Sunday, August 9, 2015

Online headline/story: "FBI to assist in probe of Texas college football player's death * The FBI has been asked to help investigate the death of a Texas college football player who was fatally shot by an officer during a burglary call at a car dealership, a suburban Dallas police chief said Saturday. * Police had gone to the Classic Buick GMC in Arlington, about 10 miles west of Dallas, after being contacted by a company that manages security cameras at for the car dealership. Police were advised that someone had driven a car onto the lot, started to damage another car, then drove his own vehicle into the glass front of the showroom. Johnson said Taylor appeared to have kicked out the windshield of a car." Good grief... where was the FBI when Zach Hammond or Gilbert Collar were shot? I'm beginning the FBI stands for "Find Blacks Innocent".

Online headline: "NYC sees surge in synthetic pot use, with dire consequences" -- Ooooops, my bad,, thought NYC Mayor deBlasio, f.k.a. Warren Wilhelm Jr, had installed corner port-a-potties to clean up the mess after he stripped the streets of police officers.

From the "tainted/biased headline" department: "HuffPOOPOO headline: "Cops shoot and kill man they say stabbed 6 people" -- "they (police) say"? Why not quote someone's accusation that the police shot the (_*_) who stabbed him/her? This headline just makes it seem that the police killed another someone because of what they thought..the police were not actually witnesses to the stabbings. BTW, looks like all 6 stabbing victims will recover. God is good.

Donald Trump's greatest contribution in this campaign cycle is revealing that Fox is just as guilty (and maybe more so) of political correctness as mainscream media.. Fox anchors/commentators have been on reporting Trump's lack of diplomacy rather than what he has accomplished.

HuffPOOPOO headline: "Iran's Military Chief Comes Out In Support Of Nuclear Deal" -- Good grief.. I reckon so...

HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "Bernie Sanders Shut Down By Black Lives Matter Protesters In Seattle * Sanders only managed a brief greeting to the crowd of thousands before a small group of protesters commandeered the stage, demanding that they be allowed to speak and that the senator be held "accountable" for not doing enough to reform criminal justice and promote racial equality." -- Good grief.. how can "BlackLivesMatter" protesters speak harshly against the Democrats they always rush out to vote "for"? Maybe "BlackLivesMatter" is understanding that it's more important to promote "political equality" at the ballot boxes rather than being "all in" on whoever runs as a Democrat.

Refreshing the public's memory that the Clintons were invited to and chose to attend Trump's wedding just shows how controlled they are about spending other people's money.

Online headline: "Obama: Requiring Photo-ID to Vote is Wrong. ‘Going to Vote In Somebody Else’s Name Doesn’t Happen’ -- Good grief.. this must be very important to Obamageddon for him to lie in person rather than send out his press agent to lie for him. Let's not forget he didn't even show a birth certificate before he was elected to Congress, the Senate or before campaigning for and winning the Democrat Primary in 2008. Let's also not forget that "dead people" vote without any ID at all.

Of course Obamageddon and Democrats don'r want photo IDs as a requirement for voting.. no state offers a death certificate with a photo attached.

Took my family downtown yesterday to eat and enjoy the Whitewater Express's "The Grand 2.0". From the turn out, I thought I had messed up on the date. There wasn't even a crowd that would have been considered good for a "norma;" day, much less a "Grand" one.

We went downtown figuring that the 14th Street Bridge would be a beehive of vendors but there were none.. Ate at Country's on Broad then walked down to the RiverWalk. My granddaughter needed to "go potty" once we hit the RiverWalk.. but the Queen TT Lounge hasn't been built.. at least we didn't see it and a police officer we asked wasn't aware of it. The police officer did laugh and comment how appropriate the name "Queen TT Lounge" is.. funny, if the GA DOT takes as long to finish the Queen TT Lounge as it is the Whittlesey Road widening, then the City may have to name it the "Queen TT MEMORIAL Lounge"

Any way, my daughter had to walk down to the existing RiverWalk restroom for her daughter to "go potty". She described it succinctly and effectively with one word... "Disgusting". You know, when UPtown promotes a family event, UPtown should provide a cleaning team to monitor the bathroom facility all day/night. A few "port-a-potties" would have been a better alternative than the existing bathroom on the RiverWalk.

Online headline: "RedState Editor Disinvites Trump From Conservative Gathering, Invites Megyn Kelly Person in His Place" -- Good grief.. Why would any promoter invite Fox to come when at the previous debate, Fox "hired" DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to comment? I remember when Kelly was refreshing to hear, but since she's been given "star status" I think Megyn needs a new name to better describe her reporting style.. OBgyn Kelly.

All golfers should take a moment of silence for Louise Suggs. She passed at 91. She was the only woman to win a professional LPGA event that included men. Saw her perform at the Royal Crown Cola Open at the Triple-C here in Columbus in 1959-61.

