Tuesday, March 12, 2019

From the "just another campaign lie" department * Online story: "“I’m not for impeachment,” said Pelosi in an interview with the Washington Post published Monday. “This is news. I’m going to give you some news right now because I haven’t said this to any press person before. But since you asked, and I’ve been thinking about this: Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it.” -- Hmmm.. Impeachment.....just another campaign promise made to be broken ...it got her elected and re-seated as Speaker, but now realizes she'd be no match under oath for Trump's defense attorneys. Unfortunately, for her, Adam.. or is it A Dam Schi**, will keep up his Chihuahua attack on Trump until the 2020 elections, and the Republican win back the House as well.
From the "truth will set you free" department - Online headline/story: "Finland: Government Collapses Over Universal Health Care Costs, #Bernie2020 Hardest Hit * “Similar problems are bedeviling Sweden and Denmark, two other countries frequently held up as models to follow on health care” * Finland has long been touted by American socialists as the socialist Nirvana, where everything is free and everyone is happy, happy, happy. Sadly, fiscal reality hit Finland’s government as it collapsed Friday due to the rising costs of its universal health care. * The warning signs were on the wall last spring when Finland, as Leslie noted, ended its experiment with “universal basic income.” -- Sadly.. recovery "ain't free"!..
In a tweet less than a week before the Finland "collapse", Bernie cited this: " In the United States, it costs, on average, $12,000 to have a baby. In Finland it costs $60. We've got to end the disgrace of our profit-driven healthcare system and pass Medicare for all." -- You know, the real reason our healthcare is more expensive is the costs of providing "free" healthcare as directed by regulations that hospitals and doctors have to operate under to avoid civil and criminal actions.. I still remember 16 years ago when I had to go to an emergency room at a local hospital to fix a deep cut on finger. After 2 hours of waiting, I finally got to see a doctor who determined that this cut could be treated with a butterfly strip and, basically, a band-aid. He left and sent in a nurse to perform that procedure.. when I got the bill, it was over #350.00. I still have the scar.. two scars actually,,, one from the cut, and another from a $350+ dollar band-aid. Then I think about the same hospital HAVING to treat gunshot victims of gang/drug deal activities "gone wrong" that and not able to recover a cent from those patients.
I saw a sentence in another news story that should be attached to every story about the Democrat-Socialists' agenda for our county, "Free doesn't equate best.".Think about it... "Free doesn't equate best."...and it's not even close.. "Free" is a catch word.. it's bait... it a trap.. it's cheap to offer... but it's expensive to accept..."Free" comes with it's own set of handcuffs. Ever seen a 'free" jail cell that's rated 5-star? Ever seen a "free" offer that didn't have a string attached? Ever seen a "free" Democrat campaign promise that benefited our country? Even FREEdom isn't 'free'... asked anyone who has achieved it.
It's ironic that Senator Gillibrand is going to be held responsible for not handling a sexual harassment issue with an aide, while her predecessor was pedestalized for ignoring, even bludgeoning, her husband's multiple accusers.
You know, the National Debt grew by $3.5 Trillion in Obama's first two years in office when Democrats had veto proof majorities in both chambers of government, and didn't say a word about it.. or to stop it..
The lawyer for the Osundairo brothers, who participated in the hoax initiated by Jussie Smollett, says even though they took part in the hoax via purchases and a pseudo assault, they are innocent. Excuse me, but when does accepting payment for physically participating in a hoax make one innocent of a crime of collusion at a minimum?
At the SXSW liberal coven, Elizabeth Warren advocated to break up the big tech companies... because "that's how capitalism works".. Good grief..what the hell qualifies Elizabeth Warren to talk about how capitalism works..obviously she neither, has read her own resume...well unless it's been "enhanced" like her ancestry was.
From the "let's parse this a bit" department - Online headline: "Dolly Parton 'did not approve' Elizabeth Warren's campaign's use of '9 to 5' -- Hmmm the way I see it is that Dolly didn't mind Warren's use of "( to 5" but was a little miffed at Warren's implication that she was actually "working" 9 to 5...
