Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Patriotic Americans will stop and reflect throughout the day as we re-grasp the horrors of September 11, 2001.. Nike and the NFL are just glad there are no football games that will be broadcast showing their personnel "kneeling" in protest for the National Anthem.. You have to wonder if some of them would have knelt in protest as brave men of the NYFD raised our flag out of the rubble of the Twin Towers.
Online headline: "Omarosa: Clinton was 'robbed' of the 2016 election, I was a 'co-conspirator': - "Robbed"? Trump won 30 stated outright plus an extra district in Maine...that, my friends is a slam dunk!
I'm enjoying the Target re-do...now that Target doesn't sell popcorn and Icees my granddaughter doesn't beg to go there every time we drive by.
With grandchildren, time flies while you're trying to figure out where time went.
With so many ads for so many spray air fresheners, isn't it time for a research study on the long term effect on our lungs from breathing in air freshener sprays 24/7?
Hellary has been caught telling a truth.. well, a half-truth.. She told DIMocrats at a fund raiser that Slick Willie didn't "Twitter" while he was president .. he "got things done". Of course the real truth is that Twitter didn't exist when he was president but she didn't mention that and no other DIMocrats caught on either...Now, let this be the final answer as to why I call them "DIMocrats".
Starting today, Columbus Council should designate every penny taken in from the 30% share of the Public Safety LOST for "Infrastructure" and apply it to repairing the Government Center...we should feel safe on city properties.
WRBL 3 story: "Columbus Police are investigating a Homicide on Rigdon Rd. and 10th St.
* Police say they responded around 11:00 p.m. to find one victim suffering from gun shot wounds. * The victim, Thalmus Jones, later died from his injuries." -- Number 25... at a minimum..
I learned yesterday that there was a drug bust at the gas station at the corner of 2nd Ave & Manchester Exp, and an armed robbery at the gas station on the corner of Veterans and Whitesville Rd, and I've found out about them only because I belong to a Face Book group that discusses crimes that go on in Columbus as reported over a police scanner...This is not enough for us in Columbus. Every day, most of my family drives by or into those two locations, and we deserve to know what's happening that could effect our lives. Our newspaper bailed out on our community a long time ago, so it's up to our Council to help us.
Wow... what a blessing...I heard Lindsay Graham inject what he would do if he 'was president'....thank God he's not.
From "the perils of teaching liberalism vs constitutionalism in a high school civics class" department - Online story: "Anti-gun activist David Hogg made a fool of himself last week as he urged Canadians to donate to American political campaigns, which is against the law. * The 18-year-old Parkland student and anti-Second Amendment extremist was attending a rally with Michael Moore and apparently forgot which country he was in * He launched his rant by asking an audience of Canadians, “Who’s ready to save America?” After some polite applause, the still oblivious Hogg mustered on. * Hogg struggled on, talking about American problems, like the water in Flint, Michigan, and “mass incarceration.” * Seated next to him during this whole time, Michael Moore tried not to look embarrassed. * Hogg then summoned up the gusto to tell a room full of Canadians, “Turn that shame into your vote!” * After an awkward silence, the porch lights finally came on, and Hogg added, “If you’re not Canadian!” * Stumbling around embarrassed, Hogg then turned to Moore and said, “I think Canadians can donate to political campaigns in the United States.” -- And sadly, you have to wonder if Loss Hogg took names to send them absentee ballots...
Another from"the perils of teaching liberalism vs constitutionalism in a high school civics class: department - Online headline: "(High School) Students ordered to spray paint over name of Christ on football field" -- Good grief! Two vital rights our Founding Fathers fought for to Make America Great forever are being destroyed in high school.. the 1st and 5th Amendments. Our school boards MUST realign our current curriculum to teach our History correctly!
Putting the Boston Globe's nationwide conspiratorial 300 newspapers (which did not endorse Trump) single editorial, and the NYT's "anonymous" editorial, and now Woodward's book, you have the makings of the situation our Founding Fathers clearly warned us of...internal terrorism/treason! President Trump IS the duly elected president "by the people", yet he is being targeted by a elf-promoting collusive group in an attempt to overturn the American people's choice. Their Machiavellian attitude would already have toppled a lesser man than President Trump, so we must support him...we must let him know we appreciate what he's sacrificed personally to bring our country, our children and grandchildren a future as bright as our generation had.
These three "anchors" of liberalism need a name to mark them for history.. how about "The Patooey Triangle ... a place where the truth goes in, but it doesn't return"
Serena William's claims to have been trying to assert women's rights when she tore into the referee at the Open...where was her respect for the rights of the woman who was beating her butt on court?
