Friday, March 15, 2019

Looks like GA has decided on a new voting machine...touch window screen that prints out the ballot which then goes into a scanner where it's finally "cast". Democrats say they concerned about how secure it is....yeah concerned because it sounds pretty scam proof and should eliminate backroom ballot box stuffing traditional paper ballots allowed.
From the "rush to judgment mentality catching up with bias" department - HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "A suspected New Zealand shooter appears to be a white supremacist * A man accused of opening fire Friday at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, killing worshippers (sic), appears to have been motivated by white supremacy and extremism that he saw in the United States. * Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison characterized the alleged shooter, one of four suspects taken into custody, as an “extremist, right-wing, violent terrorist." -- You know, HuffPOOPOO is probably more responsible for this than the one shooter they are eviscerating! Bias reporting of events in the past in which blame is one-sided fuels the hatred .. and the reactions..of the ignorant, and HuffPOOPOO is an extremely one-sided view. And for the HuffPOOPOO to cite the Prime Minister of Australia (versus the Prime Minister of New Zealand) is blatantly self-serving...
For the record, I think.. even feel... this was horrible... a horrible event.. and a horrible path to the future, and the killers be dealt with based on what they did, not what HuffPOOPOO feels they were probably thinking.
Sadly 12 Republican-titled Senators voted against our National Border Security Crisis yesterday, and one did a flip-flop after he saw the results of the vote were obvious... the "flip-flopper" Was Thom Tillis of NC.. after leaning with the Dems all along, he suddenly remembered he is up for re-election in 2020, and recent constituency input in he last week suddenly reminded him that he was not representing them on this issue caused him to reverse his direction after he saw that the results were already decided. Lamar Alexander has already announced he won't be running for re-election in 2020 so he's gong to be another FLAKE (as in Jeff FLAKE of Arizona) for the next 21 months.. Cannot say Susan Collins of Maine was a surprise, as she's always been a RINO existing in a liberal state on basis of being a female. The other 12: Paul, Murkowski, Romney, Lee, Toomey, Portman, Blunt, Moran, Rubio, and Wicker.. aren't running until 2022 or 2024, but I will be sending a donation to whoever runs against them in the GOP primaries when appropriate..
Let's start dissecting William Springer's illicit school bribery foundation from it's roots.. Who was the IRS official who gave him "501-(c)" status... based on information available. it's a good guess that Lois Lerner was the one.. you remember her.. she was Obama's puppet who intentionally slowed down the processing of applications for "501-(c)" status from conservative organizations.. then was allowed to "RETIRE" on taxpayers' money rather than being fired/charged..
You know.. how could anyone not understand why cheating to get this generations
kids into an elite school be a surprise.. This generation has been spoon-fed how special hey are.. and nobody gives a second thought to them buying "cheats" to get to higher levels of the computer games they play.... diplomas are handed out more than they are earned, and diversification policies/quotas of better schools already determine that many more-than-qualified applicants have zero chance to be admitted on their own efforts, so let's don't condemn all the parents.. now the Springer Foundation and its representatives are a different story.. same for the college coaches, test proctors, and paid test-takers drawn in by the thought of easy and quick money for themselves.
Is Hallmark "rushing to judgment"...too fast? Word is out that Hallmark has dismissed Lori Loughlin .. including pulling the next episode of "When Calls the Heart" scheduled Sunday Night.. I can see Hallmark's concern.. Loughlin's character in this series is one of hard work and moral uprightness in both her personal and political life. Her character is the anchor for all on the show. Let's pray for Lori Loughlin and all depending on her..while we're at it. let's pray our higher education system will weed out selective entry policies.. for ALL reasons.
Target is also pulling the trigger on Lori Loughlin.. .. by killing off Mossimo and Merona labels (Mossimo Giannulli's merchandise) at its stores. Again, probably an overreaction but Target was already on my "s***-list" for eliminating popcorn and Icees that I could enjoy with my granddaughter when Target replaced the snack-bar with Starbucks, and even more recently, tripling the cost of a prescription (from $63.00 to $197.00) I need because Target had an abundant supply when the laboratory stopped producing it to deal with a recall and no other store had any.
I'm confused at another "drop" though.. Sephora and Amazon were paying at least one of Loughlin's daughters at USC as an "influencer".. One of them promoted those two brands on her Twitter and Instagram accounts. What I'm confused most about is whether I'm madder at the exploitation Sephora and Amazon did, or their reaction to the recent revelation, but I'm fixing to cut my strings with Amazon today (had none with Sephora).
From the "Democrat dilemma" department - "Online headline/story: " RBG poster vandalized with words 'Die Jew,' swastika on NY subway * New York Police Department's hate crimes unit is investigating after a poster of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was vandalized with the words "Die Jew" and a swastika." -- Hmmm so it's wrong to persecute a Jew in NY anonymously, but OK if you are a ranting Muslin Democrat Congressperson who wants to obliterate Israel...
From the "hypocrisy personified" department - Online headline: "Al Gore says climate change can ‘bring about the end of civilization’ during talk in Atlanta" -- You know, Algore is more concerned that people will stop paying him to rant ABOUT "climate change" than the eventual effects of "climate change" if his rants came true.
Oh.. did anyone ever find out what was in the envelope that former AG Loretta Lynch slipped to Christine Blasey Ford's lawyer at the Kavanaugh hearings? It's just mysteriously disappeared from interest...
Yesterday, I reported on Senator S*** Romney's birthday treat of Twinkies, and today is Justice RBG's 86th b'day.. surely this must be "National Twinkie WEEK".
M/C L-E headline story: "Planned Parenthood buttons with profanity at Georgia Capitol spark lawsuit * A civil liberties group is demanding that police on the Georgia Capitol grounds allow demonstrators to wear Planned Parenthood buttons that include profanity." -- Good grief! How civil is an organization that will fight for abortion rights demonstrators to be able to wear something with cuss words where children might be, but don't support children's right not to be aborted?

From the "news? Really?" department - M/C L-E headline: "Alabama inmate ends days-old hunger strike over solitary confinement" -- Why is this newsworthy? That's all I have to say..

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