Friday, September 7, 2018

From the "It's another 'nothingburger', please move on" department - Good grief... Corey Booker, DIM NY Senator, in a fit of "style vs function" made known the hours and hours of "research" he'd spent in digging into Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh's work history, and waved 1 dozen e-mails he was going to release despite Senate agreements not to do so.. Emboldened by the camera, he said he's take his medicine, then declared,, (in a very weak Kirk Douglas imitation, "“this is the closest I’ll get to an ‘I am Spartacus’ moment.”" Of course, there wasn't anything to see in those .. other than to show Booker's and the DIMocrats' irrelevance, so....instead of "Spartacus",how about we restate Senator Booker's shout out as "I am Spare US Please".
You know, listening to the DIMocrats brag about how much time and effort they've given to trying to find dirt on Nominee Kavanaugh makes you wonder that if they devoted that kind of diligence and effort in making this country great, then Trump would never have HAD to run for the presidency.
We're beginning to see more clearly why the DIMocrats really don't accomplish much when they are in power of either or both chambers of Congress. By the looks..and sounds..of the protesters, it's obvious UpChuck Schumer doesn't know how to organize or present a dissenting view in a manner that encourages discussion or compromise to both sides.
After listening to Senator Leahy's concerns about whether Kavanaugh received "stolen/hacked" files of his. Senator Leahy should more concerned about what he wrote thinking nobody would see them.
It's quite ironic that certain judiciary committee members have a name plate in front of the proclaiming "Ranking Member"..After listening to some of their inane comments and questions, it would seem more accurate those name plates be altered to "Rank Member"
Liberals are so comfortable with just deciding to change their gender, and occasionally their race, by declaration...but what have they accomplished..gained? In reality, nothing... Of course, they could make another declaration that would help them...just declare themselves conservatives/Republicans when they go to the ballot boxes.
You know, it seems counterproductive for obviously unqualified people parsing the constitution to question the obviously well qualified SCOTUS nominee.
It would take an amendment to alter completely the process of "Advise and Consent" by the Senate in relation to accepting a Presidential Supreme Court nominee, but it seems a new step could be added that make the process better.. before a nominee is submitted to committee review, let there be a session by the sitting Supreme Court judges to either express their individual non-binding opinion about the qualification and worthiness of the potential new Justice. The Senators and the country would benefit.
Online headline: "Kavanaugh hearings, Times op-ed, Woodward book make it official -- Washington elites have gone mad" -- My one word confirmation....AMEN!
--- know if Nike wanted to demonstrate 'sacrifice' , it should make Pat Tillman's face and patriotism as it's image.. and if Nike wanted to EXEMPLIFY sacrifice, it should have put Jesus there.
M/C L-E "headLIE": "Columbus molester in sex slave case gets harshest sentence" * BY CHUCK WILLIAMS *" -- "harshest sentence".. I ask.. did UpChunky Williams ask the victim which she thought was most "harsh"... the sentence of the woman or what the woman did to her?
From the "sacrifice? what sacrifice?" department - Online headline: "Among Eagles and Falcons players, only Michael Bennett takes a seat during anthem" -- Guess there had to be one that didn't fully realize "he'd been had"...Guess the NFL Players' ASSociation leaders are kicking themselves right now.. having supported.. blindly, I might add, KaeperPRICK's "plight". This week, not only have they found out KaeperPRICK rejected a $7 MILLION Dollar contract with Denver, but he has wrangled a multi-ka-jillion dollar contract from Nike, and he doesn't even have to "sacrifice his body" on the field to collect it. Let The Boycott continue!!
From the "knee to Nike groin" department - It's said that 'one picture is worth a 1000 words".. here's one that speaks VOLUMES!

M/C L-E "headline/story: "Grant promotes STEM access * $3 million grant to help CSU prepare more minorities for STEM careers * The National Science Foundation has awarded Columbus State University a $3 million grant to lead a regional effort to prepare more underrepresented minority undergraduate students for careers in the STEM fields of science, technology, engineering and math." -- Good grief.. If I were a "minority", I would resent being held up as less deserving on my own merits! Wait a minute... I have over 400 known years of Latino ancestry in my DNA.."I AM A Minority", and would be offended if I was granted scholarship money.. on that basis alone... what if I booted another "minority" student off "the list"? What if I booted a more qualified "non-minority" student out of consideration.. When will liberals stop trying to fix things that aren't really broken... or in the best interests of those most deserving?
M/C L-E headline: "Mayor: Atlanta to stop holding federal detainees in its jail" -- Hmmm... since so much of the US Constitution is being parsed (whether correctly or not) by DIMocrats in the Senate Judiciary Committee vetting of Brett Kavanaugh, this is a good question to ask... has the DIMocrat agenda broken down so much that even a DIMocrat Mayor feels she can overrule the 9th and 10th Amendments since she disagrees with the federal government?
I tell you what, the quickest way to rid our government of DIMocrats in Congress might be to tape DIMocrat Senators and/or Representatives involved in questioning Trump employees and appointments. Put them under oath, and file perjury charges when they make lying innuendos/facts in the form of inquisition questions?

M/C L-E headline/story: "Data show big let-up in ACA premiums * Millions of people covered under the Affordable Care Act will see only modest premium increases next year, and some will get a price cut. That’s the conclusion from an exclusive analysis of the besieged but resilient program, which still sparks deep divisions heading into this year’s midterm elections." -- What I see is "damage control" by Obama appointees. What we see is due to the fact that no one else will be fined for not buying OObamaCRAP, and the free market environment making insurance more competitive... and competitive is not something any non-military US program is capable of.. it's not just healthcare, but welfare, the USPS, et al..

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