Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Yesterday, I brought up how distasteful it was for some of our athletes to disrepect our flag while during the Olympic Medal Presentation ceremonies. Even added that I'd heard  that the athletes were given the option not to do so since that right was guaranteed by our 1st Amendment.. well, I don't think you'd see a military man/woman.. veteran or active.. who would do that and they are the people who have volunteered to protect the 1st Amendment for all of us.

The curtain closed on Ron Anderson.. I'm sure he was received in heaven by a standing "O".

The sad thing about ZERO-bama and Hellary ignoring Louisiana's plight is that neither thought they could win Louisiana in the general election. . You know,, presidents and presidential candidates are suppose to be the leader of all Americans.. and as we are instructed in the Bible, "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.'.. Guess the "least: in New Jersey following Sandy's havoc, were less "least" than the least in Louisiana.

1000s and 1000s of condemning e-mails from Hellary's term as Secretary of State are coming to light. Why is more than one needed to spur the DOJ into action?

How can political analysts look at Trump and think he's "too risky" versus the certain risk of Hellary ?

Biden's in Europe assuring our allies that they'll continue being our friends but at the same time belittling Trump... huh? You know, this just demonstrates why the world no longer feels the ZERO-bama administration is trustworthy.

It's our "Our sacred honor"?.. That's what Biden said to our European allies..goid do our allies feel about following ZERO-bama's assurances that taking in Islamic refugees was the right thing to do?

From the "when is Governor Brown going to start... and especially finish that wall" department: The City of Richmond, CA has come to the conclusion that paying criminals "to be good" is a solution...good grief, maybe the National Parks Service should send them videos on what happens when you feed the bear just enough to get by on then run out at the next feeding time?

And as Margaret Thatcher explained it so succinctly, "'The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.'

Hey...what's happened to the Ashley Madison scandal? Will revealing one of its clients be an October surprise, or has an "offer you can't refuse" been made... My bet is on a Clinton offer...and with the number of bodies that turn up on their paths, I imagine somebody took that offer.

Trump went to the state of LA and , along with food and needed supplies, distributed Play-doh to children who needed cheering up.. Hellary went to California's LA and made a "play" for "LA dough".

--- have to wonder if even Bernie might be kicking himself about leaving Hellary's e-mail scandals out of the debate agenda.

After hearing Gary Johnson on Fox's 'The Five', I think he's more aligned with Hellary and Bernie than conservatism, and could have won the Democratic nomination.

'Libertarian'..( my ass) Gary Johnson says he was a Republican Governor who got elected and re-elected in Democratic state. No, he might be a Progressive RINO, but definitely not a conservative.

Some 1500 American rafters were wind-blown into Canadian waters . Canada assisted them, then put them on buses, and sent them. Hmmm,.that's an efficient deportation program...can a wall be next?

Looks like ISIS use of children to deliver explosive devices may be overtaking the North Vietnam regimes use of children grenade carriers back in the 60s/70s.

No longer can Fox claim to be "fair and balanced" a panel discussion, Charles Krauthammer literally stated Trump was the weakest Republican candidate Hellary could be running against. Huh? Trump flattened 16 Republican wannabees because voters wanted a choice between Hellary and those other 16 offered none. If Trump wasn't the candidate, there would be no choice for the voters.

Pundits claim that Trumps attack on Hellary's honesty isn't having an affect on her numbers....huh? These are the numbers Hellary will get to vote for her no matter how corrupt she is...or will get..Trump is making sure those numbers don't grow.

I've about had it with Fox analysts.. they keep trying to tell Trump how to run his campaign, but when you get down to the two aspects that really matter, you basically have Trump running for president, and TV analysts are just running their mouths.

From the "history often repeats itself" department - Online headline: "Carter will vote for 'quite unpopular' Clinton" -- Hmmm as opposed to the "popular" Clinton, Bill? Anyway, Carter has a record of voting for the
"unpopular" candidate.. shoot in 1980 he even voted for himself when he could have voted for Reagan.... and let's not even go near Mondale, Dukakis, Gore or Kerry.

From the "spare us the details...please" department: A small, nearby town across the river had its mayoral election yesterday.. Bubba beat Buster for the title.. doesn't that sound more like a headline you see for a report on last nights' wrasselin' results"?

Hellary Informed Voter's L-E "soundoff": "So “men don’t like Hillary?” Insecure men have always been afraid of strong, intelligent women." -- Hmmm... maybe some men are intimidated by "strong, intelligent women", but that doesn't explain Hellary at all. What attracts men is strong, intelligent women who are confident in their feminity.

Just curious, but with troop size being pared down, why are they opening a new elementary school on Ft Benning?

The loss of David Pollard was indeed tragic.. but his life's value should not be blurred by misdirected anger.. and greedy lawyers...please discontinue this futile effort of grief.

L-E story: "Columbus Council voted unanimously Tuesday to delay a decision to order an internal audit of Sheriff John Darr’s operations and finances and seek an estimate on what it would cost to hire a private auditor." -- Hmm..Interesting... Darr wants it and the Mayor doesn't.. whatever the cost, it will be cheaper than taxpayers "feeding" Mayor TomLYINGson's legal friends.. Of course, Council doesn't want an audit that would show Darr's budget is valid, and have to run for re-election with voters knowing how much money has been wasted. Oh, and let's do it fast before the General Election date. Darr deserves this.

From the "(yawn) let's put this front page story on page 10 instead" department - L-E story: "At least 85 of 154 people from private interests who met or had phone conversations scheduled with Clinton while she led the State Department donated to her family charity or pledged commitments to its international programs, according to a review of State Department calendars released so far to The Associated Press. Combined, the 85 donors contributed as much as $156 million." -- Hmmm.. Makes any other plea for justice in other areas by the L-E seem sorta hypocritical... no, a lot hypocritical.

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