Left something out in my "Monday" recap item...not only hasn't Zeph Baker turned in his Financial Disclosures, nor had Amy Bryan removed her "elect me" signs off the building at 13th St and 5th Ave, but we still haven't heard confirmation concerning the reported accident Mayor Tom-LYING-son had...either way... even IF it happened, but if it did, were all City policies and protocols followed.
We cannot let Obama try to take credit for any part of our booming economy...the Consumer Confidence Index soared the day after the Election, the Fed is raising interest rates now to keep inflation in check created by a soaring economy, while it was holding them down to ZERO and printing unbacked money trying to prop up the economy under Obama, and now, not only is unemployment lower than the GDP for the first time in over 100 years, but more people are joining back into the job market..No, Obama, this economy is not booming because of your policies, but because your policies are being counteracted. Trump 2020!
One other thing about Obama desperately trying to take credits for the Trump economy...just a month ago..and for last 18 months for that matter, the DIMocrat mantra has been that the economy is actually not happening. This is a good time to remind even DIMocrats that Obama's outgoing opinions of the American economy was that "those jobs aren't coming back" and "2% GDP...get use to it".
Word is out that Syria's ASSwad is planning a chemical attack on the rebels.. Trump has sworn swift response if it happens...you know, ASSwad would not be in this situation...again, if Obama had crushed him after ASSwad "crossed the line in the sand" he pompously drew and failed to back up.
MSM-13 is trying to make Obama's claims of being responsible for Trump's economy based on a rally in California that Obama spoke to... What MSM-13 DIDN'T say was that there were only 750 +/- DIMocrats in attendance.
The rehiring of a familiar name for our local government has also stirred up a dark memory from 2001, when another employee was fired for unsuitable content accessed on a City computer.. Said employee, though, wasn't just "fired" or let go; he was released with a one year salary compensation.. I've always been suspicious of such payments made when firing "for cause".. just seems to indicate not all the information was brought to light.
Online headline/story: "Ken Starr says he considered perjury charges against Hillary Clinton, in explosive new memoir * “In the space of three hours, she claimed, by our count, over a hundred times that she ‘did not recall’ or ‘did not remember,’” Starr wrote. “This suggested outright mendacity. To be sure, human memory is notoriously fallible, but her strained performance struck us as preposterous.” * But Starr suggested he eventually decided against pursuing criminal charges against Hillary Clinton because it would have been hard to prove she lied." -- "too hard to prove she lied"? Good grief, all a jury would have needed was video showing her lips moving!
Online headline: "Sarah Sanders dismisses talk of 25th Amendment against Trump as 'ridiculous'" -- #tfa.....twenty-fifth-amendment? I don't think so... how about Trump For America!
From the "hypocrisy of the NYT's Editorial Board" department - Online headline: "Andrew Cuomo Owes Cynthia Nixon an Apology * A last-minute mailer from Democrats wrongly describing Ms. Nixon as anti-Semitic is a disgrace. * By The Editorial Board * The editorial board represents the opinions of the board, its editor and the publisher. It is separate from the newsroom and the Op-Ed section." -- What's really needed is apologies from the NYT.. not only to President Trump, but America itself, for cowardly running an an anonymous commentary purportedly from a White House staffer.. Of course, like this one, it will be insincere and only done so to look like the NYT actually cares about the truth.
Despite the constant onslaught of the MSM-13/DIMocrat coalition, when history is written, Trump's accomplishments in such a short time will be legendary.... not imaginary, as in Obama's case.
From the "are you ready for this" department - Online story: "Miss Michigan Emily Sioma eschewed the usual boastful or rah-rah introduction (at the Miss America contest) to deliver this pointed diss at her home state in her introduction Sunday night: “From a state with 84 percent of the U.S. fresh water, but none for its residents to drink, I’m Miss Michigan Emily Sioma.” -- Half-truths and incomplete thoughts are the death of solutions.. what she didn't say was that those cities' officials are DIMocrat political havens.
From the "don't you love it when liberals eat their own?" department - Online headline: "‘Morning Joe’ host Mika Brzezinski called out for bashing Serena Williams: 'Yikes' -- Once again, libs confirm that the truth is not what they want.. or, in other words, if you can't say what they want to hear about each other, don't dare speak it.
A few weeks ago, we learned that the much denied knowledge of the location of the new wrestling building for Columbus High School had actually been known since before last February (bid was accepted on Feb 18th, so obviously, the site was included in the particulars), yet it is not currently being worked on. Why is this? Keep us informed, MCSB..

M/C L-E headline: "US orders Palestinian office closed in DC" -- Trump ... For America.. for all Americans' Constitutional rights!

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