Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Once again.. why would the Russians, Syrians or Iranians "collude" to against Hellary? Against any DIMocrat for that matter.. Obama had Medvedev tell Putin (open mic tapes) "he;s "be more flexible AFTER (the 2012( elections, and Hellary was was already
on board".
Online headline: "Colin Kaepernick is starring in a new 'Just Do It' ad for Nike" -- Did we hear right...Nike just bought KaeperPRICK?
Nike......hmmm... rhymes with STRIK-EE!
Write your college athletic director and demand ending any contracts with Nike uniforms, shoes, or gear..
You know.. in a pretty unprecedented move, President Trump made Air Force 2 available for transporting McCain's body and family from Arizona to Washington, DC. Trump should have sent his own personal "TRUMP" jet.. so that at least MSM-13 photos/videos would acknowledge Trump's magnanimity and efforts.
Online headline: "Florida's Gillum grateful for donations from 'everyday folks' -- and billionaires Soros and Steyer" -- Excuse me.. but why would any politician announce he's a puppet for Soros and Steyer?
You know.. with all the maladies coming to light at the Government Center, we also have to imagine how some of those issues could have been prevented if maintenance available money hadn't been spent on updated wheels on the City Manager's car, City participation in the $244,000.00 Queen TT Lounge, or concrete "mattresses" put into the Chattahoochee Whitewater Course.
Looking back.. and knowing Senator McCain's dad and grandfather were both Admirals in the US Navy, I guess the taxpayers were lucky Senator McCain only got to "steer" planes.. he crashed 3 of them, so we are thankful he wasn't allowed to steer aircraft carriers.

I understand there is a schedule of some sorts to the internal forensic audits going on in the Columbus Consolidated Government, but with the state of disrepair we see government facilities in, wouldn't it be more prudent to start ones for the City Manager and Maintenance departments

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