Monday, March 8, 2021

 From the "3rd most dreaded political headline" department - Online headline: "Dems Agree To Cut Jobless Benefits to $300.00 A Week" -- Obviously, any headline about an assassination would be the worst, followed by any cheering for an election/re-election won by any Democrat, but when a headline touts anything the Democrats have agreed to "cut" is a very close 3rd...if MSM talks about something the Dem's have agreed to cut, then we need to scour the news to see what the Republicans have GIVEN AWAY to them.

Excuse me, but what is the difference between "sanctuary" cities and/or states, and "succession"? Both exist based on the desire for it's politicians wanting to live only by the laws they approve of. How can US Supreme Court NOT see the same thing?

From the "see what happens when politicians respond to the people they represent rather than the Party Agenda" department - Online headline/story: "California to let Major League Baseball, Disneyland reopen * Disneyland officials did not say when the park would reopen. But when it does, only people who live in California can buy tickets. The same goes for MLB games and outdoor performances, as public health officials try to limit mixing while continuing to roll out coronavirus vaccinations." -- Hmmm.. "only people who live in California can buy tickets"? Hmmm.. sounds like a lotta political jockeying by Gov Newsom.. Newsom's trying to keep from being "recalled" by giving californians "life" again, but at the same time, keeping citizens from other states from personally seeing how bad it really is in california.

Wow! Did you see the latest employment numbers? They are all driven by "carry over" from the hard work of President Trump.. 379,000 new jobs, and a National Unemployment number of 6.2%. You know, if businesses in NY, ca, NJ, and IL had been allowed to open up like businesses in most of the other states, America's unemployment numbers would probably be better than they were a 15 months ago...

Good grief! MSM could hardly contain itself concerning the hiring of Maia Chaka as the FIRST Black female NFL referee. Hmmm... wonder if MSM is going for her jugular when she becomes the FIRST Black female NFL referee to ever blow a pass interference call?

So POOP Francis went to Baghdad on Friday... With the changes in the White House and Department of Defense, you have to wonder if the POOP was wondering whether a Solemani-type laser "dot" was zeroed in on him when he was going to his POOPmobile...

If the Socialist-Democrats wipe student loan debts off the books, the the US Government needs to stop participating in giving/backing any future student loans.

Online headlie: "Georgia gets virtual help from Illinois to fight teacher shortage" -- Good grief! If here are any states that GA should be getting getting advice from, Illinois, New York, california and Pennsylvania are the Top 4 to... AVOID!
Online headline: "To-go cocktails with limits closer to reality in Georgia as Senate bill passes" -- Good grief! This makes about as much sense at drive=through windows at GA Liquor Stores! Allowing drivers to accept individual alcoholic beverages into their vehicles which CAN BE opened, is tantamount to breaking the GA "no open beverage containers" law.

Online YAHOO "headLIE"/story: "Tommy Tuberville introduces anti-trans amendment to COVID relief bill, gets voted down * Tuberville attempted to add an anti-trans amendment to the COVID-19 relief bill Saturday, but was voted down 49-50. If passed, the amendment would have prohibited funding to educational institutions that allowed trans women to compete in women's athletics." -- "anti-trans"? Good grief! Senator Tuberville introduced a "pro-women", "pro-science", AND "pro-GOD and sanctity-of-life" confirmation of reality and good sense bill... and the Democrats rejected it... unanimously! What we really have here is an "anti-truth" journalist named Chris Cwik** who who probably has a "?" on "its" birth certificate..

** - "Chris Cwik" sounds as "indeterminate" as "Saturday Night Live's "Pat" from the past...

Remember the classic Jimmy Stewart movie, "Mr Smith Goes To Washington"? Well, it looks like the Hollywood 21st Century remake is JoKKKe Biden starring in "Max Headroom Goes to Washington".

Spoiler and dire warning... (thank me later)! We entertained... well, we WERE ENTERTAINED by our granddaughter this weekend, and watched "The Croods: A New Age" with her... What an awful and stupid movie! Oh!.....these are the comments of our 8-year old granddaughter... my personal confirmation of her thoughts just aren't as suitable for public consumption.

Some time ago, the number for illegal aliens in the USA was given an arbitrary number... 11 million... without any documentation or origin/source citing of such data. MSM just accepted..then PEDESTALIZED it as "fact.. In fact, about the only thing MSM didn't do was make create an equivalency of Covid-19's clown, Dr Fauci, as its "go to" authority. Personally, I'm betting the number is at least twice that.. maybe even 3 times that. It's won't be known until a verifiable voter ID, and a verifiable Census citizenship form are initiated.. in CALIFORNIA.

Looks like illegal unaccompanied minor aliens have already overflowed the number of containment facilities along the border, but how many Hollywood elites have come forth and volunteered any of the 1,000s of unused spare bedrooms they have?