Online story: "The Georgia House on Thursday passed what could become the state’s first hate crimes legislation. Georgia is one of five states that does not currently have such a bill. * “Hate can be used as a tool for evil to undermine the law and order that we take for granted some times,” Rep. Chuck Efstration (R-Dacula). * The bill toughens penalties against those convicted of crimes committed “because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, 19 national origin, sexual orientation, gender, mental disability, or physical disability” with a prison sentence of up to 12 months and a maximum fine of $5,000." -- Haven't read it yet, but let's pray that the final bill presented to Governor Kemp includes wording that the law will be applied equally REGARDLESS of age/sex/race/gender .. Hmmm.. it would be the FIRST such "hate crime bill" to do so.
From the "what a waste" department - Online headline: "Georgia's Stacey Abrams Looks for a Winning Strategy in Loss" -- Good grief.. ask a winning coach ..or even a winning politician,, what one must learn from defeat.. if what you did do resulted in a loss, then don't pour good money in on top of what you did.. Think about this, the Democrat party poured in over $150,000,000.00 of mostly out-of-state money and endorsements in campaigns for Joel Ossoff and Stacey Abrams in GA, and Beto O'Rouke in Texas.. and all three lost.. All three ran on a message of socialism and hate, and all that money did was educate the real concerned voters of GA and Texas, and motivate them to get out and vote. in record numbers I might add, for their own.. and their state's .. preservation..
Online headline: "Lifestyles of the Rich and Socialist: From Chavez to Castro, leaders who lived the high life" -- Hmmm... and just look at the huge wealth accumulated by the Clintons, the Obamas, the Feinsteins, the Pelosis.... even Bernie!
Congressman Biggs, R-AZ, says enough Fentanyl has been intercepted at the Mexican border with Arizona to kill 70-80 MILLION people on America. While my humanity applauds our border agents for their diligent work, you have to wonder if had that Fentanyl had not been stopped, how many fewer Democrats could have voted in the last 2 elections.
Online story: "Democratic Whip Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) defended his colleague Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) by reasoning that she is higher than Jews on the pyramid of intersectionality. In an interview with The Hill on Wednesday, Clyburn trivialized Holocaust survivors when he implied that Omar’s time in a Kenyan refugee camp outweighed the experiences of Jews. * Her experience, Clyburn argued, is much more empirical — and powerful — than that of people who are generations removed from the Holocaust, Japanese internment camps during World War II and the other violent episodes that have marked history. * “I’m serious about that. There are people who tell me, ‘Well, my parents are Holocaust survivors.’ ‘My parents did this.’ It’s more personal with her,” Clyburn said. “I’ve talked to her, and I can tell you she is living through a lot of pain.”" -- "I can tell you she is living through a lot of pain.”? Good grief.. the only thing she's "living through" is the PAIN she's causing! Hey, Omar is NOT the only anti-Semitic Democrat!
M/C L-E headline: "Trump’s $4.7 trillion budget relies on strong growth" -- Wow! Isn't it nice for a president to have faith .. and a plan.. for America being GREAT again.. Hey, Dems and RINOs.. pass this along to your party leaders.
M/C L-E story: "Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell says political attacks by President Donald Trump played no role in the Fed’s decision in January to signal that it planned to take a pause in hiking interest rates. He also said in an interview broadcast Sunday that he can’t be fired by the president and that he intends to serve out his full four-year term. * “We think that’s an appropriate place for an economy that has the lowest unemployment in 50 years, that has inflation right about at our 2 percent objective, that has returned significantly to good health,” Powell said." -"Trump played no role"? "he intends to serve out his full four-year term"? Looks like Trump has filleted Powell's plans by making Powell admit that in spite of the unwarranted rate increases, Trump has America on a powerful return to greatness... in spite of Obama's influence on Powell. Powell cannot afford to lose his reputation when Trump does not re-appoint him in 2 more years.

M/C L-E headline: "Democrats select Milwaukee for 2020 convention" -- Hmm.. probably because Hellary ignored Wisconsin in 2016, and the Socialist=Democrats want to make sure their candidates know "fly-over country" actually exists..

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