non-violent drug users" becoming violent as they have more opportunities to become so since they won't have jail time as a "forced rehab".

HuffPOOPOO "story": "Rebuffing a campaign among Jewish organizations to scuttle the Iran nuclear deal, 340 rabbis sent a letter to Congress Monday (Aug. 17) supporting the agreement and rejecting the notion that most American Jews oppose it. * The signatories to the letter include many rabbis in the more liberal Reform movement — the largest stream of Judaism — but also at least 50 rabbis from the more traditional Conservative movement, and at least one Orthodox rabbi, according to organizers of the effort." -- Hmmm.. since there are over 3,700 Synagogues in America and the petition list of 340 is basically signed by close to 290 liberals, then the percentage of Rabbis who signed the petition is less than 10% of the Synagogues.. That hardly seems close enough to contend, much less state,  that most Jews support the Iran deal.

Online headline: "Army Ranger School to graduate its first two women" -- Congratulations, ladies, now mainscream media, let's move on so the new Rangers can do their jobs rather than be harassed as media darlings.

Online story: "A video has captured the incredible moment when a Boeing 747 was lifted off the ground by Typhoon Soudelor in Taiwan.* Soudelor made its first landfall in Taiwan on Aug. 8. The Typhoon’s top wind gust in Taiwan was 143 mph along the country’s northeast coast, according to The Weather Channel." -- Now this is relief! I will no longer be worried about whether a 747 can get airborne under its own jet propulsion.

90,000 people a day..families and such, and politicians are attending the Iowa State Fair . Fair organizers are glad that their schools haven't stolen the children's summer....like out MCSD has done here..

L-E story: " In a contentious meeting that stretched past the three-hour mark Monday night, the Muscogee County School Board rejected a proposal to pay each parent or guardian $30 per child as a reimbursement for the purchase of school supplies." -- Good grief.. the first time I saw this was proposed, I thought I was reading an April 1st "joke story".. If anyone got the close to $1,000,000.00 "rebate" , it should have been the property holders who paid the taxes. On the other hand, the Board should have reduced the amount a single person can spend with out Board approval... $15,000.00 is too high a ceiling for giving personal discretion.. Hopefully, the Board will approve posting such spendings on the website in a timely manner.
From the above story: "Tomlinson said, and it doesn’t help homeowners in tough economic times because they can’t benefit from downturns in valuations." -- Good grief.. I do not think Mayor TomLYINGson can come up with an incident that the City voluntarily rolled back property valueassessments during slow economic times BEFORE the "tax freeze" was VOTED in by the taxpayers.
More bloviation from the Mayor from the above story: "And perhaps the most vocal argument against the freeze has been from new homeowners complaining they pay substantially more than their neighbors who have similar houses and receive the same city services." -- Good grief...Whatta crock of BS.. I bought in my neighborhood during the bubble and pay more tha n my neighbors.. but I do not want my neighbors punished by having to have their taxes raised to meet mine.. now, if the assessments in all neighborhoods were reassessed to distribute the same amount of current tax revenues foe each neighbor, we can talk,, but that's not going to happen with this Mayor.. heck, not even a future one. Another "flaw" in TomLYINGson's "logic" is that all new purchasers pay higher taxes than their neighbors. Following the death of one of my neighbors, who's home was similar in footprint and square footage was sold for $75,000.00 less than I paid for mine.. My taxes weren't reduced, but I have no problem with mu neighbors good fortune.
Ultimate Jonathan Gruber extra-stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Guess who came to dinner: Ted Cruz. Guess who did not attend: me. He had nothing to say that I haven’t already heard, so I stayed at home." -- "nothing to say that I haven't heard at home"?  Hmmm.. so selected sound-bytes on a liberal news station is what this "Gruber" is calling "being informed".. I just hope this one .. and his/her friends, stay at home during the voting season, because they will voting completely uninformed of the real issues and the consequences of voting liberals into office.
Even worse Jonathan Gruber stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": "   Donald Trump, who is willing to spend $1 billon on a presidential campaign because he wants to make his country better, couldn’t care less. Why not contribute this money to the poor? -- Another product of liberal ignorance intensified to new depths by "Common Crap Math". This "Gruber" has no idea that if Trump gave $1,000,000,000.00 to lets's say, the 50 +/- Million on food stamps, that those 50 MILLION would only get a $20.00 bill. The same goes for the program funds the Obamageddon "gives away" that sound like a lot...but is done so only to buy "Gruber-type" voters cheaply.
L-E story: "Egypt’s president has approved a far-reaching anti-terrorism law that establishes stiffer prison sentences for terror-related offences, heavy fines for journalists who publish “false news” and a special judicial circuit for terrorism cases." --  " fines for journalists who publish “false news”"? Hmmm.. guess Fox will be the only news service that will be able to afford sending reporters to Egypt in the future.
L-E story: "The National Labor Relations Board on Monday threw out a historic ruling that gave Northwestern University football players the go-ahead to form the nation’s first college athletes’ union, saying the prospect of union and nonunion teams could throw off the competitive balance in college football." -- " the prospect of union and nonunion teams could throw off the competitive balance in college football"? Yeah..Northwestern would steal football players away from real football schools... right.. I believe the real reason that the NLRB went against it is that most schools which unionized football players would send graduates out having to look for jobs that pay less than what the boosters gave them.
L-E headline: "Millennials struggle to buy first home" -- Well "thank" Obamageddon and his Democrat Minions.. First the Carter-Clinton bill and the Frank/Dodd enhancements tied in with the Janet Reno threat to prosecute mortgage lenders started the inflation ball rolling, and Obamageddon doubled the national debt which devalued the dollar by half so now houses are are escalated in price which makes buying one a much tougher ordeal than it should be.. throw in paying taxes on a house costing twice it's value, and buying insurance to cover such has the first time buyers reeling.
L-E story: "The federal government on Monday gave Royal Dutch Shell the final permit it needs to drill for oil in the Arctic Ocean off Alaska’s northwest coast for the first time in more than two decades." -- Excuse me, but why give this away to a non-American company that has no allegiance to sell it to America... first.

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