Hmmm... looks like the "Nord Stream 2" pipeline from Russia-to-Germany will create a bigger problem for Biden than Keystone Pipeline... Oh... why doesn't Prez JoKKKe Biden just sign an Executive Order and make it go away?

Online headline: "Biden fires EEOC's Trump-appointed general counsel who refused to resign" -- Good grief! What how upset would MSM have been if President Trump had fired a woman who was General Counsel for the EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION!

Online headline: "Other Senators Force Ron Johnson To Hear Reading Of US Sanitation Code Before Giving Him Restroom Key" -- Remember the "sign it before you read it" directive PeLOUSY told all the House Democrats before voting on ObamaCRAP? They all should have been REQUIRED to listen to every word of HB 1.... that way, none could say they weren't aware of every ounce of PORK stuffed into it.

Online headline: "Senate narrowly passes COVID relief bill after sleepless, tumultuous night" -- Democrat Joe Manchin, D-WV, bailed out on America ... again. Remember when he said he felt that these sort of Bill's should only pass with bipartisan support? Yeah .. right... Now, there was one Republican who DIDN'T vote "NO"! Senator Sullivan from Alaska, who was called away when his father-in-law, Dr Hugh Fate, died...Sullivan's "NO" votes would have put the onus directly of VP Harris' back in future elections.. so history will record her as being let off "the hook" by "a simple twist of Fate",

Online headline: "Cuomo aide implicated in nursing home coverup taught 'ethics in government' class at the New York University School of Law." -- Good grief! then it was not IRONY that lying FBI Director James Comey was hired to teach an "ethics class" at William and Mary after being fired. And we wondered where Democrat politicians came from...

From the "Foghorn Leghorn, "He’s so dumb he thinks a Mexican border pays rent" department - Online headline: "Amid pandemic, flu all but disappears in US" -- Good grief! Of course "the Flu" has disappeared.. everything is now blamed on Covid-19...regardless of it's actual impact...

Once again.. when will the initial 2020 Census figures be released?  The "official" numbers are supposed to be published by April 1, 2021 so Congressional Districts can be determined  for next 5 House and and 2 Presidential Election cycles ( 2022-2030 ).. I'm gonna guess that the Democrats will "find" some judge to sign an order to count all illegal aliens that have come across the border since Biden took office as being here in 2020 because they were en route since November 3rd...

From the "Jon Lovitz, "Yeah, that's the ticket" department - Online headline: "Chinese President Xi Jinping: “The United States is the biggest threat to our country’s development and security” -- Good grief.. Hmmm... the only thing I can think of to account for the timing of this "message" is that Trump had basically banned anything/anybody from China being allowed into the US.. and this message finally snuck in across our Southern Border after JoKKKe Biden took office.

Online headline: "To-go cocktails with limits closer to reality in Georgia as Senate bill passes" -- This makes about as much sense as allowing "drive-thru windows" at liquor stores! Allowing "singles" to be delivered to vehicles flies into the face of our ban on "open containers of alcoholic beverages" being allowed in vehicles. It's the equivalence of allowing "rolling pop-up bars"!

Remember that 1997 Ford SUV, with 25 people stuffed in it  (like a 1960's VW), that collided with a semi in california and killed 13 of the people in it?'s no longer a question about the legality of those in the SUV.. there's video of the SUV crossing illegally at a Wall location that hasn't been finished because Prez JoKKKe Biden stopped such with an Executive Order.. Hey, JoKKKe Biden... all that blood is directly on YOUR HANDS!

From the "why liberal scientists are Democrats" department - "Online story: "Scientists have found a new super-Earth, relatively nearby – and it is the kind of planet they say they have been dreaming of for years. * The world could be the perfect place to better understand how atmospheres exist on rocky planets like our own that are outside the solar system * it is in many ways unlike Earth: it is 30 per cent bigger and nearly three times heavier, and it is so hot that its surface could melt lead and lava rivers cover its surface. * It is found around a star just 26 light years away, a relatively close neighbor given the scale of the universe." -- Good grief! The scientists that other liberals "listen to and follow" have addressed, thus solved, Earth's issues and now want a subject matter to talk about that conservative (and better informed.. grounded..) scientists cannot refute their speculations about when that new planet will "die" from "climate change" issues.

Online headline: "Saudi Arabia Doesn’t Care About Surging Oil Prices. How High Will Oil Go?" -- Good grief? Of course they don't care...Prez JoKKKe Biden gave OPEC "a new lease on OUR life" by destroying the independence President Trump gifted our future !

From the "bend over and grab your ankles" department - Online headline/story: "Lawmakers Brief: Ga. Senate Passes Clearer Path to Get Off Probation * Strickland said Georgians have not been able to get off probation early because the state has multiple, complicated paths. " -- Good grief! Without conditions of repentance and restitution, the state, specific victims, and all GA taxpayers are screwed by the basic dismissal of a criminal's responsibilities to be re-integrated into society!

