Friday, March 12, 2021

 From the ""Prez JoKKKe Biden's "handlers" need to get out of the White House more often" department - Online headline: "Mayday aim: Biden wants everyone vaccine-eligible by May 1" -- Good grief! The CDC already has "eligibility" dates of class "1b" for March 12th, class "2b" for April 12th, and class "2" of May 3rd. Moving the last date for the least susceptible group forward by 2 days is not rocket science nor "bold" leadership...

Online headline: "119 Democrats Join Republicans as House Rejects Letting Incarcerated People Vote" -- Well, we KNOW the Dems and MSM will "use" this to paint all Republicans as racists for the 2022 Mid-Term elections, but how about a list of the 119 Democrats who agree with the Republicans that not letting prisoners vote is both sanity and an aid to stop vote fraud.

Why was the East Room of the White House chosen over the Capitol Building's House Chamber..The East Room is roughly 80 by 37 feet,, about 3,000 square feet, and if you abide by Covid-19 regulations, about 82 people could stand or sit a la "Bernie meme-like" in that room, but with the bulk of the room filled with "red carpet" and state flags, there was only room enough for "techies" and all their "back-up" Teleprompters.

Now.. my guess as to why Prez Joke Biden did not speak in the House Chamber is because Queen PeLOUSY could not guarantee that a huge segment of Progressive would not stand or clap on her command, nor guarantee that some of the Progressives wouldn't yell out, "YOU LIE!" when ever JoKKKe Biden mentioned keeping his promises.

It's getting serious in NY... both AOC and Jerry " Lord Farquaad" Nadler are calling for his head!

Online headline: "‘WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!’ Don Lemon ERUPTS on Sen. Tim Scott for ‘Gaslighting’ About Threat of ‘Woke Supremacists’" -- LEMON is a worse racist than Prez JoKKKe Biden... it's one thing when JoKKKe Biden questions a Black person's "blackness" depending on who he voted for, but it's shame when a Black Socialist-Democrat slurs another Black person developing his own mind and voice.

Online headline: "Psaki: Biden ‘honoring and valuing’ Indians by saying they are ‘taking over’ US" -- Wait a minute... weren't we recently discussing JoKKKe Biden slurring Indian-Americans by saying he couldn't go into a "7-11" because he didn't speak Indian?

Online headline: "House Bill 479 passed unanimously in the Georgia House of Representatives this week. The bill makes changes to the citizens arrest law that was originally enacted in 1863. It takes away the ability for a private citizen to arrest someone they see committing a crime." -- Good grief! Now more Georgians will HAVE "to carry" and probably shoot first and ask questions later because the perps will run when the victim tries to call in a 911 call for an officer to come and make an arrest 2 or 3 hours later.

Online headline: "More than 500 athletes tell NCAA to move championships out of states with anti-trans sports bans" -- Hmmm... I think the NCAA should make sure it signs up men who have won the NCAA men's track championships to compete with the women trying to win the Women's events in every category where a woman has demanded "trans" can compete. Maybe a year or two of zero biological women winning will make those women rethink their opinion.

Online headline: "MCSD considering district rezoning for 2022-2023 school year" -- Hmmm.. Shouldn't this be done every couple of years anyway?

Online headline: "Pelosi says Dems 'will persist' on $15 minimum wage, despite failure to get in COVID bill * Democrats intend to pass separate legislation" -- Gotta repeat this question: "Let me get this straight... the Socialist-Dems want to raise the minimum wage to $15.00 per hour yet they want to let illegal and migrant workers into our country to pick their vegetables because Americans won't do it and the illegals and migrants will work for less money.. Isn't this xenophobic, racist, judgmental, AND elitist? Sounds like the "Animal Farm" agenda .... "all animals are equal, but some (of us) animals are MORE EQUAL".

Have you noticed... that Christian Schools are open full time and public schools are either sporadic, part-time, partially, or not at all. You know.. could it simply be that prayer is allowed in Christian run schools?

Online headline: "Texas congressman, ex-sheriff: Biden admin 'almost aiding and abetting' human trafficking" -- Hmm.. what do you mean JoKKKe Biden "is
almost aiding and abetting human trafficking"? He's on the RECORD for inviting unaccompanied minors to cross into the US illegally!

Online headline: "California proposes curriculum with chanting name of Aztec god who accepts human sacrifice" -- As weird as this sounds, it's even more weird that california has professors on payroll to teach this..

From the "no wonder Dems want to let 16 year olds vote" department - Online headline: "NYC school encourages kids to stop using words like ‘mom,’ ‘dad’ in ‘inclusive language’ guide" -- It's bad enough that college's won't talk to parents unless the student is under 18, but now a secondary school is trying to eliminate parents from the conversation as well.

Online headline: "Dr. Seuss goes to Washington: How the GOP plans to use the culture wars to win elections" -- Good grief! The Republicans look like they are going to go down the same "rabbit hole" they did in November.. attacking Democrat candidates on issues their voters don't care about instead of talking about all the positive things they accomplished under Trump's leadership..

Sorry this is so late.. my cable/wifi supplier was on the fritz this morning..

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