Friday, March 1, 2019

From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online headline: "NYT catches Trump in apparent lie about Kushner's clearance" -- Good grief, the NYTimes seems overly concerned about whether the President should trust his child's husband, yet the NYTimes was never concerned about The Clinton's pardons of Mark Rich, Susan McDougal or Roger Clinton, or his friendship with Charlie Trie, or Obama's friends Bill Ayers, Tony Rezko, or Reverend Jeremiah Wright or his pardon of James Bernard Banks. Going a step further, when has the NYTimes even apologized for, much less corrected, it's many lies published as "Front Page News"?
From the "now we know for sure" department - Online headline/story: "Pelosi: Kim Jong Un the 'big winner' of summit with Trump * House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she was relieved that President Trump didn’t make a one-sided deal with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at their summit in Vietnam, but that even holding a second meeting with Kim amounted to handing a victory to the dictator." -- Good grief.. PeLOUSY feels that North Korea, a country of failed economy, failed health, and extensive human rights failures "won" because Trump didn't "give away the farm" in a bad deal? When you think about it, PeLOUSY probably admires Kim Jong Oooops because he's achieved her dreams for America.
From the "Pric Holder becomes a Big Twit" department - Former Atty General Pric Holder just outed him self as a conspirator to overthrow our Constitution!.. Holder tweeted this tidbit:

"Eric Holder✔@EricHolder
"Time to make Electoral College a vestige of the past. It’s undemocratic, forces candidates to ignore majority of the voters and campaign in a small number of states. The presidency is our one national office and should be decided - directly - by the voters" --
Good grief.. looks like all of Obama's appointees are Socialist Democrats! Eliminating the Electoral College would INSURE that candidates would ignore all BUT 11 states. There would be no need for candidates to go to smaller states.. We already know this is the liberals primary game plan, but now the Conservative candidate would HAVE to spend most of their time is those liberal-bent states, and the other states would be ignored. Just look at the 2016 Hellary campaign map.. It was Trump realizing that Hellary was ignoring Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania and it was Hellary ignoring them that gave her the loss!
Jussie's amazing how quickly MSM-13 can push a story off the front page when it highlights the flaws or goals of liberalism.
Seems we have to adjust our thinking when we hear conversations about our GDP when PeLOUSY and CNN are explaining it... their concept of GDP is Gross Democrat Program.
There are plenty of statements uttered by Michael Cohen that were additional lies, but the most heinous one was when Cohen said Trump did not enter the presidential race to win.. Trump never enters a fray or deal with the intent of not winning.
You know, the Republicans need a new plan to counter the DEMentiacrats offer of "MediCare for ALL".. I suggest always referring to the DEMentiacrats' plan as "Affordable Care Act For All". Even the DEMs and MSM-13 don't want to talk about the reality of socialized medicine that voters already know failed.
Online AJC story: "Teachers would receive a little less than what Gov. Brian Kemp promised them under the House budget plan the chamber is set to approve this week.The House Appropriations Committee on Wednesday approved a $27.5 billion state budget for fiscal 2020 — which begins July 1 — that gives smaller raises to teachers but also spreads the pay hike to about 9,800 school psychologists, counselors, media specialists, social workers, speech and language pathologists, and instructional technologists." -- While all educational jobs are "important", none are AS important than those in the classrooms. Surely there's a way that the GA Legislature can meet new Governor Kemp's promise to the teachers...
M/C L-E headline/story: "New plan to fight crime receives pushback * In a move to get more Columbus police officers on the streets, two chaplains were reassigned to start patrolling but the crime-fighting idea didn’t turn out as planned. * Chaplains Roy Isasi, 58, and Donald Hall, 53, were ordered to leave their desk jobs at the Public Safety Center more than a week ago to shore up a force with 81 open positions." -- Good grief.. what this tells me is that the Public Safety LOST revenues being used for ANY other purpose than filling our police staff opening be suspended UNTIL our patrol force is at full strength...
Robert Conrad is 84 today.. I'm taking bets that the battery he dared people to knock off his shoulder is now implanted in a heart pacemaker.
And Ron Howard...a.k.a. "Opie" is now 65! Wonder if he'll retire on the Mayberry pension plan..
Good grief.. Justin Bieber is ONLY 25! Seems like I've already had a lifetime of too much Bieber.
M/C L-E commentary headline: "COMMENTARY * Democrats have a ‘socialist' albatross around their necks * BY JON HEALEY * Los Angeles Times" -- Even sadder is that the DEMentiacrats wear it as a badge of honor, and MSM-13 salutes it!

M/C L-E headline/story: "US economy cooled as GDP grew in fourth quarter * It is important to keep the cooling economy in perspective. The fourth-quarter slowdown was not as severe as many forecasters had feared, and even with the loss of momentum late in the year, 2018 as a whole was among the best years of the decade long recovery from the Great Recession. And most economists do not expect a recession this year, putting current expansion on track to become the longest on record." -- Good grief.. a story about the economy that doesn't even ouch on the subject of the 4 FED interest rate increases that FED chairman Jerome Powell threw at the housing, automobile, and banking industries that had a starting negative impact on major product purchases of consumer products and loans fro businesses. To boot, there are more politics involved in the rate increase than inflation signals. I questioned Trump's appointment of Powell as the FED chair as Powell was an Obama appointee, and Powell's political allegiances were openly biased against Trump's goals. In spite of this, the financial world believes the economy will stay strong.. My how disappointed PeLOUSY must feel...

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