From the "this oughta make you think more about this" department - Online story: "A House bill to allow online sports betting in Georgia, along with other gambling bills, could be in jeopardy as House Democrats threaten to pull support. " -- Why is it that vice crimes cannot be made legal without Democrat's full support..and which politicians gambling business owners support...

From the "wait a minute! we tax payers haven't been asked!" department - Online headline/story: "Lawmakers Brief: Pay Increase For Legislators Heads Toward Ga. House Floor * “Legislatures similar to our state receive an average of $41,000 in salary according to the House budget and research office,” Chairman Wes Cantrell presented HB 675 on Wednesday to the House Committee on Rules * “The formula used by the state compensation commission also suggested a salary** of around $41,000 even though the recommendation is $29,908.” -- Wait a minute.. we tax payers haven't asked about this! Besides, pay levels should be earned and not compared to pay levels in other states that are run by the Democrats that are about to get bailed out if HB 1 gets passed by the PeLOUSY House.

** - Salary? I remember when our state legislators were paid "per diem" and only for the days they actually showed up in Atlanta when the legislature was officially In Session.

From the "what happens when liberals are in charge of our education system" department - Online headline/story: "Baltimore HS student fails all but 3 classes over 4 years, ranks near top half of class * Tiffany France's son still ranked at No. 62 in his class of 120 total students * Baltimore high school student failed all but three classes over four years and almost graduated near the top half of his class with a 0.13 GPA, according to a local report. * Tiffany France, the mother of the failing student, thought her son would be receiving his diploma from Augusta Fells Savage Institute of Visual Arts in June. However, she was surprised to discover that he is being sent back to the ninth grade to start over" -- Good grief! Tiffany France's son would probably.. well.. could possibly have gotten his diploma in Columbus, GA's MCSD system... and qualified for a Hope Scholarship... Students are no longer required to take a Graduation Test, and the first thing the MCSD did following the dismissal of the Graduation Exam was to look back at previous years and give diplomas to those that didn't receive diplomas then because they flunked the graduation exam.

From the "are you praying yet?" department - Online headline: "Biden wants new war powers vote in Congress for authorizing America's foreign wars, Psaki says" -- Good grief! While it scares me to know "the football" is in Prez JoKKKe Biden's reach...partly because of his track record of policy failures, and partly because he might not be able to remember the password/launch codes if we need them, but to ever have to trust a Congress directed by PeLOUSY is a far worse fear. Heck, PeLOUSY would probably reset the launch codes and targets to aim at Mar-a-lago, FL.

With as much unbacked money Socialist-Congressperson are authorizing to be printed, I want to see a list of how much inflation-hedging GOLD that Democrat Congresspersons...and their hedgefund operating donors.... have bought in the last 18 months. I do believe the findings would be quite revealing.

From the "Jon Lovitz, "well, would you believe" department - Online "headLIE": "Google says it’s no longer interested in tracking users" -- Yeah...right... Oh! Would you like to buy my bridge to Brooklyn at a real good price?

Online story: "The Omani government has signed an agreement with the University of Arizona’s Eller Executive Education to deliver training to Omani nationals as part of an offset agreement with US armored vehicle manufacturer Lenco Armored Vehicles." -- Good grief! Guess Oman figured it would be easier getting students in and out of Arizona via illegal border crossings than getting student visas....

From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online CNN "headLIE"/story: "John Roberts has another chance to diminish the Voting Rights Act * Lawyers for the Democratic National Committee and Arizona Secretary of State told the justices wide swaths of Native Americans and other minorities could be disenfranchised by Arizona laws requiring ballots cast by people at the wrong precinct to be tossed and prohibiting most third parties -- beyond a relative or mail carrier -- from collecting absentee ballots, for example, at a nursing home. * Most states push to restrict voting rights after 2020 election * State lawmakers have introduced 253 bills in 43 states that would make it harder for their residents to vote in upcoming elections, as of February 19. The state legislatures with the highest number of restrictive bills were Georgia, Pennsylvania and Arizona" -- "another chance to diminish the Voting Rights Bill"? Good grief! In order to protect the voting rights of ALL, the US Supreme Court has to PROTECT the Voting Rights of ALL, and that's exactly what Justice Roberts is SUPPOSE to do, and will do. Shame on CNN... sadly, shame has no impact on CNN...

WRBL-TV3 online headline: "“I see this as being a safer process,” Sheriff Countryman address the new mailing process at Muscogee County Jail" -- much is this costing the taxpayers, and who is getting paid to provide this service, and who are the politicians that receive donations from those people?