Remembrance of the LPGA in the 50s-60s. Good woman's golf neither impressed nor threatened me growing up..Columbus had really good women golfers at that time.. One was my Aunt Ella Kirven who won numerous CCC and GICC Women's Championships as well as Bebe Smith, Dadie Jordan and Sally Malloy. They were welcome to play in even the most competitive golf groups in town and "parts unknown". Even my sister was a golf force of her own as a junior golfer. One of my favorite stories was during a CCC Jr Championship. There was no girls division one year and my sister campaigned and won to be able to play with the boys. Play was match play, and juniors had to call their opponents and set up tee times. I remember one call I answered that wanted to speak to "Frances" but probably figured he was going to talk with a "Francis". We overheard her end of the golf conversation which took an abrupt " turn" when my sister said she couldn't play after school on a certain day because she had a piano lesson. There was a interminable silence, then a scream erupted from the phone Frances held...."ARE YOU A GIRL!!!!!!" . Needless to say, the match was set, and Frances won. She didn't win her "flight", but next year she was responsible for recruiting enough of her friends (most having never hit a golf ball before then) to create a girl's division...which she did win.

The MCSD cranks up the first day of school tomorrow.. what I want to know is why the School Zone I drive through daily had paid crossing guards on duty LAST week why the only school traffic was teachers/staff driving to school to get their classrooms ready for the onslaught of students this week?
L-E commentary headline concerning public education: "Shooting for long-term success" -- "long-term success"? What the MCSD needs is "Right-now success"! Continued focus on social promotion, meaningless diplomas, and manufactured "good self-esteem" need to be scrapped now, and students be taught that their grades will reflect what they know and they are responsible for them. Extra curricular activities need to be taken away/put on hold when classroom performance is not passing... weekly monitoring (and don't say that's "too hard" or "not possible" with all the computers and software expenditures we are paying for).
From Richard Hyatt's L-E commentary of MLB's attack on tobacco use: ""Major League Baseball has ordered players not to have it in their mouths when they're being interviewed and not to keep a tin in the back pocket of their uniforms. Mayor Martin Walsh wants to ban it altogether at Fenway Park and Little League parks all over town. "Kids shouldn't have to watch their role models using tobacco,"-- Truth be told, kids shouldn't have to see or read about the players's on and off antics of domestic and other violence, misuse of alcohol, or driving habits..
From the Columbus Council Agenda:
1 - "DECLARATION OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT AT THE CIVIC CENTER: It is requested that council declare the following equipment at the Civic Center, as surplus, in accordance with Section 7-501 of the Charter of Columbus Consolidated: Two Daktronics Scoreboards, 2008 John Deer Gator, Two Refrigerated Display Cases, Beer Tower, Sephra Chocolate Fountain, Douwe Coffee Maker, Hot Dog Roller, J & J Snack Food Oven (small), Hot Dog Warmer, Chef Mate Meat Grinder, Berkel Mixer, Merco Pizza Warmer, Univex Food Shredder, and Berkel Slicer." -- Good looks like some city buyer went wild with a City credit card.. the time to stop surplus... no, extravagant waste, is before the purchases are made.. Someone's head should roll.
2- " TRANSIT ENHANCEMENT EQUIPMENT (ANNUAL CONTRACT): It is requested that council authorize the purchase of transit enhancement equipment from Swartz Associates Inc. (Naples, FL) and Innocom Corporation (Columbus, OH). Metra has budgeted $45,000, per year, for the purchase of transit enhancements. Metra anticipates purchasing 30 each (Benches with Backs), 50 each (Benches without Backs) and 13 each (Single Face Info Centers), on an “as needed basis”." -- "automatic contract"? "$45,000. per year"? Good grief.. our city needs 80 benches per year, and they can be bought without individual assessment of placement or need? Council took away twice-a-week garbage service so the savings can be wasted on benches?
3- "PATH FOUNDATION MASTER AGREEMENT: Approval is requested to approve the master agreement with PATH Foundation Inc. that provides opportunities to expand the trail system thru a public/ private partnership with no funding requirements. The Community Foundation initiated an opportunity with PATH to promote walkability, bikeability and livability in Columbus. PATH is a nonprofit 501(c)3 corporation." -- "no funding requirements"? Yeah.. right.. obviously there's more to this contract that no one has read...
L-E headline: "KINNETT STADIUM’S FIELD GETTING LONG-AWAITED UPGRADE * $675,000 for artificial turf from 2009 SPLOST" -- Wait a minute... this wasn't part of the "needed" $3.1 MILLION for upgrades at Kinnett Stadium in the 2015 SPLOST? Well, let's see how the MCSD/MCSB shows us how expenses can be cut by eliminating the "grounds crew", and disposal/sale of landscaping equipment.

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