Thursday, March 28, 2019

From the "poll truth and nothing but the poll truth" department - Online headline/story: "NBC News poll: Americans split on who will win in 2020 * 43 percent of Americans think Trump will be re-elected and 43 percent believe the Democratic nominee will win. Nearly one in 10 Americans — 9 percent — believe a third-party candidate will win the presidency in 2020." --Good grief.. after 2-plus years of constant character assassination, even the "generic Democrat" cannot muster enough support to beat Trump... even in a NBC poll! Trump 2020!
From the "wait a minute, Comey LIED" department - Online story: "Donald Trump’s ex-wife Marla Maples allegedly hooked up with singer Michael Bolton, according reports contained in an FBI file. * The FBI dossier states that Maples’ former publicist, Chuck Jones, testified in court that she “had bought singer Michael Bolton back to her room following Trump's departure for a West Coast trip.” -- Good grief! The FBI has a dossier/file on Marla Marples trysts, and yet James Comey claims he didn't take notes or record Hellary's "interview"? I do believe Comey should be arrested and charged for lying under oath to Congress!
How about those "Red Arrows" that proliferate the Lakebottom area of Columbus...who's maintenance responsibility are they...They are looking weathered and sad.. Before long, they will deteriorate like the Water Witch at the Civil War Naval Museum.
Have you seen the Mercedes ad that shows you can get your car to do things like adjust temperature, change station etc by voice.. I can see where it will exacerbate "road rage". You're sitting at a red light, it turns green and the other driver just sits there texting.. you mutter "move it a**h*le" and the horn goes off by itself...and the 6'6" 275 old driver gets out and pulls you out of your window.
Lack of's definitely an issue with Columbus' improvements. There's a major event at the Columbus Museum Thursday commemorating 100 Years of Ft Benning that all Columbus officials should attend, and then there's a "Let's Talk" event that every Columbus official should attend. Regardless, the Museum event should be the Mayor's top priority.
You know, normally, what the Shicago prosecutor did with the Smollett debacle wouldn't stir a yawn in the rest of the country...we 'know' Shicago politics are corrupt..but this is different... Smollett committed a crime against every non-Shicagoan in the country! Every white person was slurred...and every black person's complaint against any injustice has been compromised and denigrated.
Parsing what went on in the Smollett debacle, how can a prosecutor decide to dismiss charges of a grand jury? Shouldn't that be something a judge orders to a jury if the judge feels, KNOWS...that the court produced evidence is not allowable or valid?
Democrat Presidential candidate former Representative John Delaney, D-MD, says he would initiate a carbon tax then put all the revenue back into things we need. Hmmmm, besides hitting middle and impoverished Americans the hardest, history tells us the government programs cannibalize 78-80% of revenues collected so only about 20% actually gets back to the taxpayers. Why don't Democrats have to pass a financial awareness test before running for any office?
Online headline/story: "Robert Kraft Requests Jury Trial In Florida Prostitution Case * Prosecutors had offered Kraft a plea deal. He rejected the offer to have charges dropped in exchange for admitting he would likely have been found guilty at trial." -- Kraft should ask for a }change of venue... to Shicago!
Talk about a can of worms being opened.. how about the Nike/Avenatti charges.. we in Columbus, GA are well aware of Nike shenanigans.. Nike connived with our former Parks&Rec Director and funneled some $200K through a bogus City account to promote a basketball team comprised of area talented high school players to showcase them for colleges .. and beyond..
Hellary must be livid.. no longer can she blame her loss to Trump on Russian collusion.. Life is good ...
Speaking of's strange that neither she, nor Bill.. nor the Obamas for that matter .. haven't been in public to comment on the Mueller Report...
Interesting... but alarming:
Seeing the old Coca-Cola property on 6th Avenue being brought back to life, I wanted to do some research on properties there. The first thing that popped up was the Train Depot. In 1988, the City sold it to Tsys for $103K; in 1999, Tsys sold it to Columbus Economic Development (basically us) for $1.5M; ion 2001, Columbus Development sold it to Columbus Alliance for Regional (Chamber of Commerce) for $1.865M; in 2016, it was bought by Columbus Depot, LLC for $1M which houses the law firm of Pope, McGlamry et al.. (naturally m former-Mayor Tom-LYING-son's law firm. Today, that same building is valued for tax purposes for only $880K. In the two years, Columbus has lost $10, 396 per year in tax revenues.. what a cozy deal for ex-mayor Tom-LYING-son's 'family".
PARID: 018 009 005
PARS A & D PT LTS 10,11,14,15 BK 21 COMMONS
Values Summary
Total Fair Market Value 880,858
Final Assessment Value (40% Value) 352,343
Date Price Sale Validity Grantor Grantee Instrument Book/Page Record Date
Year Cycle Billed Paid Due
2018 County 14,435.84 -14,435.84 0.00
2017 County 14,481.65 -14,481.65 0.00
2016 County 24,831.11 -24,831.11
Back to the Coca-Cola buildings being discussed.. they sold.. in the condition they are in for a combined total of $1M.. make the Train Depot evaluation EXTRA LOW when you consider the improvements made on that property.
From the "Bias? What bias?" department - M/C L-E guest commentary HEADLIE: "Republicans hate the idea of some people having health care * BY PAUL KRUGMAN * New York Times" -- Good grief! What an absolute disgusting lie that the L-E passing on as a discussion moment! If anyone hated healthcare, it was Obama and the Democrats who passed the Affordable Care Act WITHOUT even READING IT!

Another M/C L-E guest commentary headline: "Witch-hunter found no witch but Democrats still see one" -- "Democrats still see one"? Good grief! The Democrats still have a COVEN of witches.. Hellary, PeLOUSY, Waters, Feinstein, Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, et al... ad infinitum!

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