Online headlines: "Oil Exports from Offshore Louisiana Facility Fall to Zero" . and. "In a bold taunt, Saudis warn America’s frackers: ‘Drill, baby, drill is gone forever’ -- Hmmm.. who's the happiest,,, Biden, AOC, or Bernie? Hmmm... maybe we should add Senator Bill Cassidy, R-LA, to this list...

Online story: "Piedmont Columbus Regional joins more than 400 hospitals and healthcare systems that uses the Omnigo system to ensure safer facilities. The visitor management software is now live at both Midtown and Northside campuses and the John B. Amos Cancer Center." -- Is this what the "facility fee" is? It's more about "the money" than safety. Hmmm....must have "valid ID"... hey, why don't we just make hospital visitors' admission desks voter registration and ballot drop-off stations!

Online "headLIE" - Support for proposed changes to Georgia voting laws fall along party lines in Muscogee County" -- "headLIE"...." It's not just by Party lines, it's more about whether you are informed or not.

Online story: "Legislation allowing undocumented students to pay in-state tuition for Georgia public colleges and universities cleared a major hurdle in the General Assembly on Thursday. * The House Higher Education Committee passed a measure brought by Rep. Kasey Carpenter, R-Dalton, that would extend lower-cost tuition rates to thousands of so-called “Dreamers” in Georgia who are protected from deportation under the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program." -- Aside from the obvious US as well as GA citizenship issues, who is going to pay this tuition? And are they going to be "eligible for unsecured "student loans" ? With all the pertinent issues for citizens of this state, why is this a front-burner issue?

From the "poetic justice" department - Online headline: "San Francisco TV reporter robbed of camera at gunpoint * The San Francisco Police Department saw a $25 million budget cut" -- You know... with the San Francisco economy suffering, I imagine MSM's revenue flow is suffering as well.. Maybe the cost of replacing the camera will be felt, and media will feel financial pain and get upset at the replacement costs.. and.. well, GET OFF ITS BUTT and go back to working to get criminals OFF THE STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO.... again!

From the "Timberrrrrrr!" department - Online headline: "Obama urged support for Warren, said Buttigieg couldn’t win WH because he’s ‘gay,’ new book claims" -- Oh,,, and don't forget "short"! This story probably would never have run if Trump had been elected...
Not having Trump in office may be the blessing God is giving us... MSM has only liberals to focus on! 2024 will be here faster than we had imagined..

Another from the "Timberrrrrr! department - Online headline: "LeBron James, NBA stars silent on Chinese court ruling homosexuality possible mental disorder." -- Betcha "short" was also a "stay mum" word...

And another from the "Timberrrrrrrr!" department - Online headline: "CNN host Chris Cuomo gets ripped for joking he is ‘black on the inside’" -- Hmmm... Once a Fredo, always a Fredo!

From the "livin' the california dream.... ugh!" department - Online story: "Sn Francisco homeless tents are assigned the parking slots around the city * The cost reached up to $61000 per annum for the individual tent. The price is way too high compared to the one-bedroom apartment price in San Francisco that also doubled the price and some more in it, says San Francisco Chronicle." -- Good grief! $5,000 a month to house a homeless person in a tent! In Columbus, GA.. for about $2,000.00 a month, you can get a $350,000.00 home ..including property taxes and insurance....
Online headline: "Biden officials visited U.S.-Mexico border Saturday amid migrant influx" -- Good grief! to do what... tell illegal aliens to sneak in the back door rather than knock on the "front door" as guests?

Online headline: "Majority of House Democrats vote in favor of lowering voting age to 16" -- Hmmm... and how will they get to the polls since most teens do not get driver's licenses any more until they are older? Hmmm... wanna bet carjacking go up in Major "Blue Cities" every even-yeared October-November? Hmmm--- wonder if the Majority of House Democrats feel that Tiffany France;s son in Baltimore who flunked ALL BUT # classes in 4 years was qualified to vote at age 16?

Online headline: "Biden signs voter registration executive order as he pushes Senate to pass sweeping HR 1 bill" -- Seriously? Didn't we just re-establish that only state legislators have the authority to change the voting laws in their states according to the US Constitution , and that only the people can change our Constitution?

Online headline: "Edie Falco playing Hillary Clinton in TV show about Bill Clinton's impeachment: report" -- Hmmm...who says Hollywood doesn't have a sense of humor... even though it's "dark". Wanna bet Bill Clinton is more interested in who they pick to play Monica?

Online headline: "San Francisco district to reopen after putting school name backlash to rest" -- Oh! A deal has been reached.... Guess the boards and union officials know elections are coming, the natives are restless, and Newsom's head is on the chopping block.

Online headline: "Where ISIS ruled, Pope Francis calls on Christians to forgive, rebuild" -- Hey, POOP this for their past terrorism, or for what they are planning for the future. Of course Christians can forgive... but forgetting can't be part of the deal... forgetting just means that by nor remembering, Christians will not be on guard .. prepared... for future ISIS relapses..

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